Daughterwives are scary

Daughterwives are scary.

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Your daughter can't be your wife.

I wish I had a daughterwife to cuddle with every night.
Why is that?

It's immoral

Caring for you daughterwife is not immoral.

so did he actually fuck her for the purpose of procreation because of some population crisis or something or just for the hell of it out of lust (or both)?
I already know they fuck but not the reason

you wouldnt get it

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You can care for her without marrying her.
I don't want to.

The purpose was because they are in love.
Not difficult to understand.

someone told me they had a child that's why I'm asking

But why is marrying your daughter immoral?

Because it is.

>Finally an anime where a guy adopts a cute daughter and take care of her
>Find out they get married in the LN and fuck each other
Every single fucking time, kodomo no jikan(not daughter but same shit), usagi drop and now this.

He fucked her with the purpose of procreation
>Dale was late in the fact that he loves her romantically
>Humans and demons have a very low birth rate together
>He then literally can't stop fucking her until she almost dies until she's impregnated with his child
Latina orchestrated everything.

>Finally an anime where a guy adopts a cute daughter and take care of her
>Find out MC waits till shes older to get into a serious relationship
Every single fucking time.

Go read Yotsuba you dingus

>adopt daughter
>she gets really close to you
>starts making advances
>actually finds the incest play hot

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Watch Somali, doubt that she will marry the golem.

Come to think of it, never did get to reading Vol 9.

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I think you misunderstood my post.
When the MC waits till she is older and does't start a serious relationship sooner is what I hate.

I love the LN art

You watched Kodomo no Jinkan expecting anything else? The writer said herself that it was based in some weird fantasy she had as a child with her teacher.

Why did he wait so long? Fucking dumbass authors.
I could respect it if it got serious by volume 4.

What the fuck is this, The Woody Allen Story anime edition?

> tfw daughter throws a tantrum until you accept her as your daughterwife.

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It's Isekai Usagi Drop.

Why are women allow to do that shit?, but when someone like the mangaka of Koi wa ameagari try to do the same with a 17 years old he gets death threats and get his manga fucking axed?

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Artist does do some great work.

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isn't the author of KoiAme a woman?

They fuck because they both wanted to.

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Usagi drop pulled the romance out of it's ass in the last 5 chapters. In this the romance was hinted from the beginning and climaxed in vol 4, there's 9 volumes total.

t. speedreader.

>climaxed in vol 4
W-what happened in volume 4?

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Dale pounding Latina's 16 yr old cervix.

Best Daughterwife.

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What the fuck was the author thinking after volume 2?

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Haydee's delicious fat tits and ass made all that worth it I suppose.

no u

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the author hit the pipe.

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This is Platina, one of the Demon Lords. She's about to get married to her sole retainer. Say something nice about her.

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how many kids did they had?

Cute kids

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Really dislike the route it took.
But I wonder, is it even possible to have a constellation where your protege falls in love with you when they are an adult and it isn't grooming?
I mean you'd always rise someone in the way you think is best and if the character then also turns out to be your type.
Depends on if you had ulterior motives from the start then I guess? But how would you prove such a thing?

Surprised this hasnt been posted yet.

her daddys dick

top kek.

Grooming is a spook. Theres literally no way to say its wrong other than in a moral basis

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what's scary about sleeping?

if it makes you feel any better Dale was barely a parent since he was always out on quests, the couple who own the bar raised Latina.

pregnancy, user.


I think the term was just really watered down.
I'd consider it real grooming if the guardian would actively manipulate their charge into thinking they, the charge, are the only one for them.

Two after about 100-150 years. Demons take forever to get pregnant.

How does the official english translation handle this?


is Dale immortal too?

Yeah, Latina turned him into a demon right after becoming a demon lord because she didn't want him to die before her. His life span is now linked to hers so if she dies, he dies.

>read volume 1
>enjoy it thoroughly
>start reading volume 2
>latina is 10-11 years old
>dale will definitely take this relationship to the next level before she’s 12
>this can’t be another lolicon bait series r-right?
>start reading volume 3
>latina is 13 years old
That’s pretty how this series went for me.

you have pleb taste and should leave this thread.

It's a female fantasy. Even ignoring works aimed at adults it's in a ton of shoujo anime too.

what's scary about pregnancy? you can't provide?

>Dropping because she grew up to look like this
user what the fuck.

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It’s honestly a decent story with nice characters but the author took the pansy route.

Consider her sister instead.

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>fucking your wife 10 times a day each day for 100 years and not just because you are lusty, but to make some children
The ultimate joy.

idk user, she was a very young looking 16 when Dale finally fucked her.

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>gets to fuck this for eternity
lucky bastard

Where are you getting vol 9 user? It's licensed, and the goddess only has up to 8.

Vol 4 has a ~1.5 year timeskip partway through if I remember correctly. This is what she looks like when they get together, X amount of time before they start fucking.

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Like Woody Allan did?


H-He didnt actually fuck her when shes was 16 right?