Oi kono yarou

Oi kono yarou

Attached: 1545452399460.webm (1280x720, 2.55M)

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The one on the right is adorkable

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>くそたっれぶす やっろ。お前え死にたいやっろぜ。その やりまん犬かボッケ!うううううああ!

Attached: tumblr_pb5a88QWP91tgazl6o1_1280.jpg (700x726, 47.05K)


Attached: 1470165598494.jpg (286x286, 23.43K)

Have a cute and delicate penis btw.

You talkin to me?!

So smooth

>Oh boi, my favorite part of the day,yay.

Attached: ikke.jpg (636x477, 106.4K)

Why is this in 400 FPS?

>He can't move in 2000 FPS

all three are dorks

Attached: 1543561728736.webm (1280x720, 375K)

Attached: 1543602686062.gif (502x436, 387.03K)

What an aggressive boy.

Attached: 1562949799682.jpg (1280x720, 300.78K)

their designs are way too good to have been side characters in just one episode, they need a whole series

Why aren't you watching in 400 fps?

Attached: 1558735965928.webm (1280x720, 1.73M)

Why are all anime CGI now? It looks so fucking bad.

its not cgi, its just a high frame rate
think Kill Bill

because I don't watch interpolated garbage.

Attached: 1509183017536.png (700x770, 216K)

He's fast!

They look constipated

they're very scary bosozoku moving at hgih speeds

Attached: 1543527458207.jpg (1920x2120, 1.15M)

Sometimes I like to think about the countless idiots in the threads that didn't get this.

d-didn't get what

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I dont know what you're talking about if you're going to be vague

Attached: 1539306882032.webm (510x500, 136.44K)

Stupid egg

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How do you achieve that effect?

that looks like a new medabots series

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Peak egg

Attached: cap_[Vivid] Zombie Land Saga - 12 [B5F0618E]_00:11:30_08.png (1920x1080, 1.87M)

literally high fps, de-interpolate filtered down to normal fps

Attached: 1582198883079.jpg (1140x1574, 484.22K)

They promised a season 2, where is it?

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I would have assumed October but still no date.

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She definitely wears the pants in this relationship.

Attached: 1544443659060.webm (496x720, 178.95K)

I assume they'll be very conservative with their estimates for a release date right now. They do outsource parts of the animation to Korea, and no one knows how the Corona situation will develop in the near future.

at least, the shorts
why does this lesbian wear mens PJs

i thought that was a condom

We get it she has a penis. No one cares.

That's bullshit. Other anime also have dates set.

Not all anime are produced the same way and not all anime are at the same point in their production circle. Right now is not the best time to make predictions for the immediate future. If they plan a summer or autumn release, there's literally no reason to come out with it right now, and if they don't know 100% whether they can keep it, they'd be stupid to announce it.

if it was a summer release they would be talking about the date now
its going to be autumn

Why are delinquent girls so great?

Attached: 1571375817667.png (1000x1000, 597.93K)

they're super good girls who get angry at injustices

Attached: 1544063106763.jpg (860x833, 88.75K)

I agree. But maybe it was a planned summer release a month ago and that changed. Okay, unlikely, especially because they expected Olympic Games for the summer which take up lots of TV audiences' attention and they'd probably rather avoid running against. But possible in theory.

I think they were always planning for autumn because not only did the first season air in autumn but there was also mild comedy horror themes

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You won't forget about this adorable egg-muffin's birthday during all the April fools tomfoolery, will you Yas Forums?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Zombieland Saga - 02 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_07.05_[2018.10.28_03.15.20]e.jpg (918x892, 107.23K)

I didn't even know April Fools was her birthday.

I still wonder what would have happened with Umbrella-bachan if Sakura hadn't knocked herself out when she wanged her chin on that rock.

You can make the egg happy by voting for Truck-kun to keep her medal spot for the Yas Forums team in the upcoming Spring Cup, on top of that the LEGENDARY Yamada Tae is also up for voting, so drop both of those a vote or even come up with your own new ideas.

I've got her a toy truck but don't tell her.

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a zls thread this is a good thing

Why do they squat?

It's the day after, but factoring in timezones we're usually at peak funposting time.

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Was the fps originally that high?


Attached: 1543561975103.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

It's a joke about slow motion walking.