New trailer
Tower of God Anime
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Is that real?
5 years ago I would have been excited, but the roster of characters simply grew too big, and the already thin plot became too unfocused. It's never been a masterpiece, but the quality has plummeted post workshop.
The Dengdeng bullshit was the final straw. Did anyone even like that arc?
I liked the intern that just wanted a stable high paying job, otherwise, no.
>only 13 episodes
It's dead jim
I really, really didn't care about the whole canine people thing. But hey, Dowon, I guess.
It's ok most of the dog people got blown to shit by jahads merry band of assholes. Right now bams doing something for once and actively trying to rile Fug and the asshats running the tower at the same time.
I know 13 episode kill all the hype
user is the first season only
why hatsu is so Yas Forums?
his body must be similar to a woman because the first time i read ToG i thought he was a woman
So this Tower of God got nothing to do with this video?
Not interested, then.
Tower of god isnt gay user!!!
Does the manga get good in later season?
i only read season 1 years ago when bam got backstabbed by rachel
But no it only gets worse
anyone else excited for the soundtrack?
Who cares about short advertisement
season 1 is the good part
Well, at least korean sounds better than chinese.
Is there seriously no Japanese version of this trailer? My ears kinda hurt the wrong way.
>pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic
Do I fucking need anything more to confirm this ship?
>Announced to be 12 eps
>Hype died
Deserved gooktards.
For me it has always been like one good arc, followed by a bad one and then a good one again.
The "dog people" arc was shit, but the recent "FUG vs Zahard" arc is pretty good.
Did I forget anything?
yes normie
>khun will never be your husband
I know what you feel, but actually while rereading it all now, it kinda feels all right, I'd say. Long series are often like this: you spend 50 weeks for 50 chapters and forget what was a year ago, while when you binge you just spend a day or two for this amount and it all comes together quite seamlessly.
I mean, Hell Train was actually so long that by the end of it I changed job and moved out, so of course things like this tend to feel long when you measure them with IRL time.
>i thought
You're such a snowflake.
I bothered to argue with you past week, but now that I reread farther I was reminded by the comments that even by the Workshop Battle ark people thought it was a dead ship already ("LOL ENDORSI WANTS TO GET DUMPED TWICE LOL" and such). And it's even back before Hwa Ryun became a main cast character or that lame "date" that only served to show how little Baam sees her as a romantic partner.
>pic - this manhwa is such shounen /s
wrong board, gook
>13 episodes
That would be great if that's just half the season and not the whole season 1. If it's the whole season, they will definitely fuck it up.
>Hwa Ryun became a main cast character or that lame
user hwnryun as main girl was so shit that siu was forced to put androssi in hell train.
>people thought it was a dead ship already
ahahahahhaahha you really reread it from webtoon?
this is why you dont understand anything, wbetoons change all dialogues between baam and androssi.
reread it on mangadex then webtoons fandom is all fujo-fangirls and they try to deny the most evident ship.
big cope.
Baam is for Rachel
Are you stupid or just lazy? There are Japanese trailers all over the net
You forgot
for christ sakes Baam we know she's your world already, just get it over with
user rachel is like a thot and Baam her orbiter.
She prefer date everyone but not Baam
>"hwnryun as main girl was so shit that siu was forced to put androssi in hell train"
>Androssifag being clueless about Hwa Ryun being the favorite female character of SiU himself.
ROFL, you're being being embarrassing.
>wbetoons change all dialogues between baam and androssi
Yeah, right, I imagine webtoon translators being like "Oh man let's change this part and this part coz we don't like it"
Are you like twelve or something? Forgot your foil head?
gkys I was talking about the OP's trailer
>Yeah, right, I imagine webtoon translators being like "Oh man let's change this part and this part coz we don't like it"
from what i saw from webtoons androssi is a 10 family princess when siu in a blog said that 10 families princess are more special than androssi.
they change everything because they didnt care about ToG
>ROFL, you're being being embarrassing.
yep and in the pic there is favorite boy of siu
cmon user hwaryun can only get kidnapped
it's just the old trailer, but in korean
>from what i saw
Yeah, and I actually read it, you ignorant man.
> androssi is a 10 family princess when siu in a blog said that 10 families princess are more special than androssi.
Just get the fuck out no one ever said she's from 10 families. You sound like someone who knows little about a series that already has almost zero side material to learn from, so to know basically everything you'd just need to read it, and you failed even at that.
>pic - why was SiU never sued for this?
>but the roster of characters simply grew too big, and the already thin plot became too unfocused
ToG is like One Piece in that regard. The authors already know the whole story from the beginning to the end, but they just keep stretching the plot adding more shit in between. At least they give us some tidbits of lore here and there to keep the hype alive.
Why is the color scheme looks garish and awful?
Where are Leesoo and Hatz attacking people then stealing their souls for White?
Is this at the battle? They're regulars so wouldn't they get stomped by almost anyone at the battle?
