why do VN adaptations suck? VNs don't seem to have that much content even though they usually take 25 to 30 hours to complete. they just seen long because of word vomit, pointless SoL padding and boring porn. is it because VNs don't make for good source materials?
Why do VN adaptations suck...
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Because cramming in 50 hour VN into 13 episodes is gonna be a great experience.
>word vomit
Do you mean necessary information? Because that's why a lot of adaptations are shit.
like I said. VNs have so much filler. they don't provide solid 50 hour content. you can perfectly adapt a normal VN in 16 to 24 episodes if 13 episodes seem too tight.
yeah repeating what the character has just said in the monologue and narrating all the useless shit in purple prose is really necessary
If you want to read 'relevant content' for 50 hours go pick up a encyclopedia, your "word vomit" is more than often necessary to flesh out the setting, characters or set the atmosphere.
arguing with the other extreme is bad argumentation. If you think VNs are tightly written without any extraneous fat then you're a retarded VNfag.
It's not even good kind of word vomit like in lolita. VNs have terrrible prose
Give me an example.
go read any VN. for example, grisaia.
also dies irae
But I liked the Island anime.
>The actual source material is shit
>High focus on the protagonist's internal narration, which can't be translated into anime without a smart director
>A lot of VN authors are really mediocre, but overhyped by the VN audience who eats anything with harem and self-insert shit
>Plot is spread between various routes, which makes it hard to adapt everything (See FSN DEEN adaptation)
>Often very long
Pick some or all.
The easiest VNs to adapt are those who have a main route who gives away 90% of the story or just linear VN. But of course you still need a smart director who know what he's doing and and a lot of time.
Admiral Chino!
>>A lot of VN authors are really mediocre, but overhyped by the VN audience who eats anything with harem and self-insert shit
the way VN audience promote their VNs as life-changing masterpieces created by God himself is hilarious
mofu mofu...
better chino if you ask me. I wish there were H scenes in the VN.
I personally separate my life to pre-Subahibi and post-Subahibi periods, as reading it has completely changed how I view the world. It taught me to appreciate life much more (or rather in a different way) than I used to and also be more honest with myself. It may have a similar effect on you, or it may do nothing if it’s not your kind of thing, but one thing is clear — you’ve got to read it even if it’s the last thing you do
Yes, we know there are shit VNs but there are also really good ones.
most anime have mediocre direction and art and VNs usually are not build to have a lot of exciting set pieces for animation and rel heavily on internal monologue or lengthy dialogue.
VN designs are usually cool, but not made to animate or even move.
That being said it is perfectly possible to have a good VN adaptation with a competent team see Steins;Gate.
Something like Higurashi will never adapt properly though, the self-controlled pace and constant view from inside a mentally compromised persons head are cancer for anime.
>I thoroughly enjoyed Sakura no Uta, and it’s definitely the best game of the year, maybe a few years even. It didn’t give me anywhere as strong an impression as Subarashiki Hibi — Scaji’s masterpiece — but it’s a good, profound story penned by a master’s hand, and should be read by anyone with even a passing interest in the medium. Seriously, if Scaji wasn’t writing visual novels, I’d expect his name to come up among Nobel Prize laureates in a year or two — I definitely read less profound books of the guys that actually won the prize
Any VNs are better than actual books, if a book can't make me feel anything, what does that say about the story?
that's up to your preference but it's hilarious how VN audience consider some VN as profound and life-changing. it's like they are bending over backwards to make the medium seem intellectual and smart in a dumb way.
They're not
But some of them are definitely better than anime
Not fate or steins though, those are actual shit writing for insecure self inserts
>rance 01
>night shift nurses
I can only think of these when it comes to good VN adaptations
maybe for SoL VNs, shit like Rewrite and pic related got butchered anime
There is good adaptation but it is pretty hard to please VN/manga readers. Everyone of you imagine things different. Look at thermal case of "muh monologues autism" in UBW threads.
>profound and life-changing.
You're saying that it can't be? Because it did change some people.
mod and mot are shit
Very long, lots of development is often from the protagonist thinking to themselves (Will be interesting to see how Muv-Luv anime handles Takeru), a decent chunk divide the story into different routes that can't be easily adapted. Also most of the really big stuff would require far more of a budget then you can usually get.
>he hasn’t taken the key+Kyoani pill
yeah bro I also look into VNs for philosophy and redpills.
