Why consume anime and manga?

Why consume anime and manga?
Why not film and comics?

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film and anime

>implying I don't consume everything I can

Because I don't enjoy myself with film or comics.

I actually enjoy anime and manga.

do you actually enjoy Yas Forumsshit though?

Manga has a more story-based approach that most popular comics don't use and is generally more self-contained. When a story is over, it's over, and the characters aren't rehashed. I know many people enjoy taking the stereotype of a hero and making a different character take on its mantle, but I prefer the Japanese approach.
I also watch movies, but cape comics don't appeal to me.

Western artists can't draw beauty.

>TFW capeshit has finally recognized its inherit inferiority and has graciously decided to kill itself.
RIP in peace

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But they are better comedians, show me a slice of life anime capable to surpass ATHF

ugliness is beautiful when depicted properly too


> implying you have to go all in on one or the other

Why hasn't any big western comic company tried to steal the format of WSJ?

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Have you seen either of those things lately?

because print media is dead

>Snowflake sports cropped blue hair and a matching spandex and is non-binary (a person who doesn’t identify as male or female) and creates snowflake-shaped blades to throw at bigots, free speech advocates and haters.

>Safespace can create pink force-fields for defence against those same haters.


Because I may be a loser but I'm not an unsalvageable incel.

I watch anime to get away from western mainstream shit

are comics mainstream though?
I know more movies based on comics have come out but are comics in themselves actually read by normalfags?

Western comics are an absolute cesspool, and it's hilarious when Yas Forums tries to even compare the collective material of the entire rest of the world to the output of a single island nation the size of California.

unfortunately comics are dead outside films and the films are ultra mainstream

Because we have working brains.

Worse: they don't even try to draw beauty.

Nope, and thsts part of why comics are dying. Once all the movies started getting popular a lot of series started trying to appeal to the normalfag and sensitive crowds. But as it turns out going to see a popcorn flick in theaters or on Netflix isn't the same as wanting to get into the comics and all the publishers managed to do was piss off a lot of their existing readers and lose sales.

Might aswell go full conspiracy theorist.

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Penny/Sofie is too cute to be used for your shitposts.

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Stop embarrassing the fanbase half-wit

I've never heard of a comic that's a "must read" 10/10 masterpiece. Are there any?

I do both thank you.

comics are boring and trying to even hop into a series is a clusterfuck not worth my time
why are you saying film here and not cartoon if the comparison is anime and manga though

I dont really enjoy western comics for some reason I cant particularly attribute to anything other than I find them boring and the art style usually doesnt sit well with me.
I watch plenty of western films though. Entertainment is just entertainment I dont really care what part of the world it comes from as long as I enjoy it.

Tablets and subscriptions are still a thing though.
Maybe if they stopped making the same recycled but worse nostalgic cape comics for aging boomers who even them are getting over it things wouldn't be in this state.

no, those are not things.

Penny's still cute because she's drawn by TMS after their French Lupin collab fell apart.

Watchmen is the Eva of cape comics I guess.

Who the fuck is giving tumblrfags jobs at MARVEL?

You can't even try to out-stupid Marvel at this point. The two minute sales pitch video for this comic sounds like some weird satire of modern society rather than a real product. Check out B Negative, the emo vampire. You fucking serious?

I watch films though. I am gonna watch this weekend Friday the 13th part 5 and 6.

japanese comics are simply so much better than comics from any other country. the medium is extremely diverse in terms of subject and genre and still very healthy in comparison to American capeshit comics. The art is also much more varied and usually reaches a much higher standard than comics from elsewhere.

I do watch films from a lot of places, though, and I think some of it is better than a lot of anime. I liked Parasite a lot for example.

What are you talking about?

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the vampire is one thing, but snowflake and safespace easily takes the gold trophy for the worst character concept in history

To be fair, this is just one thing that i won't even read. I still have Immortal Hulk which is great.

The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck by Don Rosa
Trust me. Don't equate comics to capeshit.

Because I am poor and the only comics I can read for free are shitty webcomics while I can read almost any manga genre for free.
Also westerners no longer make good non capeshit comics like garfield anymore.

I hope you're joking

There is always European comics.

Are slasher movies mainstream?

not him but I dont enjoy Yas Forumsmblr trash

Such as...

American labor laws would make it impossible to create anything like the manga industry.

What is wrong with She-Hulk?

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that's a different question, some people seem to be on Yas Forums just to hate


I do watch western films and tv. What kind of loser would restrict themselves to only consuming cartoons from a single distant foreign country?

I could mention Italian comics you wouldn't give two shits about. For me it was what got me started as a kid and they're very far from capeshit.
The bottom line being comics =/= capeshit, just look at France too if you want another example.

Tintin, The Smurfs, Lucky Luke, Asterix and so on.

Everyone is on Yas Forums(nel) to hate on things they don't particularly like. Is this your first fucking day here?

some of the jap tradition follows right after the italian trends. Also gotta love fuckin tin tin

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Literally the only Marvel I'm still following.

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Just because she isn't average looking moeblob doesn't she is ugly but if you want more like that Kamala is like that.

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I literally just went to the first thread I saw on Yas Forums. What the fuck is up with those knees and faces?

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this is kind of dumb, pretty much every twitter tranny has a cute anime girl avatar and most conservatives fall for the nofap cult's anime = degenerate pedo coomer meme

Here's some ideas, anyway.

looks like Stephen King

>Power Loli
perverts work at DC

Anime avatars are like half far-right incels half leftist trannies. Basically anyone who should kill themselves has one.

Stephen king is also a known lover of loli gangbang scenes.