I swear the coloring reminds of the old digipaint shows from early 2000s anime
leesoo mastermind + white's sword teaching to hatsu + surprise motherfucker + FUG weapon support
>Just get the fuck out no one ever said she's from 10 families
hide and seek game, Baam and Androssi dialogue before Androssi betrayl
>You sound like someone who knows little about a series
i reread it 6 times at mininum, i know more than someone who reread it 1 times on webtoons
webtoons fucked up all dialogue so most of the story was lost we need force everyone to read from mangadex during anime airing
>webtoons fucked up all dialogue
Says who? Since when could you read Korean? Official translation not being supportive of your ship doesn't mean it's fucked up.
The company translation was perfect
pls try to read it
and discover everything you lost
ex waht webtoons call ghost is called akryung that mean THE EVIL in korean
so the comment of you hang sung about how his name suits for him have sense.
>everything you lost
>last translated chapter by them is 2.110
Um, yeah. And I did compare random chapters here and there. They weren't so different, except in the beginning webtoon translation sucked.
the best part of tog (from beginning to end of workshop battler) was translate by people who really love to and they made it perfect.
>They weren't so different
during workshop battle, leeso watch watching big tits women and anak get mad instead in webtoons translation they become glamor type girls, this ruin anak and leeso relationship so the reader dont understand that anak like leesoo
I don't know why people refer to Hell Train as one arc when it's so sharply divided into discrete arcs (the battle getting on, the White business, the name stealing floor, the death floor, the VRMMO, the battle getting off)
Yama was pretty cool and actually seemed like someone people would worship.
>Yama was
He still is.
train arc was followed by isekai arc that then was followed by the "war" arc
and the 3 were plain bad arcs
thats when i droped it, not wasting my time anymore
>so the reader dont understand that anak like leesoo
The only one clueless was you, lol. You have to be braindead to not see such simple tropes. You don't even need the fucking text to get it.
Ah, it's not like it was bad, the problem with the train was that we were led by a premise that this will be a 'shortcut,' which in turn took much more time that one could've thought. I personally liked this ark a lot since it was a much needed infodump.
>FUG vs Zahard
It's been long Bam VS someone/something, you know. He's long been out of FUG's control.
Why does I look like knock-off Yuasashit?
Do you really?
>You don't even need the fucking text to get it
and dont notice that yuri love evan.
reread the company version and understand how androssi will win
You read the good part, you can drop it now
Was Hwa Ryun raped in this scene? I always wonder about such things: in shounen, authors entroduce evil characters that have no morals and then make them capture girls. The thing is, it's unnatural that they don't rape them. Actually, let me rephrase it, it's unnatural when authors create situations where nothing would prevent them from doing this.
I really hate such moments, since I never know whether the author is a sneaky bastard that just 'implies' something like this, or that there was no rape just because it's shounen, and then my already weakened suspension of disbelief brakes down.
P.S. When you actually think about Hwa Ryun getting kidnapped all the time, you can infer a few key elements:
1. Baam will always save her, no matter what. She's the only character he's really mindless about, not even stopping to consider whether she's in any real danger. (Maybe he doesn't want her to be raped lol)
2. Baam (and other Irregulars) are the only ones whose fate Hwa Ryun (a Guide) can't see. That actually serves as a Nightmare Fuel since that would mean that she might not even know whether he will rescue her, which is even more terrifying for someone who basically lives their life already knowing what will happen.
On the other hand, she really plays here like a shounen Female Heroine where she gets saved by her Hero. That situation (which happens more than once) would actually built some solid foundation for her developing some actual strong feelings towards Baam. Because in situations like this, she *doesn't* know; so, she hopes.
And He always answers her hopes.
All this gets kinda diluted in the overall very battle-oriented plot written by someone who can't even make long time comrades hug each other when they're supposed to, so that doesn't really help.
>and dont notice that yuri love evan.
>yuri love evan
Ah! I get it now!
You're not Androssifag, you're plainly delusional on quite a few levels. At this point I can only applaud your mind. Must be quite entertaining viewing everything through your own sickened vision. Who knows, maybe you're the epitome of Death of the Author. Someone who reads a story about Bob saving Alice's dog, and concluding that Bob eats sand in his Lobster Cult every third Sunday of a month, while surrounded by hobos.
I was actually getting confused as to why talking to you felt like inputing info in a randomize, but it all makes sense now. Please kindly excuse me for treating you like a normal functioning human being, when you're just crazy.
>hwaryun raped
reflejo got his mask for love a zahard's princess,a love sin,so is very impossible
> Baam will always save her
like everyone, Baam will always save his friends just hwaryun get kidnapped every 5 minutes.
>built some solid foundation for her developing some actual strong feelings towards Baam
hwaryun like every girl in ToG love Baam
the first time i read headon's floor i always thinking that yuri loved evan after the dialogue about people changing.
i also love leeso x Anak and Kallavan x Dowon
because SIU put many cute moments as riddle about their future relationship.
the feeling between yuri and Baam is just onee-san with her brother, instead the feeling between Androssi and Baam is the one better explained.
How many scene about androssi with Baam there are?
many so or Androssi will die or become Baam's gf.
Don't bother with the local ESL, he is caught in his delusional fanfiction and keeps spouting his headcanon as fact.