>pointless SoL padding
The sol parts are actually the main appeal of VNs and allow for maximum self-insertion, the plot is secondary to it. Many VNs forgo plot almost entirely to maximize sol.
>VNs don't seem to have that much content even though they usually take 25 to 30 hours to complete. they just seen long because of word vomit, pointless SoL padding and boring porn.
big ol' retard OP
you'll never find answer to your stupid question if you reject the only answer
mods delete this faggot thread
It's clear that you're faggot that thinks that only 'intellectual work' can change you.
I think there's difference between useful SoL and pointless SoL that accomplish literally nothing. most SoL in plot focused VNs is really annoying and create tonal whiplash
yeah bro profound themes in VNs really make me think about things that I have never thought about before. I divider my life into post-subahibi and pre-subahibi
>it's Yas Forumstard
>anything about VNs or anime adaption of VNs having anything to do with mainstream brainwashing
Retarded or just schizo?
>VNs are inferior to anime and manga in terms of visuals
>VNs are inferior to novels in terms of prose and writing
What is supposed to be profound about Subahibi? I thought the philosophy paper thin. Sure, the author seems well-read, but what is there beyond ? The story is 90% a mostly straightforward narrative of this weird cult, and the remaining 10% is about this "outer world" that is presented as if it's critically important but actually has nothing to do with the rest of the story.
If Down the Rabbit Hole I, Tsui no Sora II, and everything involving Ayana were cut completely, I fail to see what would be lost.
I think it's telling that I have very often seen people talking about how deep its philosophy is, but I have very rarely seen anyone talk about the philosophy. They assert that it has great depth, but rarely discuss the ideas it supposedly explores so brilliantly.
Personally I divide my life into pre-subahibi and Post Subahibi periods.
even this shitty weeb subculture has mainstream beliefs and opinions
12 episodes of anime don't seem to have that much content even though they usually take 4 hours to complete. they just seen long because of word vomit, pointless SoL padding and boring porn.
that's a famous pasta bro. It's just that subahibi is different from your average VN so people overrate it.
subahibi and sakuuta are overrated as fuck. people say those eroge are deep and profound and what not but I don't get them. subahibi is at least kinda different experience so I get why people like it. sakuuta is really mediocre
It's not translated and you're baiting in Yas Forums
I know japanese bro
because VNs (and LNs) are trash
The thing that gets me about Subahibi is that none of the supposedly super profound or deep themes actually come off as well presented or explored through what the characters say or do. It felt like half an hour before the story ended they remembered to tell you "yeah bro live life happily and stuff" without conveying it in any meaningful or interesting way.
VN's are old and busted. Nobody has the time to click for 30 hours anymore.
No one know japanese here in Yas Forums bro. You want to bait but you have no audience here. Try /jp/
How embarrassing.
The question still stands, though. I would love to read an analysis of SubaHibi that goes beyond asserting that it's deep and philosophical. Everything seems to be written as a form of apologetics, defending SubaHibi to those who doubt its brilliance, which is not how people talk about stories that actually have depth.
I invested something like 70 hours into Subahibi, so if there's some profundity there I'm missing I would very much like to hear about it.
Something can be life-changing without being profound.
Muv-Luv Alternative is one of my favorite stories of all time and there's nothing profound about it. It's just a powerful story with characters I care about. I would say it's a reasonably intelligent story, but certainly not an intellectual one.
>Untranslated "Kamige" gets hyped as the best thing ever
>Get translated
>It's either mediocre or OK with some great moments
Rinse and repeat
user just stop eating /vn/ baits
The same happens with light novels. Even translated ones.
I'm expcting 86 to be shit.
bro even sane japanese people hate sakuuta
Try /jp/
JOPs always create lofty expectations and people who buy into their memes end up getting dissatisfied with the VN.
how was muv-luv life changing to you?
I've been slowly going down this path of thinking Nasu writes "baby's first VN" type stuff that gets swept away by people talking about their infinitely superior untranslated masterpieces only to realize he's actually one of the better VN writers after reading the shit that gets hyped up so hard only to be disappointed by it. Hollow Ataraxia really deserves more love.
vns suck and the readers are a hundred times worse than early western weebs
This. Only incel coomers read porn
But a lot of VN don't have porn or barely have it. Not to mention otome and BL.
Subahibi is the greatest vn of all time prove me wrong