Act-age 107 Korean scans

I don't know what's going on, but it seems like a really entertaining chapter.

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Wasted Hanako, in more ways than one.

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Araya subbing in for the absent Akira.

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Look who's here!

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This page has incredible potential for being posted out of context.

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So, did they reveal which team won?

And that's it, I'm really looking forward to the English version.

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Dang, what a pro.

This expression looks somehow unnatural coming from Araya's face.

Doesn't look like there's been an upset so most likely Team B.

Thanks for the dump user

Even after the play is over, Ayumi's existence revolves around looking nervous.

I can't believe Araya is fucking dead bros. I guess it was only natural since he is Iwao's student but damn...

Ayumi-chan confirmed homophobe.

Araya is fucking great

>golden eyed Yonagi

>Araya is fucking great
What a whore

That's nothing new. Look at him, he is looking at his new victim.

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Araya a powerbottom

Chiyoko is so smooth and handsome.

Horrible. Just horrible.

How much do I need to pay some gooks to come and TL chapters for us?

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>thinking she has a chance of winning against Chiyoko

just wait a day and half

I hate Viz, their translations are really flawed and almost always worse than a fan-TL.

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Rigu calls him Myoujin instead of Iwao Jr now.

>be Yonagi

Ok user, it's funny for the 100 posts. Now it's getting old real fast.

How the fuck did she get up there? And with the kids too? There's no way that's humanly possible with the time she had

Man Yonagi is strong

yonagi is superaltetic


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did you not see the smoking hot boyfriend she has right here ?
yonagi's the real winner in all this

Kei will relieve the stress of being an amateur all of Chiyoko when they get home and have hot steamy lesbian sex!

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He says this, posting the two gayest characters in the series.

Is it me or she's getting thicker?

Tights make even the skelly of girls look curvy.

Araya is not gay, he likes anything.

Yeah but usually her thighs weren't depicted that thick unless I'm misremembering

so you're saying he's down to fuck man, yes.

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Yes and also woman. That's a bislut, not gay.

Yeah, I guess I was just misremembering then

Where the fuck is Nanao's sexslave?

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It's the power of big sister

Wait, what? What happened to super serious Yonagi's performance? this feels like an extra. Feels like she just ended up losing anyway and it's like "I'll get you next time".

I don't know who that is but he has stars on eyes so it must be him

>Chiyoko won the popularity poll
>Araya and Akira 3rd and 4th with CHAD nowhere to be seen
Awful taste all around, Yonagi's always been carrying the show, and her and chad's bickering was actually fun unlike with Akira.

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>Araya literally consumed Akira

Riku got 7th place IIRC so he's right outside that top 6.

Araya deserves his third place but yeah I agree about Akira/Riku.