Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun

Last episode in less than 30 mins GET IN HERE
Will we get season 2?


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Other urls found in this thread:


Love these cute idiots.
>Will we get season 2?
Probably, since it looks like they're going to cover the very beginning of the star festival arc. Maybe they'll even tease the three clock keepers so Akane can finally be relevant for a few seconds.

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>Connection timed out

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>cucked constantly by Aoi despite becoming a chad for her
>bullied by Teru and the clock keepers
>out of focus or comic relief for most of the manga
>gets impaled by the girl he loves
Will Akane's suffering ever end?

Never mind, I was using the wrong url.


It's going to be lonely seeing the anime end, and losing these weekly threads.

I wholeheartedly hope we get a second season. I don't even care if the second season is just a powerpoint with voiceacting and BGM, I would take it. Please just let me have the star festival and picture perfect arc.

starting, what are the chances for a S2?

I say they’re pretty high.

The anime was commissioned just to advertise the manga, and considering how it succeded at it it's very probable that the editorial commissions a second season for future arcs. The question is when?

nice, I want to see the time lords and picture arcs.

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Nene have Kou vegetables instead of the Star Festival invitation LUL

>paintings of the clock keepers and picture perfect
Season 2 confirmed?

Holy shit, that ending scene was cute as fuck. I love these two dorks.

It was so lewd.

>painting isekai tower
>clock keepers
Nice teasing for S2. Ending scene was HNNNNG as fuck too, dear god they're so cute.
The poster could always be stuffed in with the vegetables, I guess?
I'm going to miss them too, they've been so fun. Hopefully threads become more regular now that the series is more popular. I was even desperate enough to downloaded Discord to talk about it on the normie Discord channel

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The note didn’t say anything about the invitation like in the manga. It literally just said “Kou-kun please eat these vegetables!”

Someone stitched this up fast

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Thread theme: invidio.us/watch?v=jaB1IFOjOpo

>It's going to be lonely seeing the anime end, and losing these weekly threads.
Same. The anime and the threads were my only reason to wake up early on Thursdays. And even when the anime skipped a lot of scenes and rushed through multiple arcs it still was a nice adaptation (specially for the music and backgrounds).
I'm going to miss posting cute pics and helping translator anons to typeset small comics.

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I only feel disappointed, even though I thought I wasn't expecting much... Was I still secretly hoping...?

I need to re-read the manga, but in it I think she sent him a bag of muffins (or some other treat) with a note that said get better or something to that effect and the summer festival poster with a "do you want to go?" written on it separately.
There's the monthly chapter release to talk about, and now that more people on Yas Forums are keeping up with it threads will hopefully become more common. I'm new to the series and not sure how common they were prior to the anime's release, but my guess is not very

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If it affects anything, the merch sales are also going really well too, from what I can tell.

Because GODDAMN, I've spent the entire month refreshing sites, hoping to catch leftover stocks for certain items I missed.

barely anyone talks about it here, even after the anime announcement, only a few threads of some user volume dumping a week before anime airing and that's all about it

All of you better join the manga threads. I'm going to miss these weekly threads ;_;

I gave it shit but now I'm actually sad it's over, I'll probably reread the series now with the soundtrack in the background.

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>she sent him a bag of muffins (or some other treat) with a note that said get better or something to that effect and the summer festival poster with a "do you want to go?" written on it separately
Yep, that's exactly what happened. The vegetables are an anime-only thing.
>not sure how common they were prior to the anime's release, but my guess is not very
As the other user mentioned, Hanako-kun threads were rare and died quickly before the anime was announced. They became more active when some user storytimed the entire manga.

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>generic harem series have 24/7 threads that always hit bump limit
>a great series like this one has ded threads
Yas Forums truly has the worst taste, it constantly astounds me. Hopefully storytime-kun would be willing to do it again some time, storytiming the series with you guys sounds fun.
I'll be there, user
I ragged on the anime, but this was actually a decent last episode. Some of the pacing decisions were weird, but they tied things up nicely while leaving enough unanswered questions/plot threads to justify a second season. And aside from Nene becoming Megamind for a second the art was really good.

