I just watched two season of this anime. Now I know why Yas Forums relate with him so much to the point of worshipping...

I just watched two season of this anime. Now I know why Yas Forums relate with him so much to the point of worshipping. He's the "literally me" character: undateable, insufferable, smart but narcissistic.

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Only 15 y o relate with this guy. He is just another pseudo introvert just like sakuta and that ayanokouji guy.

Real introverts only love tomoko kuroki and rei kiriyama.

he's not a very relatable character I don't think that many people actually self insert as him, I think people just assume others will

everyone identifying with 8man needs to grow up. All his criticism of society and his trashing of social interactions are just a convouted cope for him not getting those. While he is right with the points he brings up he isnt telling it anyone else, but HIMSELF, hoping that one day he may actually believe it and not suffer from his lack of socialization he craves so dearly. He only brings it up all the time to others because if he can convince them then maybe he can convince himsef, the others believing his drive being used as evidence for his drivel being correct.
He is literally me when I was 14, which fits giving the setting of the anime and the characters, but anyone who identifies with him either is under 18 and thus not allowed here or needs to stop coping and grow up.

The Anime is good by the way, 8/10

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A reminder that toradora did the whole change theme better.

The real mystery to me is how could anyone think season 2 wasn't some of the worst shows ever made? The writing becomes incoherent babbling, like literally Tommy Wiseau-level script. Two characters might talk, and after that they look mad at each other like they've had a fight, but nothing in their dialogues was actually related to anything. Like, literally “Hi doggy! You’re my favourite customer. Thanks a lot, bye!”
I even thought I got some ESL google-translated subs at first, but no, all the existing versions of subs are equivally a world salad. It felt like the author had a stroke right when he was writing it, and no one bothered to fix it.
Is no one pointing that out because the entire fandom of this show is actually illiterate and just watches moving pictures?

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Saekano > Oregairu

>tomoko kuroki
I take it you haven't kept up with the manga

and that's a good thing because the manga is garbage

What happened?

She got popular. Now it's just a SoL for normies

you need to go back
only a retard would enjoy reading the same thing for 200 chapters

What’s the matter, user? 2deep4u?

She learned to stop being an 8man tier autist and started attracting people just as weird as her. This allowed her to be able to interact with people and not spill spaghetti, so the manga is about the character dynamics of all the peer groups she's affected now.

She's still a perverted weirdo who no guy wants to fuck, but she's not self-insertable to 14 year old faggots like anymore.

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What about Yukino? What’s everyone’s impression of her.

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She's almost good enough to make me watch her show despite the boring mc

lost interest when females started appearing around him
the only part author got right is that sisters are little, disrepectful, lying shits

Her slow burn romance is also good.

It's OK to admit you have autism, user. Not really the show's fault.

She's great. Only insecure mouthbreathers can't handle the quips.

He only has one girl in mind.

>Now I know why Yas Forums relate with him so much
You shouldn't take what containment thread posters say seriously.

She can fuck off like all the rest of them. Except the trap. The trap is the only one who the emo should hang out with.

You trapfags are all the same. Degenerates who deserve the cross.

Yukino's interactions and relationship with Hachiman are the bread and butter of the entire series.

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Why is she blushing when 8man tells her she knows much about Pan-San.

Jesus died on the cross for the sins of those bastards. They don't deserve to die like He did. Bind their arms and legs to horses and let them be split in four.

Probably because 8man is embarrassing her in front of Hiratsuka, Yui and Iroha.

Used to be cool. Now she’s just 8man’s onahole

>character development bad
>characters showing vulnerability bad
>archetypes GOOD

Her love came out of no where. It’s bad story telling.


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I'm saying the fact that he only had good chemistry with a twink is a searing, nay, BLISTERING indictment of the vapid thots that surrounded him.

mai waifu

Watamote in a nutshell.

>Illiterate haremshitters cope.

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>complains about what the characters are saying, arguing, etc are nonsensical
>calls others illiterate
I'm amazed after 5 years people still don't get what Yukino and Hachiman were disputing in season 2. It's mind boggling.

She wanted 8inches and was jealous of the fake confession

At least he gets cucked in the end and has to spend his life with worst girl.

It's definitely love related, anyone could see that. Yukino was upset that he self-sacrificed for dumb reasons and because he basically said he wanted to remain a loner, and didn't want to keep a reasonable distance. Hachiman basically drew a line in front of her and she was seething over it.

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>At least he gets cucked in the end
Stop projecting yourself onto Hachiman, you aren't him.

She gets surrounded by all these weird, one-note gag characters. A chick whose face is an emoji, a delinquent who's secretly an innocent maiden (remember when that was a trend?), that sort of thing. With the exception of a chick who's implied to be mildly autistic, none of them feel 'real' the way Tomoko, Yuu and Komiyama did (in that they'd kind of remind you of people you knew at that age).

It's like Guts's JRPG party, where if you complain about them people say you want the main character to be alone, when actually I would be fine with them making friends if the new characters weren't so lame, and there weren't so many of them when just one or two would have done the job.

8man is only ever interested in 1 woman and 1 woman only. Funny you call others illiterate when you're clearly too retarded and autistic to get that from the show.

>8man is only ever interested in 1 woman and 1 woman only.
This makes alot of people mad and why they are lashing out now.

>8man is only ever interested in 1 woman and 1 woman only.
He isn't as loyal as you make him out to be.

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>alot of people
You sure about that?

He isn't really interested in anyone (except the trap, but that was never going to go anywhere) until quite a way through the novels.

This didn't happen in the light novel. It's about as canon as the ANTHOLOGIES, which isn't at all.

Why do you delude yourself?

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Not canon yuifag.

>"…Also, becoming a bride."
>Yuigahama said it facing away from me, and then turned around.

>She stood in front of the furnished kitchen at the back of the display booth. The floor and tiles were pure white, and the artificial light falling through the skylight glass resembled a veil.

>The words that slipped out of Yuigahama's mouth were too realistic for it to be called a dream, that I couldn't emit a laugh nor force making a bitter smile.

>Instead, I slowly walked towards the kitchen. While walking, I tried to come up with a random joke.

>"Isn't that also about the same as mine? …Being a house husband is truly a good dream."

>"It doesn’t sound like a dream at all with the way you say it…"

Stop using a Yuifag's biased manga and not Watari's written canon.

At the end of the LN 8man admits that he grew up and his old ideas was embarrassing to look back on.

Is he still an introvert?

Yukino and Sensei had a huge affect on his development.

No, he's about to get engaged and might become a politician like Yukidad.

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>Now I know why Yas Forums relate with him so much to the point of worshipping
are you stuck in 2011 or something? The new cool thing on this board is to hate these kind of characters

Will he take the Yukinoshita name.

Yeah, I wouldn't be a misanthrope if I had two extremely pretty girls like me either.

Most likely, it's foreshadowed that Hachiman is on the same path that Yukidad once walked in his youth.

Yui has better chemistry with 8man compared to Yukino

Feels good that my boy pretty much realized the same thing in the first volume already and got himself a pretty girflriend at volume 7.

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