Chainsaw Man

ooga booga mufugga where da scans at?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why are all the fiends in this manga a bunch of jobbers

>ooga booga mufugga
Fuck off to reddit

So did we ever get a consensus on who the fuck were the children in the last chapter?

It was a metaphor for the loss of Denji's boyish innocence. The only one left was the girl because Power is still pure hearted.

Am i sharing this board with a bunch of brainlets?

Put the fucking bong down user this isn't 420chan Yas Forums

santa's litlle helpers

Next death:
0: Aldo
1: Aki
2: Kishibe
3: Angel
4: Beam
5: Power
6: Quanxi
7: Eel
8: Black Power
9: Wife Beater
Dubs: Kobeni

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Thank god

Quanxi won’t die yet
It’s more likely to be Kobeni to set up what’s behind Violence fiend’s mask in Hell

scan? in like 24+ hours

kobeni is literally the nenetto of csm. she'll live through the whole thing.


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Are you fucking retarded or something?

Los pasta niños

delet this

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>My nigga that crazy but uh i don't remember asking

I mean it's like going only for parries in Dark Souls


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spoilers fucking when

Poll results when?


So if someone were to say...draw Power and Denji like the "Look how hard I can piss" image...what would be better for her to say? "Look how hard I can piss"? or "Look how much i can shit"?


>Retards think Denji won't be in the top five in the character poll
>Retards think Denji, of all characters, is a bad MC and worse yet, a bad character period
Goodness why is this fanbase getting worse and worse?

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Bros, we've done it. The axe devil is no more.

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>look at 2ch
>suddenly screenshot of these threads

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Do you people even read Chainsaw Man? Like no seriously, are you reading any of it at all or are you just here because some YouTuber/Twitter e-celeb talked about it?

I don't dislike Denji but I like almost all characters in this manga more.

Where are you getting this from? I wasn’t around for the last couple of threads after last week’s spoilers and speed translation.

Probably referring to the posts in toc thread.

Literal, direct opposite for me. Most interesting character, most tragic character, best written, most original (in a fashion), realistic way of looking at what'd happen to the general idea of "battle manga MC with horrible childhood with superpowers becomes part of government agency".

Whenever the poll comes up and what mentioned.

So did we ever get a concensus on who the fuck the guy that got killed by the curse devil a couple of chapters ago was?

link me
first our threads get translated, now screenshotted
what's going on

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The sky is made of doors.
Denji will open it.
Chain the saw.
Kobeni will find money and die.

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It was the blue balls devil.

>chainsaw man has a cult following that is large enough to be enjoyed across continents while small enough to be interested in each other's happenings
pretty cool feeling desu, if the nips see this tell everyone I said hello

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leaks when? friday?

text spoilers today
scans tomorrow

I‘ll bite and feed you fucking Spee D. Reader retard.

When Santa was asked to do the job he asked for 4 children of random sex. When asked what they were for he said: 3 for demon contract sacrifices, 1 for „fun“.

All of this was open and easy to understand.

He's a great MC, I just don't think he'll make it to the top 5 of the popularity poll.

You're delusional.
BTW we had a poll here too.
Denji was first.

It doesn't help that Fujimoto is focusing on the plotlines of other characters at the moment

>Implying we have any bearing on official polls.

Fujimoto's comment this issue:
>"I saw Once Upon A Time In Hollywood. It was the best, I recommend it."

all the following chapters will only show feet

He has to beat the waifus and the car, he is fucked.

nah, he'll be top 5 without a doubt. i could maybe, maybe, see him not making top 3, but if you look at fanart, general buzz, plus the bump mcs almost always get just by virtue of being mcs i think he's a shoo-in for at least top 5
Look at post 782.

We literally do, considering that we vote in it...
Not to mention that it's an actual represantative of Denji's popularity and strength of character, considering he beat out the most waifufagged character of the series.

Not everyone has the attention span of a goldfish, user.
If that mattered, we wouldn't have gotten Act-Age's poll results.

He'll beat most of the "waifus". The only ones with a chance to honestly beat him are
1. Aki (unlikely, Fujos need to come in force if they want to force that. They mostly care for the pairing, not neccessarily the character).
2. Pawa. Most waifufagged character period. Good chances of beating him.
3. Makima. Second most waifufagged. Actually think she has worse chances than what most people think, considering that she's not really the most sympathetic or charming character (to the reader, that is).

That's it. That basically assures a top 5 spot. Probably a top two at that.
Meme characters are overstated.

kek, are they also arguing over it?


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If you don't like results you should had spammed harder like me