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Hear this is popular in Japan. Season 2 is likely

Where you placing this in the season?

>generic harem series have 24/7 threads that always hit bump limit
Yeah but most of the time those threads are utter shit.
>Hopefully storytime-kun would be willing to do it again some time
That would be great, the threads barely reached 20-30 posters last time.

This last episode was pretty alright gonna miss you guys

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We had a thread a few weeks back that hit 100 posters and regular haves have consistently reached 60-80. so there is more interest in the series at least.
They were fun and produced some great OC. See you guys every 18th and hopefully some time next year

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I'll be there, user.

The anime definitely got me to be a fan. Never heard of it before this. I wish I was aware of these threads sooner. I feel like it was just getting started and I'm going to miss the threads. I'll definitely join the threads whenever I see them and for the manga drops.

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I loved the change from muffins to vegetables. Especially with Teru present, it was a nice call-back to Nene's pick-up attemps in the first episode. Along with the call-back to Nene summoning Hanako, it left me feeling warm and fuzzy inside. I thought it was the perfect way to end season 1.

Now give us S2, Lerche!

I personally cannot wait to see the star festival and PP arcs animated. My guess is S2 will go something like:
>clock keepers/Nene's lifespan reveal
>first kiss
>star festival
>Mitwoba angst episode/No.4 reveal
>picture perfect
Maybe with zombie Mokke thrown in somewhere for fun if they have time

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You're alone there. I'm so fucking hyped just thinking about Picture Perfect being animated. The climax and resolution to that arc is my favorite part of the entire manga.

I've already watched this 15-second CM about a hundred times.

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Ouch. Better get some ointment before gets burned to death.

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You know, I forgot all about it with due to my excitement about seeing the HanaNene pinky promise animated, the anime-original scenes, plus the S2 teasers, but. The mustache fish is still alive in the anime-verse, huh.

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Someone censor these.

Ow my heart, that CM really hits. My only reservation about S2 is that it'll probably be rushed/have weird pacing issues like this season since they need to adapt so much material into twelve episodes. Unless they go full madman and have a two cour show to adapt the clock keepers, searching, star festival, zombie mokke, and PP in all their glory. Maybe even re-do Young Exorcist for kicks.
>Was seriously considering cucking her husbando for a harem of fish dick
Naughty daikon.
His hands being so much bigger than hers does something to me, lads. Wew.

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>You're alone there
..There was supposed to be a 'not' in there.

Yeah, it will definitely be hard to fit everything into 12 episodes. I wish they would give us two cours, but doesn't seem like a realistic expectation. PP is the longest arc in the series, so I just hope they'll dedicate enough episodes to do it justice.

Well Lets see...

I think Clock Keepers is a three episode arc at most (Akane reveal, Nene reveal, then the wrap up into SF). Star festival can be finished in about 2 episodes. Maybe even one if rushed or fed into the previous episode. Then if they skip zombie mokke we'd get the Mistuba episode. Which would leave half a season left for PP.

That's how I see it going anyway. Unless they really pad out the episodes they don't have enough for a 2 cour yet. I can see OVAs being a good way to fit in the one-of stories like Zombie Mokke. Of course, this is if we lived in a perfect world.

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I still haven't watched the ep but I'm already sad, I don't want it to end, Hanakofriends...

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Kek, did someone from these threads make that one too?

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Haven't seen the ep yet but I really don't understand why they waited to do the fish arc now. Whole point of Nene almost accepting was due to Hanako freaking out and almost attacking her.

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Honestly I'd be surprised if PP wasn't a movie

What's the pic from? The spin off?

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There's too much leading up to PP to got it all into a movie, especially since clock keepers wasn't touched at all. What suggested for pacing is probably what'll go down.
It's from chapter 38 or 37. Not the text though, obviously. I think an user made it

>anime ended
>still no cute vanilla honeymoon
Maybe if we get season 2

I was worried it would end up being awkward, but all things considered, I think they managed to make it fit in well enough, by providing a different reason for Nene to consider joining the fish kingdom.