What is with Japan's... no... the world's fascination with this show?

What is with Japan's... no... the world's fascination with this show?

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fun, imagination, soul, autism, extreme retard tier autistic production quality.

It's quite fascinating.

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The first half was a wild ride for me but it was kinda like DOPAMINE overload or something and it kinda wore off by the end and was just ok by the end.

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i was only ever in it for the autism details so that held up til ~ep12 that seems to be very boring on every level.

>no freckles
shit fanart

They also seemed to put more effort into at the start than at the end which felt kinda odd to me. It should technically be the other way around given that they are learning.

Nah, the its strong in ep9 and ep10 is probably peak autism with the gear bell soundgrass scene. I still don't have a grasp on wtf was going on in ep11, meta-wise.

I haven’t watched any of it, but I like the op

It felt like they were just putting together random stuff which they even said but it never really meshed in my head even though they claimed it did.

in ep11, maybe. there's sort of a narrative but not really, there's a bunch of side stories and ambiguous time skips. maybe the message is that their ufo film's narrative also wasn't very believable?

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Lesbo-socialism, oh sorry I mean feminism, what else.

It's from a very, very famous director. And it's a good, vey much watchable show about the subject everyone shares. By default the topic of anime is relevant to everyone who watches anime, so you gotta understand the wide appeal.

It's an excellent ride, but isekai shit eaters (like yourself) will never understand it anyway.

Finally a show that isn't propaganda for anything

The later part was wishy-washy and much less original than the earlier episodes. Emotions were kinda forced and fake by the end.

were there any emotions before ep12?

some anitubers shilled it

wtf is anitube?

The last episode was one large yawn. There were no emotions outside of the very last few seconds where people reacted to the stupid cartoon. The first few episodes were ENTIRELY made of that and it was GREAT.

imagination stuff wasn't real emotional other than "surprise cockfags" tier, I meant the girls being upset in the beginning of the ep.

>liking e-celebs
Kill yourself.

Who cares about fake girls pretending to be upset? It's just shitty tv-grade drama. Initially the show was about people bringing their silly irrelevant imagination closer to the hard, cold reality, which was great.

That's what I mean though, aside from a brief upset in literally the finale there's zero emotions and that's fine cause autism show.
>emotions were kinda forced and fake by the end
just doesn't make any sense to me.

Why are you peeps calling this an autism show? Am I missing a layer of the cartoon or are you imagining stuff because the director is known for meta crap?

You're probably missing quite a lot of layers, yeah. I watched every ep a couple times straight plus scrubbing through for webm bait plus a couple times in the background at like 2-3x speed just to try and pick new shit out of there

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Shit like what? Or are you talking about incidental visual gags mostly?

Maybe crunch time hit the team the same and the product suffered.

To me it felt that it got overwritten rather than underproduced.

Tard frog will forever have a place in my heart

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We want to fuck Kanamori

I've pointed this out in lots of threads but stuff like every character has individualized imagination styles and how the imagination is visualized changes with the who. That's what the watching-the-anime scenes are all about, literal memetics. You can pick up stuff like the onomatopoeia noises or the art styles in places, followed by them showing up in their real work in a slightly different form. There's also things like character quirks in how they're actually presented as characters. Spazusaki gets the uncoordinated and nonsensical movements. Frog's movements are all cartoony, kanamori's are all big and fast and thuggy.

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They drew her froggier and wider than ever in those last scenes. I mad.

It's probably one of the few anime in the past decade or more that oozed with pure SOUL.

What's autistic about any of that? Every girl makes noises for her own imaginary world--that just makes sense, no? One is interested in internal logic, another in motion, which is conveyed via animation, what's autistic about any of that?
Or has the word evolved yet again when I wasn't looking? Does "autistic" mean something like "has a modicum of meaning" now?

You guys sure do overthink CGDCT just because of a name attached to it.

This whos would have been so much better if they had not included the second and third movies and focused on my wife instead

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She is a turtle

The production is autistimal levels of detail, it also happens to be about autism girls but that's more a story thing that's not as interesting. Watching shit like blending multiple characters' styles is great though, or even watching an individual character's imagination style evolve over the course of the series. Flashback frog's imagination art was shittier than present-day frog's imagination art, though she still only draws stick figures. Mizasuki sharing imagination time gets real characters in it.

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Nobody's even overthinking anything, people just share visual gags they've caught. I was epecting some intense half-imagined meta layer, but no, these people got NOTHING. Maybe I'm too old for Yas Forums and shouldn't have wondered here after all these years.

>Flashback frog's imagination art was shittier than present-day frog's imagination art
But that just makes sense, no? It's pretty basic stuff in a show about art. The artist evolves on screen, their style and technique gets progressively better and at the same time more personal. This happens in every work about art-making

Do you know what meta means? It means the show is about the show not the usual subject matter: characters and story and that dull stuff. That's secondary.

Of course it makes perfect sense, just like Kanamori's imagination being produced using cheap low quality techniques and minimal actual animation. Just like Doumeki's imagination having zero art whatsoever.

Attached: kanamemori.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

It's kakkoii.

>What is with Japan's... no... the world's fascination with this show?
It’s Ed Edd eddy with Vagina.

Previously "autistic" meant that a work requires a some amount of work, some dot-connecting and research, on the audience's part to get to the most meaningful aspects of it. I see the word simply means "has internal logic" now. Fine by me.

But it doesn't just have internal logic it has EXTERNAL logic. The techniques used to create the show itself are an internalized logic on top of regular level of logic included with any works. There's a logic above that where the techniques used to create the show but aren't contributing to the internalized level of external logic too. That's autism my man, what you have is a case of the retardation.

If artistic techniques being used to convey internal logic are autistic, then ALL art is autistic. Which, in a sense, it is.
Anyway, is this your first art-about-art work ever?

It's artistic techniques being used to convey external artistic techniques being used to convey internal logic being used to convey internal logic.

Only good art-about-art I've seen.

God when the FUCK are we getting an actual OST this show's music was too good to ignore

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It's easy to like for an anime fan because it's about anime and displays a lot of 'passion' for the form. It's very stylish and a little arty without being too avant-garde to lose its popular appeal. It's a good anime, but it's also a very obvious one.

Simply writing about writers is not meta. Simply making an anime about animators is not meta.
Meta is, for example, when your diegetic animators animate their own show. Imagine the girls were directing the show about themselves, the circle being linked and indistinguishable. THAT would be meta art. This has been done in film and animation a million times over.

Writing about writers in a stylized written way relating to the subject is meta. Animating about animators in stylized animation relating to the subject is meta. The show about the girls directing the show about themselves so yeah you finally caught on how and why this is meta, now can you spot it in practice?


>Writing about writers in a stylized written way relating to the subject is meta
No. Wrong. Writing about a writer who's written the book you're reading is meta. "You are about to begin reading Italo Calvino's new novel, If on a winter's night a traveler. Relax. Concentrate. Dispel every other thought. Let the world around you fade." etc.

As would be reading a book about the book you are reading, or an animation about the animation you are watching.

...which the show simply isn't. It's an anime about animators, which is not meta.

Show's definitely not about the animators, they're secondary. See the layer you missed yet?

I may have missed it. What exactly is the layer?

The layer of the show about the girls. How the show itself is made is the show.

There is no reason whatever to think that. You are imagining things.

Why is she less popular than the other two when she's great

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dunno, i got more webms of her being a spaz than anything though.

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They're all great characters. The frog is great, the spook is great, the cute is great, they're all full, motivated and interesting to follow.