JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

Kohei Ashiya, animation director of Stardust Crusaders, Diamond is Unbreakable and Vento Aureo, sending his regards to Italybros

>I love Italy which was the setting of the story of JoJo! Let's hope that our italian comrades will be free from this pandemic as soon as possible. Same goes for Japan. The heart is the same!!

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-27.png (598x695, 611.72K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>it is necessary to disinfect often
>let's put on the mask
>open the windows and ventilate

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Are the quarantine measures even working? Feels like it's getting worse everywhere.

>Feels like it's getting worse everywhere.
Not in based China.

>let's wash our hands thoroughly with foam!
>let's do the gargles!
>I stay at home. avoid at all costs unnecessary exits!

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UHHHHHHH Fugochads? I'm thinking we're back.

>trusting chinese numbers
Good one, user

It seems pretty stable in Norway, though it is a country with a small population compared to most others

>it's in moments like these that all of us must help each other out!!
>(I'm sorry if my italian is wrong)

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based diavolo

Best bossu

What did Araki say though?

Very nice

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>Even Mario is there
Based DP

Yesterday only 700 Italians died and over 800 spaniards, because they had millions of feminists protesting in the street on the 8th despite there already being cases there.

That's not good social distancing, bossu.


Dilate normalfag tranny

>Same goes for Japan. The heart is the same!!
wholesome af

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This is rather cute

>Italy is being ravaged by plague


Attached: YoungCioccolata.png (576x324, 259.2K)

Thats Pericolo.

Does this mean that Fugo reunites with the gang after the story’s events?


I hope you get the virus most of all.

>living characters are chilling in mafia house
>dead characters are in a bathroom
i guess they did go to hell

Fugo never left Passione, everyone else did.

why is part 6 so ugly bros? almost every character that isn't main looks deformed

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Kek, triggered normalfag i hope you watch your family choke to death on their lung glue while you are forced to go into inyour wagie cage in order to make a rich jew even richer.

Cringe t b h

Fuck, his Italian is great.

>italybros internet connection is dying...

Dilate with a penis.

HD's Stand is named 『SUSPICIOUS MIND』

>We're caught in a trap
>I can't walk out
>So, if an old friend I know
>Drops by to say hello
>Would I still see suspicion in your eyes?

>mostly female fans

Only women can understand Jojo.

No, there are a lot of male cosplayers too. I'd say it's a good 50-50. This applies to all cons I went to in the past.


Fujos are responsible for CLAMP user
Jojo has always had a huge female fanbase especially when they ramp the gayness up at Part 5



>fucking cioccolato is there
Don't know how I feel about this

The Chinese are why we're in this fucking mess, you stupid retard.

And they were the first nation to solve things.

Too bad Vento Aureo was a fucking trainwreck.

Has nothing to do with what was being talked about; China is recovering from the pandemic which is what was said.

It does you stupid chink, how can you say China is based? China should be nuked and the remaining chinks should all be gassed.

Nothing burger bro! It's just a flu bro!

Araki is starts saving his effort for focused characters like you see in SBR and give background the minimum.

They aren't a background character if they are the only character we see for four panels


CURSED images

You’ve ever been to Florida?

They should at least learn what hygiene means

>trusting ccp aproved numbers

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>70s donatella

Stay where you are.

So spooky.

Fuck off, Chinese shill piece of shit.


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What the hell, how is his italian so good?