Koisuru Asteroid

This girl is hours away from discovering an asteroid.

Attached: [Erai-raws] Koisuru Asteroid - 05 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_01.00_[2020.02.01_20.29.58].jpg (1280x720, 88.52K)

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Are they really gonna discover asteroid on the last episode?

tune in and see

Attached: the real asteroid was the friends we made along the way.jpg (1280x720, 110.48K)

Asteroids in love.

Attached: 175.jpg (552x800, 421.34K)

Too early 5 hours.

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>bumping a thread from page 10

>heterosexual couple

Discover asteroid > love confession > 10/10 anime

mira is dumb


What is Blend S?

If Mira and Ao don't kiss after discovering the asteroid I'm going to be very upset.

Shit show.

A bizarre exception.

Maybe her butt hurts.

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>Koisuru Asteroid Sound Collection / Original Soundtrack / OST [2020] (CBR 192)

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They discover the Houseki no Kuni.

I'd buy this sticker.
Mira and Ao have very toyetic designs.

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Peak retard

I want my Ao.

Attached: Koisuru Asteroid - 03 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_08.38_[2020.01.18_12.43.31].jpg (1920x1080, 766.87K)

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I dont care what anyone says.
This show was great and I enjoyed it a lot.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Koisuru Asteroid - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_11.53_[2020.03.08_21.06.03].jpg (1280x720, 396.37K)

Me too, user. And I'm not even that into rocks, be it earth rocks or space rocks.

KoiAsu is probably the worst received Kirara show since Harukana Receive.

This isn't bad, just painfully mediocre

I enjoy all of these shows, but I enjoyed Harukana a lot more.

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Pretty much this. I'm a big SOL fan and I was greatly disappointed by how by-the-numbers and generic this was.

You're not touching the neurons. Don't touch my shit.

I know that's an minority opinion, given , but on my list of MTK works KoiAsu is at Top 10 if not Top 5--but then I'm also in the minority for not liking KinMoza very much.


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This show is honestly really mediocre and generic. I can't believe that Yas Forums likes this show so much and keeps praising it.

Will the dumb samefag just move on to the next Kirara show or keep shitposting in the future sparse Koiasu threads?

>thinking that only person didn't like the show on Yas Forums
>thinking that all Kirarafags like this show

turns out the real asteroid was the friends we made along the way

Probably both.

I liked most Kirara shows, just not this one.

Is there now a tendency for MTK Carat series to include more drama in it? MachiMazo of course, and even I think KoiAsu is already a lot more dramatic than the bog-standard CGDCT.

The reasons we pickup Kirara/SoL shows are the warm, fuzzy, and relaxing feelings they can provide us. The entire experience is subjective and can't be judged objectively like more traditional genres. Ideally, we should strive to create threads that replicate those feelings but criticizing a Kirara series that wasn't to your liking only causes shitposting and stress. So even if you can't stand a show, you should very rarely and carefully express your (negative) opinion of it. Let's not potentially sour the enjoyments others find in a genre we all love.

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>carefully express your (negative) opinion of it
Anons have been expressing their critiques of the show since the beginning, and even the objective ones were being shat on. Complaints about things such as the cookie-cutter designs and personalities, cliched first-half, apparent use of a trope checklist, astronomy being neglected, characters lacking development, and so on were all waved away. To be fair, the show did improve over the last few episodes, but for many, it may be a case of too little too late.

Mira's boyfriend looks cute.

Mira is just a clone of Cocoa and Ao a clone of Rize anyway

>Ao a clone of Rize
I don't think either Ayaya or Rize are autists?

no not really

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Somewhat better compared to

Expressing dissatisfaction isnt a bad thing. It shows you actually care about something being better. Straight shitposting doesnt benefit anyone though.

Well, I would say I won't count expressing reasoned dissatisfaction as shitposting, but then I'm not the person accusing others for shitposting either.

I'm an Aofag, though.

I actually wonder one thing: This series gets an adaptation confirmed at the first volume, so does that mean Hobunsha actually faxes to Dogakobo the upcoming plots, especially for those in the last few episodes...?

In the earlier phases of planning you don't even need to care about the later story
>making character models sheets
>auditioning seiyuu
>making out the outline of characters' rooms, school, space museum which requires to go there and take pictures
>sound design and OST
>commissioning the OP and ED
Although maybe the reason why production came to a halt with a recap episode wasn't because of the sudden corona but storyboarding constricts

>>making character models sheets
That's a problem: Chika and Nana appears in the manga very late (I'd say the second half of 2019), so does that mean the author already has their designed and personalities settled long before...?


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Is it me, or has interest for this show died quickly? I noticed that previous threads were mostly kept alive by the chapter dumps and translations. Something tells me that if it weren't for those, none of those threads would have reached bump limit. It's very strange to see for a Kirara show to have such a fate.

That looks very gay.

I think some posts above explained why--a lot of anons found this too formulaic; but personally I don't see it that way.

I think that might also explain why there's been less negative comments over the last few threads. It seems that most people already dropped it, leaving behind only dedicated fans.