Buyfag thread


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read the guide

If I had a whore like Seiba in my collection what would sipfag's friends think of me? Hard pass.

What do you mean? I have Artoria Pendragon in my collection and my friends think she's cool. Also, one of my friend is a huge Saberfag.

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No the idea of it is too shameful. I'll have to sell the seibas I never owned to make space for figures I'll never buy.

Give me one (1) reason why you aren't hugging your waifu's daki right now

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Because I snuck into your room and am hugging your waifu. Mwahahaha.

I don't get why you're trying to push this narrative about me. There's no reason I'd lie about me selling and collecting figures.

Because the US daki i ordered is being shipped from china.

You've been proven in the past to be a perpetual liar.

You are mentally ill and I'm not sharing pictures of what I'm selling or my collection.

You're the one that pretends to be part of a hobby you've never partaken in in some vain attempt at fitting in because you're a pathetic failure at life. You wish for all the things you'll never have and play make believe on anonymous imageboards as catharsis. I would feel bad for you if you weren't so fucking obnoxious.

Do not reply to avatarfags

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Is this Amico card the lastest released?

>I still need to get by trading a few cards I have missed, but with this chink pandemic on the way I don't want to get out of the house just to mail the cards I could trade
I guess I'll try to attempt to trade again when all this pandemic ends, unless the world ends first

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cute tony slut

It's what came with my order, so afaik it is since it wasn't February's card

Again, you're mentally ill. Get help. You say I'm obnoxious and yet you're the one bringing up my "name" in the 1st post in the thread. You say I'm an attention whore and you're the one asking me to post pictures. You say I'm pathetic while you're the one creating and making up shit about my life in your head. At least start charging for your head space, I never asked to live in your head rent free, bro.

Advice for you: get checked for Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Same. I'm going to die from Azur Lane.

Everything else may be getting delayed but at least I got this cute bote.

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How does Yas Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.

Nice, Idk if is the perpective of the photo, but it looks like the height of this card is taller than the regular ones
Can you take a pic of that card next to other amico card to see if both are of the same size, thx

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>Advice for you: get checked
Only if you go first.

>Freedom Bote
Fuck Yeah!

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Because in my Latinamerican shithole dont sell 160x50 pillows and is too expensive for buying from japan.

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Good 3rd grader response. Remember this when people tell your sociopathis ass that you're obnoxious.

And now corona chan fucked the postal services world wide

>buyfag thread
>only 2 posts in someone is triggered beyond repair by someone not even in the thread
Keep going, this is more entertaining than most threads on Yas Forums

Solaris came through

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Resize your shit Imperial.

same size as all my others.

on that note, I just realized I somehow ended up with 3 of the one on the right. do you have a collage of 2019's cards so I can see if maybe I got an old one by mistake? I know I should have 2 because one order was split.

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I'm done feeding this person. Clearly he has mental problems if the first thing that comes to his mind when posting in this thread is me.

Talk to you later, best friend.

>he doesn't have at least one Saber fig in his collection
I find this hard to believe at this point.

Pic related is my battle station/shrine for her. Hit me with your best shot.

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You mean now all I have to do to get your lying pathetic ass to shut up is respond to you? My birthday was earlier this month but thanks.

>same size as all my others.
That's a relief that they are the same size, I was right on assuming it was the perspective of your pic

>do you have a collage of 2019's cards
Sadly, pic related in the most updated pic I have saved and btw the green dots filled aren't mine
Can someone here who have a more updated amico checklist be kind enough to post it
Thanks in advance

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I'm more triggered by your lack of a second monitor. How do people function without two

The printer on the barstool is kind of ghetto.

Just got Phat Company's Miyamoto Musashi

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I really like the look of her. Her color scheme really makes her stand out like a Gundam.

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Love the detail on the katanas. Anytime you can see a hamon and bo-hi is always a plus.

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Yeah I need to make a few trips but corona-chan won't let me.

I was going to get one but this virus has me stuck at home. I really want a second one

And the required fan-service shot. Overall I think the figure is good. It's nice to look at and does have a unique presence because of the dual katanas. If you can find it somewhere cheaper than asking, you'll be getting a great deal.

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The pose is pretty basic. Sturdy though. You won't have to worry about her leaning any time soon like with a more dynamic pose.

it's a good figure. the pattern on her robes are great. how much did you pay for her? i am waiting for a worth bunny artoria.

I got it from amiami, so it was around $200 minus shipping.

Very nice, user. I might ger her Berserker version if my favorite berserker (Salome) is not made as figure by the time Musashi comes out. You can never go wrong with Musashi's udders.

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You're not getting shit. Now shut the fuck up bitch.

Oh, I'm getting her.

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Be sure to post bunches and bunches of pictures when you do, pally wally.

Not a fan of the figure but appreciate the nice photos

Cute idols

Why does this bitch have the most boring poses? I'd still coom in her though.


That's the point.

Are you brain damaged?

aren't we all?

Thanks, I need to figure out how I want to display all the Maki keychains I've been getting. Used to only collect her figures, but they have been releasing so many keychains recently I decided to broaden my horizons.

Can you stop giving this pathetic waste of fresh air the attention his parents never gave him ?