
Waiting for spoilers for the manga.

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Just ignore it until it gets back into your mind
Chads read the manga all at once whenever they're bored and need something to do -- much better than wasting your life on the hype cycle over nothings too much.

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They are gonna make a movie about Ayu and Misaki
screencap this

Will we see Dolly in AB?
Or will she get her own SS/Spinoff?

>A spin-off about a character who has the same face as Mikoto when Mikoto has a spin-off

Yeah, no.

More likely than a spinoff about a literal who

I can't wait for another 15 page epic by the best Mangaka working on this franchise, Fuyukawa.

When will a magic god appear in a spin off

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Most spinoffs are stuck in OT hell except AB. If a MG appear anytime in a spinoff it would have to be in a timeframe after NT10 when their secret club exploded and before NT14 where they all get WR'd.

Wasn’t there a chinkshit one where Odin literally ganked the world to yank her property out?

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Dolly is a literal who kek. Also Kamachi doesn't just pick spinoffs based on popularity, Junko, Ayu and Agnese are all proof. Even Kakine himself is somewhat of an example as a character with barely a small nip following getting a spinoff

Heaven or hell?

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All I see is Hell and scat Hell

>Kamachi doesn't just pick spinoffs based on popularity,
>What is Railgun
>What is Accelerator

Kakine is actually pretty popular for not a lot of screentime. But yeah, the Accel manga is the clear outlier. It was a blatant attempt to cash in on a popular name back when the anime was ded

Railgun was originally about Kuroko


>Bathtub Hell or Pisstube Sanctuary

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>2 out of 6
user do you even math

Are you actually comparing Accel and Mikotos popularity to some flashback plot device dolly?

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They are the biggest spinoffs by far
I dont know what that user was about when he said that Kamachi doesnt picks soinoffs based on popularity but he is wrong

>biggest spinoffs
doesn't matter, they're not the majority, therefore he doesn't pick based on popularity.

AB is the only one not picked based on popularity, but even that can be debated because Tokiwadai as a whole is popular if you focus on more than the MC.
Railgun, Accel, Idol Accel, Index nichijou, and DM are all straight up popularity picks.

>by far
Not to be a salesfag but no one gives a rats ass about Accel. AB will be bigger and if DM had its fair shot it probably could get just as close

And you can even argue that Kamachi started writing Biohacker when he saw that MH was suddenly popular in that IF poll

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That'd be pretty out of character if he's supposed to have mountains of manuscripts laying around

Not all clones were made equal.
This one is braindamaged for one.

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But its also in character if he supposedly writes as fast as Miki claims

Mikoto, Index, Accel, and Kakine were popular for years well before any meme poll so I'm not going to go down that route.


Hey fags, did you know that 2 divided by 2 is 1?
Conversely, 2 divided by 1 is still 2.
Who cares about AC's society? Kakine is clearly the TRUE NUMBER 2/2, whilst Accelerator is the TRUE NUMBER 2/1

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Or he just has manuscripts laying around for almost all semi relevant characters for those scenarios. MH's supposed "popularity" is still a bunch of shit because even fucking Fiamma is getting merch over her

literally a worthless character

Rakko in AB soon

>Railgun, Accel, Idol Accel
>Index nichijou
there were people more popular than index
there are several male characters that were far more popular
Biohacker, Agnese SS, Norse Mythology, AB and SP. Kamachi even wrote something for mark space.

Index is popular in her own right and so is Kakine
When these were written they were actually fairly popular for magic side girls

Soft Miko chan titties (^_^)

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have sex, he is the best level 5

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Can’t compete with the real deal.

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You are underestimating Kakine's popularity. He's the third most popular male in the series according to the IF poll, and ranked within the top 20 for the overall Kamachi males (or maybe for characters overall, I don't remember).
With a spinoff, he's only on the road to more popularity.

Kino soon

Kekine a shit

>Index is popular in her own right and so is Kakine
yes but there were characters that far more popular and capable of fitting their niche to some degree
>When these were written they were actually fairly popular for magic side girls
Itsuwa maybe, but even looking back at older polls Kanzaki was mid tier. Unless you're talking about super early pre OT15 which I wasn't here for so I don't know

Yeah yeah, and Staten is one of the most popular female characters. Those polls are ridiculous and always provide contradictive results

>IF poll
You mean the thing that means nothing? Acqua placed higher than him back at the end of OT, as did Tsuchi, Thor, Aleister, and Kamisato over the following years

IF poll has a bigger sample than novel polls

I did say that he was fairly popular, even before index3 actually but there were more popluar and a lot safer options than him. Thor and Kamisato for example.

Kakine is probably the most niche level 5 in terms of popularity besides maybe Mugino but even she has the Yandree appeal. Outside of his sperg hours with Accel, he is a pretty normal dude.

In both polls that he used as argument Saten ranked fairly low user

Kakine is popular, and he is top 5 males in index based on LN polls but he isn't top 3. IF didn't have a lot of his competition when the poll happened.

>Beetle & DMatterine
>pretty normal dude
Kek's appeal comes from his phenomenal Jobbing record and multiple personality disorder.

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I feel really bad for any non autistic/shitposty people who just so happen to like Kakine or are interested in seeing more of him. They definitely exist but they're still going to be tainted with the shitposting brush.

>I feel really bad

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so what do you use to judge character popularity objectively? Don't say merch cause that's MP level autism. These polls are the best thing we can go by.

Uiharu fucks dogs

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I feel like any appeal that Kakine has comes from the mystery of his past. He honestly has very little substance to get attached to outside the "I want to see more because I don't know more"

Kimi is a Touma possibility made by Aleister when Touma first entered AC as a backup

There's nothing to feel bad for, they got a spinoff and are on the road for more Kek relevance in the novel. Pretty good position to be in and I'm gunhafag primarily.

Do we know how old Touma was when he entered AC? I think the ideal age is around 5 but I think Touma was a little older. Kimi seems to be within 1-3 years of Touma's age

DM spoiler coming soon r-right?

You mean voting multiple times a day on multiple accounts vs a mail in poll? Yeah, no.

He's a character that leaves strong impression regardless of whether that impression is him being a jobber, the True#1, a failure hero or a mysterious figure with interesting connections with Aleister.

Miki did say that his lifestyle would affect fans in a unique way iirc so mission accomplished?

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Legitimately would not be surprised if doctor scarface brought in Rakko as a weapon to use against Junko/Iruka. A clone dolly reunion would be kino.
If she was a backup I don't think she'd be in prison, but she likely does have a specific purpose Aleister can benefit from even if its not high on his priority list.

The poorness of other methods doesn't make these polls any more representative than they really are. It's ok for characters like Kakine to get a 10 percentile amount off a 1000 voters pool, however nobody in his same mind would believe that 10 per cent of a somewhat 5 or 10 times larger pool is possible.

I hope DM manga gives us Rakko and MH fanservice

>You mean voting multiple times a day on multiple accounts
That would just mean the ones who ranked high have more autistic fandoms, which definitely makes sense with Kakine especially. I've never seen people that invested over such small character

For me it’s just fun to see him suffer and survive.
Kek has stubbornness of an MC mixed with luck of a fodder and survivability of a cockroach.
Even after he got balled you can expect that he returns just to Jobb again LMAO, that’s one hell of a character.

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He leaves a mild impression on me, and even that will go away once a little more is revealed about him. He's not as deep as you're claiming.

Ironically being in jail is the safest place in AC