C98 cancelled in unsurprising news

C98 cancelled in unsurprising news.

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Nobodies architecture is better or weapons or space and health tech. Forgive me because in Japan I wouldn't know the name of what I need off the bat. I only know my American terms for what I would need. Mars and immortal life.

Just fuck my shit up, senpai.


Them nips are still going to sell their stuff online, rite?


It is.

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Hey tripfag, learn how to use the catalog.

Speak for yourself. I'm close to tears here

If you didn't see this coming you have only yourself to blame, I got all my negative emotions out the moment the virus was first revealed


Japan doesn't need to pretend everything is fine anymore now that the olympics are postponed. Expect a lot more events to be cancelled and to see their infected numbers massively spike over the next 2 weeks now that they're doing more testing.

Really reassuring to know that Abe would have continued the farce until the Olympics weren't officially postponed. Makes you meditate about who governs you country.

What else do you expect from a nationalist right winger like Abe?

Yeah, I heard even his own cabinet is turning against him.

Nah, that's just how nipponese culture works. They must keep up the facade of a perfect society even when the pandemic is a global issue.

Guess it's finally time.

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>the world literally collapsing just because chinks cant stop eating weird shits

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It's funny when you put it that way.

Thats everywhere you fucking moron.

who cares lmao

>ntr shit and used goods cancelled
Good, haven't fapped to doujins in over a year.

It's all garbage now.

otakus & fujos on suicide watch

Well when you put it like that maybe the world deserves to collapse

>that one faggot who wants all doujins to be the same generic defloration loveydovey vanillashit over and over again
NTR serves a vital role of triggering self-inserters, regardless of the fetish itself.

>you don't like cuckshit therefore you're a vanillafag
Ah, the infamous NTRigger's law.

>thinking they'd close the olympics but not comiket
Not very bright huh?

theyve been eating weird shit before your civilization came to be. its how they survive us

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Comiket is boring anyways, unless you are actually poor there isn't much to be saved vs going and buying it at nakano or aki later that day. Cosplaying and drinking is probably the only fun thing to do at comiket, been going for 3 years. I rarely buy anything

>NTRfag trying to justify his shitty existence

how does it feel being a cuck?

The virgin all other countries vs The CHAD China

You know that the virus could have mutated in a bat anywhere else in the world, bite/licked some fruits that were later picked up by some human and transmited to other people.

It's not like people needed to fuck a monkey to get HIV, even though I think that was probably how it happened.

Dumb coomer

retard dipshit. pangolins in chinese wet markets transmitted a mutated covid virus that was able to hop species and started this shit. literally only happens because of their backwards ways.

Ironic and we thought the Olympic Games would kill the Comiket in 2020.

Comiket is way more fun.

>oh no comiket is canned
Not the only event you can get doujinshi at in japan
>My doujinshi!
Still released, mainly affects starting artists more than anything

Besides you can just go in December anyways, unlikely that will be canned unless we are really fucked. Besides Jump Festa is around that time and fun.

Sad but at the same time, fuck Fate niggers, eat shit.

Technically they are. Like Comiket was cancelled because Olympics finally postponed. It seems like japs don't take pandemic seriously either.

It's nice to see coomers seethe. They truly are plague of Yas Forums

How so, I've gone to a bunch in the past. The Yas Forums meet can be fun, but /jp/ anons at red saw are often huge party poopers, or into tons of lolishit. The con's badge system is meh, in august cosplaying isn't fun and in december it can be fucking cold. Most fun people to meet are from /trv/ or aussies to drink with and such

Getting in and out the trains are packed, you can easily get most mainstream shit in popup stores and other shit in aki a week or two after, and sometimes 'exclusives' at 4PM when the day ends.

Reitaisai, Osaka Street Festa, Jump Festa, Japan comic con, tend to be a bit more chill and fun.

Meh, every country eats weird stuff. And honestly given how dirt poor some the proud citizen of the Chinese Republic it'd make sense they would eat whatever meat they find.

If you gotta be made at the chinks, be mad that the virus was essentially detected one month before China officially aknowledged it and they literally imprisoned the doctors who actually raised the alarm. And then be mad at your own government who I'm almost certain downplayed the severity of the crisis and is now taking desperate measures to reduce the stress to hospitals which will have long-term economics consequences.

Can you actually prove any of that? Virus are constantly mutating, this shit could've happened in the wild anywhere in the world, there are bats everywhere, which eat fruit or even blood.

>The Yas Forums meet can be fun, but /jp/ anons at red saw are often huge party poopers, or into tons of lolishit.

You don't go with retarded western anime nerds and expect some fun night life antics. I went through their nonsense too.

There are also tons of artists which don't get their stuff sold on other places because of copyright (all the animator stuff for example).

go back to /soc/ fags

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The kind that doesn't get scanned often enough yet other less important ones do.

at least this increases the chances of existing doujins getting translated, right

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Literally the only true modern plagues (corona and the spanish flu) are both considered to come from China. Bush meat is a hell of a drug.

>every country eats weird stuff
No chinknigger no one does what they do. I would rather spend a year in the heart of nazi germany in 1942 as a jew then a day in china. Come back to me when you find another country that makes a habit of torturing their food and eating it alive for the fun of it. If every chinese person disappeared off this planet the entire earth would sigh a breath of relief.

>drinking the American kool-aid

>spanish flu
that's american though

It has not been proven, its just likely. You sound like a stupid chink who believes everything the media says.


I bet my ass thread will be derailed soon.

It's been derailed since last year.

Report the actual number of deaths in china commie. When this is over there will be a reckoning.

>and they literally imprisoned the doctors who actually raised the alarm
it should be a way to make pay china for all this shitshow

You're pretty dumb aren't you?

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>You don't go with retarded western anime nerds and expect some fun night life antics. I went through their nonsense too.
Lol I have fun with a lot of my friends who live there, some coworkers, and meeting people from abroad. Most are cool, but eh there some prime otaku people there.
>There are also tons of artists which don't get their stuff sold on other places
Most of it's not worth the hassle anyways, if you have that much of a passion for those things great. Though getting what you want is a lotto draw odds at best anyways.
> because of copyright (all the animator stuff for example).
You can still find them at second hand shops anyways, you just need to look and realize animate/super potato aren't the only places

hey discordtrannies, your hotpockets won't come any faster. go kys

>hates loli
Fuck off to reddit retards.

It COULD'VE mutated anywhere in the world.
But there's a reason why it happens in China more often than anywhere else.

The wet market they've got going is a place that holds a wide variety of animals in close proximity with poor hygiene.
Normally, if a virus mutates in such a way to cross from one species to another, the chance for it to actually come across a specimen from that species is small to none. Later on that virus would die and no one would know.
But on the wet market, the chance for it to hop from one species to another, either through feces or direct contact is way way bigger.

You fucking IDIOTS don't get it. I am fucking crying. I don't care why it stopped. Fuck this horseSHIT and I'm allowed to be upset