This scene is without a doubt one of the most iconic to have graced TVs worldwide...

This scene is without a doubt one of the most iconic to have graced TVs worldwide, even though it happens to because of controversy. There is no bad animation or bad art here.
It is much harder to deform Pain's face to this extent instead of just drawing him normally, as the same animator had done for the last 4 minutes. The deformation was done intentionally, at the wishes of the director.
On a whole the scene is full of personality. Pain, the false god, showcases his utter rage at being defied by the believer. And in his rage he reshapes the land andshowsthe believer just what he's up against. Back to the meme scene, let's break it down. It starts off with aneye twitchwith sharper shading for effect, segues into achildlike tantrum, and ends with an utterdeformationof Pain's normally regal and handsome features. Pain's ugly here. The physical ugliness is used to depict the spiritual ugliness the false god has. He justifies the killing of millions for his childish rage, which was exhibited by the tantrum like movement. It's the director's critique on Pain, by my understanding. Wakabayashi utterly despises him.

Attached: Naruto-quality-3.gif (320x180, 1.73M)

Other urls found in this thread:

We had this thread yesterday. Are you bored?

What thread ?

Just stop dude. Nobody thinks your dumb post is funny.

I agree.

It's not meant to be funny.

The original Webgen animation.

It's too inconsistent with the rest of the anime which makes it comical. It'd be considered fantastic animation in a more fitting series.

That's the case with most Sakuga scense.

Based and 167-pilled. Easily the most artistic episode of that decade, effortlessly distinguishing the connoisseurs from the plebs .

Attached: Naruto-Shippuden-167.jpg (2880x3780, 1.95M)

>It'd be considered fantastic animation in a more fitting series.
It wouldn't look good anywhere outside of a comedy. It looks like looney tunes.

Pleb filtered

Attached: pain.jpg (1280x720, 69.87K)

I re-watched OPM Season 1 last week and they use this technique during the Boros fight
are you gonna shit on that too?

This is a good thing. It adds a sense of self-awareness to the show reminding people that this is a show for children (not a knock on naruto, all of anime would do well to remember this). It drags the show away from eyehacking edgelordiness and muh murder ninja and creates a CARTOONISH spectacle that recalls the audience back to the heart of the art form. And it’s kino.

Pleb continues to be filtered

Attached: Noooooooooo!!!!!!.jpg (720x915, 253.6K)



It would fit in an anime with Mob Psycho's style

>creative depiction of motion bad
>amateurish pseudo-realism drawn by a flame acceleration instagram studio that will never reach the heights of Okiura, Inoue or Ohira good

Based. Have a (you) and a bump.

me when im about to sneeze

>>amateurish pseudo-realism drawn by a flame acceleration instagram studio that will never reach the heights of Okiura, Inoue or Ohira good

Who did he mean by this ?

shutup retard

Attached: download (1).jpg (300x168, 5.64K)

The "people" who attack masterpieces of sakuga like Shippuden #167 are the same idiots that believe ufotable and KyoAnus shit are well animated because of a few instagram filters.

>Zabuza fighting the Samurais and killing Gato
>Sasuke vs Orochimaru
>Rock Lee vs Gaara
>3rd Hokage vs Orochimaru and 1st and 2nd Hokages
>Naruto vs Sasuke

The animation style in these scenes fit Naruto the better

It graced the tv worldwide? What network

It will actually fit any series , the animators are super talented , lucky for us and maybe unlucky for them , they just happened to work on Naruto

The Boros fight actually took it's source material seriously, instead of having a original scene where the main character slams the antagonist inside of the ground using a giant slab, like some kind of hammer and nail slapstick.

Yeah I meant thematically as well, it fits better than say Sasuke vs Deidara's style which also had very good animation but lacked something the older sasuga scenes had, think it has something to do thickness of lines and face detail I'm not sure

Thick lines and washed out colour palettes , makes everything feel like it was transported to a different more serious and grim universe.

Doesn't change the fact that it ruined the last decent part of naruto before it took a nose dive straight down the cliff.

problem was always with retards mixing animation with direction, the animation was great, the director choices were fucking retarded, specially the part with nardo nailing down pain with a rock

>>Rock Lee vs Gaara
As kid this fight was so hype

But looney tunes is good though

Men of taste, all of you. Only those with the lowest of mental stature think 167 is anything but the best episode in all of Shippudden if not the series as a whole

>Not one of the best in the medium as a whole
Don't be afraid to praise it just because it's Naruto.

Of course chadnon, my apologies

If there is one thing we can learn from this episode is that most Otakus are clueless when it comes to animation and direction.

No wonder animators are underpaid and underappreciated when most Otakus are too dumb to distinguish between flapping lips/powerpoint and genuinely good animation.

These idiots would rather fawn over thier stupid Seiyuus and idols and incest and isekai and traps then appreciate the actual artistic and technical aspects of this medium , they are truly the scum of this community and the lowest of the low.

Attached: those-who-identify-as-otaku-they-sicken-me-deeply-anime-6624063.png (500x586, 175.93K)

user i think you should read history.
Japanese animators are underpaid because of the first astroboy film. That film set the salary of jap animators.
Also miyazaki is a fucking retard. Hes like those old people who cant accept technology because they know people are getting better than them.

If anime fans appreciated animators as much as they did seiyuus and idols , animators wouldn't have to suffer to get by.

>because they know people are getting better than them.
Who's getting better than miyazaki ? Ghibli films are still unmatched to this day.

Can someone reccomend me some good fanfiction that improves Narutos story overall?
No lewd shit required though I wouldn't really mind either.

Attached: 1558806438504.png (1280x720, 1.66M)

Frighteningly based


Attached: 856867.jpg (513x680, 75.25K)

Nobody give a shit about it on Yas Forums but Sengoku Basara used it a few times and it was stellar. Granted, SB is the definition of over the top.

Link, webm , gif ?

I don't see the similarities.

Ok but that's my eye and I want it back

Attached: 00525_cutin.png (512x512, 121.34K)

Better in the manga where there's no retarded deforming.

>still defending looney tunes


Actual looney toons is probably still better than whatever gay shit you watch

Okay, i just rewatched part one, and the first naruto and Sasuke fight in the final valley has very similar style of animation to this one. So why does nobody bitch about that fight for the quality of animation there?

And while that one scene looks silly, most of the episode is good. Towards the end when a nearly complete Kyuubi bursts out of the massive chibaku tensei pain just made, and rains fireballs down to earth, is one of my favorite scenes in the entire show.

People are retarded, they are okay with powerpoint animation and looped gifs as longa as characters stay on model.
Anything that's a bit experimental or different from the norm annoys them.

Does anyone have a webm of the pain fight with ed edd n eddy sound effects? I can't fucking find it anywhere.

Itll be hard to find. YouTube auto deletes anime clips because of their copyright system. And Naruto in particular gets heavily policed on there, you can find six minute long clips from Dragon Ball but Naruto is so heavily protected. It's strange.

That's Madara's fight

No there was one of pain's fight too but YT took it down.

Don't look at the Moon tonight. You won't see anything.

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