Hunter x Hunter

Why is she so fucking annoying?

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Shit taste. She's best girl.

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i got tired of reading "grrrrrr, pariston, that bastard, i hate him"

Pariston's fault for teasing her. But he does it because he likes her.

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she doesn't have enough panel time to truly be annoying yet, if anything Pariston is more annoying

Are all the databooks written by Togashi or just some editor? They could have gotten some info wrong.

It's probably because 99% of her lines is just repeating whatever Pariston had just said.

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>christian cross
do dogs go to heaven?

Killua is cute!

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What's his endgame?

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He doesn't have one. And that's what makes him dangerous.

kek ok

enter BenCHADmin

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man the election arc was so fucking stupid. I still don't get why we were supposed to want Pariston to lose

She's the only zodiac that cares about the absolute state of the hunter associacion and wants to fix its problems, too bad she completely lacks the ability to do so

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It's the red cross cross, she's a doctor

to be as based as possible. he's only behind hisoka as of now

>Most prepared of the siblings
>Deputy Military Advisor of his country
>Subordinates have unwavering loyalty, Benjamin is their family now
>Hatsu respects the efforts of his men even in death, Benjamin will carry on their will
>humble enough to listen to his troops
>cares about his country and is willing to do anything to keep it prosperous
>narrator can't even spoil his Guardian Spirits ability because it's some OP shit
If you don't think Benjamin should be the next king of Kakin, you must be the kind of person who backed Sale-Sale.

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Pitou is cuter

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Hakoware is what Google Translate says.

Him, Cammy, and Halkenburg would make good leaders.

Hakoware is the broad name of Knuckles Ability. Potclean (A.P.R) is the name of the mascot when it's just collecting debt. Toritaten (I.R.S.) is the name of the mascot if you go bankrupt and are forced into Zetsu.

>good leader
Nice Joke. I agree about Halkenburg though. I'd place Zhang as the other candidate for good leader of the siblings. People like Tubeppa haven't had a chance to show off their strengths as leaders, and others like Luzurus would probably be better as advisors or officials and not the one running everything.

How would Shikaku have manipulated himself?

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If being selfish and prideful was that much of a write off Benjamin would fail the test as well. She's the only one to have done anything about a caste system that's pointlessly been a part of Kakin for many generations.

I was thinking about putting Zhang up there. I'm kind of rooting for him and he seems competent, but I'm not sure if he'd be particularly beneficial for the country. Tubeppa is another case of just wanting the power, but likely not doing too much to further the country. The other three have more of a track record that would point to success.

Shikaku is confusing, his ability looks like and shield that can take the ability it's been hit with an turn it into a card, which is nothing like manipulation, but Balsamico was expecting him to manipulate himself and I don't see how that ability would allow him to do that

Not them, but my Japanese gf also pronounced it like that

>If you don't think Benjamin should be the next king of Kakin, you must be the kind of person who backed Sale-Sale.
I'm backing the best prince.

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Something similar to Shalnark? He doesn't necessarily have to use cards for a self manipulation ability, he just needs to have some way of controlling himself long enough for the opponents ability to fail. Unfortunately he either didn't have time or didn't activate this sub-ability.

>She's the only one to have done anything about a caste system that's pointlessly been a part of Kakin for many generations.
I legitimately think she just used the caste system to create disposable soldiers. I have no trust that she actually cares about any of these people beyond being tools for her cause. Her Guardian Spirit has manifested the ability she desired, having people do what she wants. She only believes in herself given her cat Hatsu. And she even treats her own mother like shit.

Benjamin is stern and prideful but like I mentioned, he has more admirable traits to override those.

Tse isn't walking out this arc alive. Neither is Benjamin unless Togashi makes a huge upset but best of luck to you.

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>this ugly pic again

>literally Jesus Christ look-alike
>he's an evil sociopath killer

>nen becomes stronger after death, as seen with Pitou
>your hatsu might grow stronger or even change it's nature
>Hisoka was dead for at least several minutes and then gummed himself back to life
Threadly reminder Hisoka now most likely has Bungee Gum Requiem and is the strongest person on the ship, as strong as Gon-san/Pre-Rose Meruem

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Cammy would make a good leader. She has a hugely devoted following and she can get people to fall in line.

have they explained why they don't have families yet? does benji make them kill them in exchange for power?

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It's a subversion.

It probably just means they are willing to disregard their own birth clans and family for Benjamin.

The gsb has nothing to do with the ability, she prepared them for years before even receiving the nen beast

Kurapika Paladinknight
Machi Morrow
Pariston Freeces
Cheadle Paladinknight
Illumi Morrow
Theta Hui Gui Rou
Pitou user

>I legitimately think she just used the caste system to create disposable soldiers. I have no trust that she actually cares about any of these people beyond being tools for her cause.
That's probably a big chunk of it, but I don't think Camilla herself has been fully explored. A lot of her attitude about the world being unfair, for example, doesn't only have to apply to herself. Whatever the motive was, there are some things other princes won't care about or approach that Cammy will do because she feels like it. Basically, if she doesn't like someone she wants them dead then and there, but if she doesn't see why a group of people have to suffer she wouldn't hesitate to remove them from their circumstances and put them to better use elsewhere without consideration for a cultural precedent.


gon zoldyck

Cheadle Hill

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killua freecss

>On the occasions where all-female ships landed on Whale Island, Gon would take them to town and they would teach him "a lot of stuff"
well, it's a mistery how he still has childish behaviour

>most likely
Threadly reminder that your theory is still shit.

I'm coming for you, Chrollo

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Gon Morrow

Hisoka Lucilfer

>The gsb has nothing to do with the ability
I meant how her personality affected the development of her Guardian Spirit. Kacho wanted her and her sister to make it out alive, she creates a protector for whichever sister isn't killed off. Halkenburg is a democratic man who believes fiercely in group unity and his guardian spirit reflects that. Rinse and repeat for each prince.

Camille wants the world to bend to her desires purely because she says so, her GS has some unspecified manipulation ability to reflect that.

>there are some things other princes won't care about or approach that Cammy will do because she feels like it
You are correct, but this isn't exclusive to her either. I doubt she cares about rehabilitation for drug addicts but Luzurus is the resident pot head who actually finds value in that. I do think she needs to be explored because the motive of why Camille approached the untouchables is more important to me than whether or not she will reform society in ways the others wouldn't. If she genuinely is offended by an outdated cultural stigma that puts people in destitution that raises her personal stock.

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Did that dragon thing Ging was riding come from the Dark Continent?

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>Cammy would make a good leader
She's a retard who gives in to her childish impulses.

if hunter x hunter is going to be on hiatus forever than one of us should try to finish it via fan fic.

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Okay, kurapika marries leorio, the end

He was implicated to have something to do with missing hunters and chimera ant shit but his genuine love for the Chairman made him very likeable.

I wonder how they’re going to fight in a ship full of crowded passengers.

all magical beasts come from dark continent

Chrollo will try hiding behind the mafia like a pussy but they will sell him out to Hisoka.

We'll be getting 10 chapters this year.

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Probably in heat

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Does Pitou also go into heat?


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Leorio should take the hint

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