Why did he need shadow clones to help him with being hokage? When in much more chaotic and uncertain times Tsunade was seemingly doing just fine by herself?
Why did he need shadow clones to help him with being hokage...
Because he's an idiot who has no business being in charge of anything
Because he sucks.
>Tsunade was seemingly doing just fine by herself?
Because plot demands him to be a jobber that is avenged by Boruto
consider that He is ruling over a time when Ninja children are now practically wizard children, and technology has leapt a huge amount, after a huge war.
Every other leader weighs in to this guy too becuase he is pretty much the avatar of this new magic age with alieums
>why does character use his special ability for his own convenience when he doesn't strictly have to do so
He's more efficiant than tsunade.
Konoha blew the fuck up in population and automation during Kakashis reign as Hokage. It grew so much that Naruto was left dotting the ts and crossing the is.
All meme answerd are shit. This is straight knowledge I'm dropping.
Feel free to ask questions.
>tsunade in charge
>village destroyed
>shitty policies
>sending genan to a rank missions
>naruto in charge
>peace with all countries
>no one dying in pointless wars
Naruto is the Trump of the leaf village.
I haven't watched Boruto, but I don't see what the problem is. If you can make clones do your bidding and multi-task that way, why the fuck wouldn't you? In the original series everyone comments on how difficult shadow clones are for most people, and the ease with which he creates hundreds of them. Play to your strengths, as they say.
>He is ruling over a time when Ninja children are now practically wizard children, and technology has leapt a huge amount, after a huge war.
>Every other leader weighs in to this guy too becuase he is pretty much the avatar of this new magic age with alieums
What the fuck is going on with Boruto t. haven't finished shit poo den
Consider that Tsunade was only dealing with the leafs issues.
Naruto is essentially the kage president, dealing with all 5 countries at once. Naruto is also split because he and Sasuke are still training and searching for the eyes.
Finally when Tsunade was in charge the Leaf had 100x more ninja to help run things. Now, you know. Most of everyone died in the war.
>the person who needed to drink to cope with her work and failed several times to protect the village
Your idea with the previous leaders.
He must be an Obama voter.
To be real honest, were it not for his burning desire to be Kage, I would've been fine with him doing what Jiraiya did and forgoing that path and simply wandering on his own. He has enough strength to probably take on all the old Akatsuki by himself at this point, but wasn't it implied Shikamaru would act as the brains and his adviser?
Lol. Also Naruto just wanted to give his husbando an important position
naruto's chaos > tsun's
Didn't Tsunade have a very dedicated secretary?
its what happens when you have a shitty administration, and no software engineers.
His true wife is gorgeous
this: sadly
Boruto is not canon
>Feel free to ask questions.
How come Naruto lost so much power since the war? Can he even still fly?
Because he's inefficient. In a Konoha with a larger population, greater automation and a notably higher level of technology, he's still swamped by paper work when he could instead have an entire office of staff who he delegates to. He's the wizard ninja President/Prime Minister/General man, he should be able to give authorisation to others to sign things off for him, but instead he insists on doing it all himself and suffering for it. Given that we know that institutions such as ANBU and the likes have been scaled back because of the overall absence of war and its looming threat, the actual stress of his job is over a decade gone.
tl;dr Konoha has a shit local civil service and he hasn't done anything to amend that.
Because they wanted pointless melodrama. Nardo at 16 could make 2000 clones a day BEFORE he got sage mode and Kyuubi mode. There is literally no reason why he can not have a fuck ton of clones doing paperwork, patrolling the borders, training the military, hanging out with friends, going on missions, having diplomatic meetings, training on the side, hanging out with his kids, and running a 10+ Nardo train on his wife. Literally no fucking reason. His clones were taking down kage tier opponents during the war.
Its bad fucking writing so that Bort has something fags can sympathize with. Dont let anyone tell you otherwise
Real question is why did he send a shadow clone to Hima’s birthday, which singlehandedly caused all of the problems Bort is having right now
Because of the script.
I want to peg Madara
>le France is bad at military meme
Kinda getting old.
There's no reason for this though. Naruto wanted to be Hokage since his childhood, you'd think he'd learn a little bit about the job first.
Just goes to show you that ninjutsucracy is a terrbile way to run a government.
Boruto anime any good?
I don't even know why he cares about being Hokage anymore, if it was me I'd just stay home and bang Hinata all day
no. It's almost 100% filler.
If you think about it, why can't he use his shadow clones to master every jutsu like the 3rd or like kakashi did with his sharigan? Naruto should be bonkers level op even without the nine tails if he did that.
Rasengan-spam and going into his various super saiyan forms are objectively proven to be able to handle anything. Dumbass could wipe out all life on his planet if he really felt like it. His emo fuckbuddy would probably help him, to boot.
Literally had to nerf him cause no kage-level threats could ever survive for long given that he's a fucking demigod. The other kage's might as well be genins by comparison.
But imagine how much more effective rasangan spam could be if he could use the shadow paralysis jutsu
Reminds me of pic related. The advantage gained is so minimal, it's superfluous.
Isn't it because it's so peaceful he can get away with using his clones?
if naruto knew shadow paralysis he could make 100 shadow clones and capture madara is 3 seconds.
He's a stupid fag absolutely not cut out for being a leader, official and politician, yet the Konoha autists entrusted him with the position... easily the worst decision they ever made ever, and that's saying something considering their collection of really abysmal ones.
Name one other person alive in the naruto verse that has a stronger talk no jutsu
The whole economic, cultural and political foundation is thanks to Kakashi, not that blockhead. The only thing the blond idiot deserves credit for is for being a deterrent due to his magical power.
>former leader gets credit for good economy by retards
so he is ninja trump
It was fucking pathetic how the manga felt it had to shoehorn Sakura getting one punch in on Kaguya (TEAM 7 IS BACK BAYBEE) that literally didn't matter so she could say her annoying catchphrase and pretend that she mattered there
Why can't I stop watching the anime? It's dumb and I hate it.
Just like regular Naruto then?
Seriously what the fuck do all of Naruto's shadow clones even do that he has like a thousand out at any given moment and all he does is stay in the office? No other hokage had to do that. In fact, what do hokages even do? The 3rd hokage didn't do shit.
i don't even remember her catchphrase.
Sakura has a catchphrase?
That particular shot of Naruto’s face looks... familiar.
Doubt he likes having sex with her that much
Because women don't think with their dicks.
This pic is a lot more accurate.
Where was she when Pain destroyed the Village.
The actual problem is that Bort is a fucking retard, who despite using shadow clones himself can't grasp that they're not fake copies of the user but literally just an extension of the user. So Naruto fucking was at the birthday party, because every one of his shadow clones IS Naruto.
He hasn't really lost any "power," only certain jutsu that require special chakra. Theoretically, he could still use those jutsu by requesting a chakra transfer from the Bijuu, but he has no reason to. He does just as well without them.
It's a respect thing. The reason Naruto refuses to leave a shadow clone in the hokage's office is because it would disrespect the station. Ergo, Naruto leaving a shadow clone to host his daughter's birthday party can also be seen as disrespectful.
Also, whatever's dumb/crazy enough to attack a demigod where he's most protected(even if that protection is superfluous) is either a non-issue or something only Naruto or Sasuke could handle. There's no real inbetween at the level of power the two are working on at that point.
Fucking CHOJI managed to get a cute girl pregnant and have a daughter.
What's your excuse, Yas Forums?
Wait France found a vaccine?