3x3 Thread

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The thing that most struck me most about Hunter x Hunter is how the entire Chimera Ant arc felt like one long work of literature, like a 19th century baroque novel or a Shakespearean tragedy. It's rife with symbolism, irony, themes, and felt appropriately mature and tonally rich. Some of the passages spoken by the narrator were so beautiful and memorable (e.g. the humans in the sky line), and the narration served to create the feeling that I was reading some intricate tapestry of prose. I loved how tragic and anticlimactic the death of Meruem was, because it was richly meaningful in tandem with the themes presented by the arc; and it's because of this that I speak of him in the same way I do as Macbeth, or Oedipus, or John Milton's Lucifer.

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>19th century
Quality bait.

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Can't say I'm the biggest fan of Hunter x Hunter, the only arcs I really like are the last half od chimera ant and the card game arc but I'll give extra points for Takemitsu Zamurai, its my favourite manga of all time. Taiyo Matsumoto really stepped up his game even further than Ping Pong, especially with the amazing paneling. The characters are really fun to follow as well, especially Senou, Daizoboru and Kikuchi

2/4 i should add slam dunk on mine
3/6 i will never get why people like eva

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>I will never get why people like Eva
It probably has the most broad appeal of any anime ever made. It appeals to shounenfags, waifufags, 2deep4u types and many more. I personally like it for its direction and because it feels like a spiritual successor to some of Dezaki’s more character-centric anime.

3/9 Only really a fan of E7 and SZS here, although Kino and Paniponi are pretty alright.

4/6 Arcadia of My Youth was pretty cool, but I actually prefer the original series still.

6/8 Don't like Kaguya-sama, Yotsuba is cute I guess.

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Don't bother replying to his copy pasta.

>i will never get why people like eva
they "like" it because they're trying to fit in and they think it means they have "good taste"

>I still prefer the original series
I love the original series, and it was my first exposure to Harlock, but it suffers from filler arcs and QUALITY Toei animation.

>i will never get why people like eva
what's there to dislike?

>second post is an hunterfag pasta
nope. I'm skipping this one. have fun you guys

>not a new IP
whats your game?

I posted this and was going through the grids to rate them but then I noticed the second post was a pasta

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Anime: 2/4
Girls: 3/4

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Plus manga.

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I did mine in rings with the ones I like more closer to the center.

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what are middle left and right? 4/4

What program/app do you use to create these collages?

Any image editor will do. It's probably the easiest with GIMP if you use its "Guide" feature.

Middle right is Yugami kun anf left is Voynich Hotel, these two are really good

Attached: 3x3anime.png (1365x920, 1.24M)

+madoka, watamote, girls last tour, haibane renmei, champloo, mushishi, trigun, 3gatsu
~umaru, death note
-chuuni, yuuki yuna, hnk, erased, klk, shinsekai yori

oh yeah, did I mention I saw the Baja sequel yesterday? Y'all should watch it.

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>Has both Madoka and YuYuYu in his grid
pretty based.

if it's so good why didn't it make your grid?

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I kinda flip flop around a lot. Right now i feel like exchanging Ashitae no Joe for Otoyomegatari again. Lets see.

2/2 a lot of shows that are on my watchlist

I don't know if Hunter'chads' write this shit ironically or not. I like HxH and just got out of my 3x3 recently but its fanbase always leaves a sour taste behind for me.

4/5 Nihei never really did it for me




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>I don't know if Hunter'chads' write this shit ironically or not.
"Hunterchads" are falseflaggers. All they write is irony. That much should be obvious.

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For the center nine: 3/6


Characters: 4/5
Anime: 4/5




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It was perfect but not within 6x6 territory

Best paniponi girl
Having more than one waifu will ruin your laifu
6/8 tho

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Been watching anime again due to having nothing better to do. I gotta say, I'm kinda surprised was as into it as I was 5 or so years ago

Tylor is a great show
Great taste in visuals. Are you an artist?
Didn't like Kaiji
I chuckle whenever I get reminded of Victory
I liked Utena, but I honestly had some issues relating to it. I might honestly be too misogynistic to fully appreciate it

Aw crud

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>Are you an artist?
I enjoying doing art, but I’ve not committed to it seriously. My art teacher in HS actually bought one of my still-life drawings from me to frame on her wall, but that’s it. I suck at drawing human figures though.

As for my 3x3, I gave it a colour scheme to make it resemble the Tres Colores, to reflect that RoV is my all-time favourite anime.

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Read Waters by the Mushishi woman and it's very Japanese. Not as good as Igarashi. Also read Dressrosa in One Piece and most of the complaints about it are retarded. Punk Hazard still the only bad arc.
Didn't like Otoyomegatari story because it's so boring unless you're a woman. Fantastic for women, not for me. Tomorrow's Joe is better but Harimao is a permanent Mark against it. Korean guy sucked too.
I don't like Murata's art. It ruined Eyeshield for me and it's worse in One Punch Man.
Might read top middle soon. Only 5 volumes so it's a quick read. I can't remember what mid left is.

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What's the first one?

Drifting Dragons

Thank you user

In no particular order.

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> webcomic chad

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Aren't translations seriously behind?

We've only got through volume 7 at the moment. Usually there's a scan of the English release because nobody buys the tanks from Japan.

Is it that unpopular?


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what's bottom middle one

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the golden bird

Anime/manga: 2/3
Girls: 3/3








>the golden bird
thank you user

I think that's the first time I've seen Attractive Gorilla posted here. Underrated.

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what gundam series is bottom right?


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Hidamari really is the best.

can someone explain how you rate each other?
I don't understand the 4/5, 2/3, 6/8 comments...