What would you do if you found Honoka tied up?

What would you do if you found Honoka tied up?

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close the blinds, tip the chair over and lock the door

Help her

Nothing. Somebody clearly left her there intesionally and I'm not in the habit of touching other people's shit

This is Honoka-chan.
I'm not here to save her but to solve the mystery of her abduction.

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Check surroundings; 9/10 times this is a bait tactic to get the protag (me) in a vulnerable position

[X] Genuflect

Stick it in her pooper.

release her because she's not my live

Show her my JAV collection

Only correct answer
she is not a bitch who deserves to suffer,like many other anime girls

untie her

Take off my pants and masturbate in front of her, then untie her and tell her to have a nice day.

Rip the tape out of her mouth with the force of a thousand suns and untie her

Fuck off OrcTaku faggot. This thread is under the watch of a Mightiest of Knights.

nothing because i like eli more

Take her shoes and socks off and tickle her feet.

Hokona her Hokonas.

Make her eat all the eggs.

Being tied up doesn't have to lead to suffering.

throw her off a cliff.

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The Single Strap of Tape Over the Mouth trope bugs me to no end. You need way more than that; anyone can just detach half of one strap of tape by stretching their jaw, rendering it useless.

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I'd leave her be, I'm not interested in used JAV sluts.

You seem well versed in kidnapping people, I think you should stay away from other human beings

I don't care what she did. I will always defend her.

The other way around, actually.

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why tho

Turn 360 degrees and walk away.

anime has had me conditioned to assume that wasn't tape covering her mouth but that her mouth was just open.

Because it's the right thing to do. Real Fans defend EMTN.

Even as the World comes to the end I will show no mercy. I will draw my last breath fighting for her like Saigo's retainers at Shiroyama. I will go down fighting.

God I wish that were me.

>not stopping at 180

Assume I walked in on her lesbian idol bondage play, apologize, and leave.

Nice fanfic dude, you should write it out and send it to Emi, she will probably throw it to the garbage though.

Check the closet at the back of every anime classroom for Nozomi. I assume she hid in there when I interrupted her fun time.

This is not a fanfic, this is not a dream.

This is reality.

I saw her smile at Love Live Fest, I was there at the altar.

I swore this.

To fight for her, to defend that smile, to die for her. To continue fighting for her. The Enemy is here. The Enemy will die.

I am a Knight.

And sperging about it on the internet helps her because...?

Nothing. Trespassing on Tsubasa's personal property violates the NAP.

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lock the door, take off her shoes and socks and worship her feet


To show the world that there are those who still support.
To show the world that there are those who still defend her.
To show the world that there are those who have not forgotten what she is and what she has done for Love Live.

The Man of Honor goes where he is needed as Aragorn must undertake the quest to save the Men of the West rather than pursuit the Hobbits to Mordor.

The Man of Honor is needed here. To fight and right an injustice.

Have sex.

Based and detectivepilled.

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I am honestly replying to you to get as many filters as I can.


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take your meds schizo

Like the Black Watch I take no wife until my duty is complete.

You can't handle the truth can you?

Your Soviet Tactics again fail to work.

Sell her to the highest bidder.

The only truth I can't handle is believing I'm falling for this trolling.

Okay, incel.

Are those fucking bogdanoff silhouettes?

It's Sawako. And another Sawako.

This is not a troll. This is War. This is a Crusade.

>keeping the chemicals with them
This isn't safe. I'm not into kidnapping, but I can tell.

Oh I see that now.
Going to assume its the bogs though.

I don't see it, all I see are giant heads, or is that it?

They're tied up user, they can't do anything.

Isn't Ritsu untying Mio?

I mean Yui, sorry.