Americans think Zero is one of the best Fate

>Americans think Zero is one of the best Fate
>Japanese think Zero is the worst Fate


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Japs are known for having bad taste

Gun good
Simple character good
I don't understand shirou he's a shit character, what VN? Fuck off
Basically that
Americans like simple and edgy things that try to look profound and fate zero is that

Japanese are known for their good taste

Japans known for their average taste

People copying other comments but saying the exact opposite thing are know for their faggotry

You mean
>one guy in Yas Forums spams that Zero is the best Fate
>everybody and their imoutos in 2ch agrees that Zero is the worse Fate

Source: Dude trust me

Zero was the least waifu and the least self-insert power/harem fantasy. It's Die Hard starring Ethan Hunt, splashed with Pokemon battles starting mythological figures instead of superpowered animals.

As it should have been

The more you delve into Fate, you start to realize the worldbuilding isn't good and profound, but just convoluted. I'm just gonna say it, Shiro isn't a compelling character. Not because he's simple or too hard to understand, but because the writing of the novel around him brings him down. He could work in a different story.

First you think Zero is the only good Fate because it's fun and less convoluted than most Fate stuff. Then you start getting into the rest of the franchise and distance yourself from Zero because fans are foaming from their mouth at it. But then you get deep enough to have read Tsukihime and Case Notes and then you realize these people who defend it are into it only for waifus, gatcha games and self inserting. Then you distance yourself from Fate and realize Zero indeed is the only good Fate, and carry on enjoying the rest of Type/Moon stuff instead.

Zero actually has a concise plot, well-written characters and isn't filled with gender-bent little girls.
Consider who is the prime target audience for FSN (the worst coomers, weaboos and pedos)
and you have your answer.


Fatefags all think with their dicks and only their dicks

source please

>Kiritsugu is ranked higher than Shirou in Type-Moon contest
Really makes you think huh ?

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>Fate Zero sell over 50,000 Bluray
>Fate UBW sell over 40,000 Bluray
>What are you talking about A

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>these people who defend it are into it only for waifus, gatcha games and self inserting.

I don't know about the TM fanbase today, but in the early days there was a power wank component to it that was far more prevalent than waifu/gacha/insert.

But the Japanese love fate zero? In fact zero made FSN more popular in the mainstream instead of being relegated into weeb Otaku shit.

>Not because he's simple or too hard to understand, but because the writing of the novel around him brings him down. He could work in a different story.

Shirou is a good character for what he is and the story gave us four different perspectives for insight into his personality. He's not that interesting a character after UBW, the trick is we like him by that point.
The bigger issue with the worldbuilding is it suggests a fully realized, lived-in world but Nasu didn't take the time to actually go that far. And he couldn't, because he needed a flexible logic to make scenes happen like Caliburn killing Berserker or Archer surviving GoB. If the appeal of FSN is this mythologized past a grail war that is constantly sabotaged by less interesting modern drama is deeply unsatisfying.

Zero works because the modern day drama is woven well with the servant backstories. They're not just Pokemon, they're partners in crime. And we also got a complete grail war with a properly realized mythology.


The whole world will lose their shit when Strange Fake anime comes out


>t. burger
OP proves that burgers have shit taste.

>deep enough to have read Tsukihime
Tsukihime is gateway type moon, fuck off

No, it's the last thing people read because it's old.

gaijins are retarded

Because they think FGO is best Fate

Truth: all fate is the worst fate.

Nips love Fate Zero.

>Because they think FGO is best Fate
Nips really have no taste at all it. Seems like as long as it has self insert wish fulfillment shit they'll eat up anything.

Not for oldfags.

Thinking Zero is better is the easiest way to spot a newfag just dipping their toes into the Nasuverse. True patricians get into the Nasuverse from Melty Blood, and realize Hollow Ataraxia is the best Fate work.

Good thing nobody called Melty Blood bad, but you're already reeeing with entryist whining like clockwork.

>HA best
No, Fate is shit.

Did he ever manage to repeat that feat outside of the poll held right after Zero aired?

This. Waifufags are absolute degenerates.

What makes most of fate bad is that it always, always interrupts the aftually intresting shit(the grail war) with some stupid ass drama that nobody cares about. The servants, instead of being characters, become simple plot devices that only exist to keep their boring masters alive

basically this

>the aftually intresting shit(the grail war)
the grail war isn't all that interesting it's just a shitty battle royale

nice bait my dude

I like Zero when it's actually focusing on how Kiritsugu deals with his own Hero complex by applying utilitarianism into it.
When it's not doing that, I find it mildly interesting at most. The only reason I like Fate in the first place was due to how it explores that whole aspect of being a "Hero". Now, I guess it's about genderbent historical gijinka fighitng each other.

A shitty battle royale is more interesting than teen drama

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That's a really low resolution image

>The more you delve into Fate, you start to realize the worldbuilding isn't good and profound, but just convoluted

Spoke the truth user.
It boggles my mind how fatefags can't see that Nasu is a hack who has cornered himself numerous times in his own powerlevel faggotry.
The illusion of decent worldbuilding was his attempt to somewhat balance his broken powerlevel balance, and it makes his whole universe damn convoluted with unnecessary mechanics when it could have been more simple

Listen you dumb fatetard it's more than possible for people to genuinely dislike your shitty franchise, it's not bait every time someone dares to criticize it. I swear you fatefags are like a fucking cult

criticism? you mean your opinion? I could care less honestly. Goodbye.

people with good taste think all fate stuff is shit

>One retard makes an unsubstantiated claim that has nothing to do with reality.
>Other retards starts discussing it like it is actually true, instead of rejecting it like a fake it is.
We live in a society.


shitty retarded bait, nips love both ubw and zero, so do burgers

>TM Primaries/Secondaries/Tertiaries
>”Can Shiki defeat servants?”
>TM Quarternaries

Tsukihime was my first TM experience. I was filtered by Fate at first because the MC wasn't a rapey, demon slaying Chad living in a mansion.

This guy might be an ESL or just a retarded native speaker.

Elevens wants more tits in their cartoons.

I see so first it's anyone who says anything bad about Fate is trolling and now it's resort to calling them an ESL.

Thinking Zero is terrible is the easiest way to spot a newfag; it's amongst last remnants of old Type-Moon and UFOtable getting the anime rights from DEEN was an seemingly impossible act of God. Anyone keeping up with the Kara no Kyoukai movies should have been hyped at its announcement and been damn grateful over what we got. Most people who shit on it like the retcon filled Gacha garbage.

As for Hollow Ataraxia it's entirely possible for oldfags to have skipped it given how long the fan translation took. And Melty Blood is literally a sequel.

>>Americans think Zero is one of the best Fate
Because Kerry is le so mature, dark and brooding MC with edgy IDEALS, the gore, sickdark "themes", EPIC BERSERKER and onscreen child slaughter with le so wacky serial killer and Gilles.
>>Japanese think Zero is the worst Fate
Because Urobutcher's gratuitous bullshit and fetish for suffering gets old fast, Kerry's an idiot and characters are even less relatable and more retarded than the average Fate.

The Japanese love Fate in general. As do the Burgers.

>complaining about retcons when Zero retconned the shit out of a good deal of F/SN

Such as? I mostly remember it dancing around the statement that Kiritsugu never spoke to Saber and Urobuchi bending over backwards to make it technically true. Apparently Grand Order's actually separated what used to be a shared universe, with Zero, Tsukihime, and Stay Night now taking place in separate continuities; the shared universe was one of the primary appeals of the Nasuverse.


Is zero really the best fate ?
Because god is the writing fucking awful