OPT: One Page thread

This is an OPT. it is a very long running tradition on Yas Forums where we post a page from a manga. whether a page that they in particular like or wish other people to share.
It usually starts with a fairly simple piece of text that sometimes means it is mistaken as a template thread the unfortunate consequence of this is that they are occasionally deleted

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Other urls found in this thread:


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I finished it yesterday. It went to shit after the Judah tree was destroyed for the first time in volume 6 or something

Whyd they stop translating it?

iif you want to falseflagging, you should get the gay couple page

a recent one

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Newest chapter got translated today.

How many Marios are you worth?

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Source? Literally nothing on saucenao or Google


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Shin was such an edgelord

Ever wonder what Gangs of New York would look like if made by a Jap?

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I always just squeeze the candy out from the bottom.

>people are actually reading this series
Thank god, I was beginning to think it was just me. Bought the 5th volume yesterday and I love this series.
>Rei is now a magical man
>ganguro girl gets reunited with her dead boyfriend
>kayo continues to display actions that she actually cares about rei

The only downside is the damn wait times for releases
>next release isn't till August

I just want to keep reading, I can't recall the last time I read a series where I was this desperate for more.

The creator has openly stated that she hates people posting her series.


>best girl gets beaten by a cardboard box
I love this series for it's gradual transformation of the main character, but I hate the main girl.

>Rei is now a magical man
light or dark?
does the translation feel good? often they can be clunky or miss stuff which really makes you a bit pissed about buying the thing, whoever translated d-frag nerfed the dialogue.

Light. The matsunmo that was possessing that red haired check ended up residing in him somehow. The demon tried to use his power to control him and ended up getting used by Rei.

I understand your apprehension. They used most of the honorifics and everything sounds normal. The only thing that bug me recently is that they used "ocean" for the ganguro girl as her name. Probably because Ocean in japanese is Kaiyo and they thought readers might get confused or some shit so they literally called her "Ocean".

Worst one I encountered was the physical for Dorohedoro, Noi keeps calling Shin boss instead of senpai and kikuragi is literally translated to "juda's ear".

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How is this going?
I've been planning to start this for a while now.

It's great but avoid the threads since they devolved into a giant circlejerk years ago. If you plan on following it monthly be aware that the pacing is slow due to chapter length averaging out at 20 pages outside volume enders.

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Whatever happened to this? Did it get axed?

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So Hisao did end up choosing Hanako.

>The demon tried to use his power to control him and ended up getting used by Rei.

based Rei, mighty pompadour badass

Easily my favorite character in the series. Who he was fighting at the time just made it even better. God I just want to keep reading! It's so damn good!

but as this is Rei, I'm guessing he hasn't made any romantic progress whatsoever.

The jury is still out on Kayo, she's still abusive towards him, yet displays lil moments where she seems to take his feelings into consideration and even protect him. Granted she defends everyone she considers a friend or ally.

Funny enough nako and Kyouka have both displayed interest in him so even while his progress with the heroine is minimal, he's building some groupies.

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Still need to finish this series, I know I'm close.

Poor Ebisu, she didn't deserve all the shit that happened to her throughout the series.

Kayo doesn't matter so much she's a violent psychopath, however Nako needs that pompadour

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Thread needs more yokoi

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Poor anchovy taking the quarantine hard.

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>I know I'm close
hoo boy, I thought that and realized there were 80 chapters left. It just doesn't seem to end or be going anywhere.

This is too sad, please tell me it ends in a happy way

I tried google images and it gives me nothing

Just read it, this is great

Is this manga still being translated?

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Yeah but theres only 2 chapters, the last one was 2 years ago. I just want to know if thats because the scanlators died or because it got axed.

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Dropped, but interest may be renewed due to the anime announcement. Although that may not happen since I recall the mangaka released a chapter during the release schedule telling people to stop pirating it.

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>How is this going?
Pic related

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what if the whole chapter is technically one page?

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Is there a greater recurring antagonist in Japanese media than speeding truck drivers?

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The Japanese cold

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A shame that scanlator releases for this are so sporadic.

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