What's the worst anime you've ever watched? Pic related for me

What's the worst anime you've ever watched? Pic related for me

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you need to watch more anime if that's your worst one, I recommend guilty crown and cross ange and probably valvrave though I never finished it

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Guilty Crown and Cross Ange were actually enjoyable rides.

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ditf is easily one of worst. it brings nothing of value to the table. there's no reason to watch it. it's a straight 1/10

>it brings nothing of value to the table.
what about ichigo she's cute , also the animation OP , eds were great so i wouldn't call it a 1/10 , it's still a 5/10 for me tho

T. has watched like 10 shows.


This mess.

At least DarliFra spawned a whole lot of specula while it was airing, making for an entertaining trainwreck.

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At least your anime had likeable characters. This is by far the worst anime I have ever watched, but I'm sure Yas Forums would rather forget it. At least the threads were entertaining.

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You haven't seen much, then. If you want Franxx but far worse, you need to check out Dragonaut.

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>What's the worst anime you've ever watched? Pic related for me
and how many did you watch so far, like four or something

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Just the last few episodes.

At least watch over 5 shows before asking that, user

Okaa-San online

>guilty crown
and you say he needs to watch more anime

Finished watching this yesterday. How did it get so popular back then? I dont give a flying fuck about the pinkhaired slut. I just wanted to see the story. It was plain boring to me. And desu i big factor to that is that im not really a bit fan of mechs.

At first Neo Yokio is so bad that it's good, but after its over you just want your time back

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Dumb satania poster

>worst anime you've ever watched is something that aired in the past 5 years
Lurk more please.

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Holy shit, this anime was so forgettable that I completely forgot what it was called, all I remembered was how garbage it was.

This was an honest to God 1/10 for me, easily the worst I've seen

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I don't even remember the memes about that show, at least with shit like Another I remember pie.

Sounds to me like a buttblasted iToddler

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I've watched, like, eight other animes, so I'm not a good judge of this.

How many have I watched, hang on a sec, Yas Forums
Gurren Lagann
Kill La Kill
Mob Psycho 100
Assassination Classroom
One Punch Man Season 1
The Monogatari series
Maid Dragon
Redline, I mean I was high I don't remember much, I think the pompadour guy won, did he? I also saw Run Lola Run right after, that was a trip, the timeline jumping.

yeah nine, nothing else, so Potemayo takes the shit cake. All the shonens I just read them, and gather clips after the fact.

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Another was more of a 6/10 for me, slow as fuck at first, but the absolutely brutal death scenes more than made up for it.

I still can't believe that Mikasa knew who it was the whole fucking time

>no season 2 ever
Kek see you in season 4 pleb

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Was it also the only anime you saw?

This is the kind of person you have to share a board with.

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Shitcom if that counts, if not either Kotoura-san or Maoyuu Maou Yuusha.

prove me wrong
protip: you can't

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No, this is the BEST anime ever made.

Nonsense, you must be some edglord. It was really good, but had some minor writing issues.

What, is the fucking fridge rat a n/a/tional treasure? Sorry I'm more /m/.

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It was just that bad user.

Mahou Sensou.

I watched this to the end but it was a chore. All the bad aspects of Elfen Lied and none of the good. Sorry, Lynn.

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An anime called "Akame ga Kill". It was beyond trash.

Thing that felt like the worst was Fate UBW since people actually think it's good. It was as bad as those other 2

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shut the fuck up and watch more anime newfag

That's on my to-watch list. Can't remember how it got there but there must be something about it that piqued my interest.

You might be onto something, user

that's not worth anything to me because there are a million shitty teenager anime with the same artstyle and characters

Was it the dragon jizz bath?

this thread again?

I can't name a single good thing about this shit

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First anime I ever completed as a young teen that wasn't airing on TV. Probably for the better if I don't go back and re-watch the series, especially since I can't stand harem-comedies.

The objectively worst anime I've ever watched is the Ace Attorney anime I still enjoyed it because I'm just that massive of an AA fanboy.

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Watch more anime

That doesn't ring a bell. Isn't there some sexy evil femme fatale in it? I think that's what it was.

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If you think DITF is one of the worst or even subpar at all you're the one who needs to watch more anime.

There is one reason to watch it, and one reason alone.
And that reason is sufficient

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This recently popped up in my Netflix queue under watch it again. Yeah I know, Netflix. I'll kill myself after I finish this post. I looked it up and saw that I binged it about 4 years ago. I don't remember a damn thing about it. I usually remember a bit about all the anime I've seen. This one, zip, zilch, nada, nothing. So for being completely forgettable, here's my choice.

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Have you killed yourself yet?


Brainlet detected

Mostly because it's pretending to be a spinoff of the best anime of all time.

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i couldn't watch Black Clover either

FLAG sucks.
KoChoKi sucks
I dropped Pet.
I dropped Violet Evergarden, but that was for different reasons. some of you fags will love it.

a lot of suck anime i just forget....

it is awful

what's awful about it exactly

Angel beats without a doubt

You're retarded go back to r/anime.

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teen thread

Rebbit loves ditf

>It was really good
It wasn't

>but had some minor writing issues.

I wouldn't call the entire 2nd cour being a complete clusterfuck "a minor writing issue". And I really liked the first half.

But still, it didn't crash and burn as hard as things like Guilty Crown. That one is an epic. I will be scarred forever thanks to that... experience.

Ditf unironically had a lot going for it. It screwed up at the end but that doesn't automatically negate everything that happened before it. There are plenty of anime that were utter trash from start to finish with no redeeming qualities whatsoever but this wasn't one of them. Watch more anime and lurk more before posting your normalfaggotry

Cope more

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only normalfags defend this trash. and yes ditf was bad from the beginning. eat shit

loli episode was the only good thing

Key The Metal Idol is mine
Very strong contender

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