
Gook scan are out

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Shogi finally realizes she has no chance against Tadano in the Kataibowl.

as she should

Why is shogi girl crying

Katai dumped her for Trapdano.

It's out


>constant never ending romance shit
Manbagi was a mistake. Give us some chapters of the Tadano squad doing fun shit together and Komi making new friends.


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katai-bros, when will it be our turn.....

Shogi just wants to beat women, broz.

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It's nice to see Komi just hanging out with her friends.

Yo-yo asking the important questions.

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Fucking hell Tadano, what are you waiting


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Is Komi building a harem?


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Yamai would be proud.


Come on Komi, Yo-yo needs some new schlick material.

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Hey, do you remember that love triangle drama?
Need a reminder of said drama?

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It just a joke about how with so little info she figured it out exactly.

>gym storage
Locked in the closet trope incoming.

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>finally a chapter with yoyo and shogi
>it's all about Komi & Manbagi
>hinted that she'll even be here next time they meet

>basically repeated the whole culture festival drama despite almost all of us having read it
Even by Komi standards, this is an absolutely nothing chapter
Thanks for the dump though

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>Ase and Naruse locked up
>with prez

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It's totally confirmed

>I got nothin'!
And that's kinda sad


>It's totally confirmed
What is?

Imagine the smell.

What a pervert girl
Also, this is cute

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It's like she was there

gives a Nezuko vibe

Komi's freaked out about how much they know about her

>Ase and Naruse locked up

Yes, I'm pretty much expecting that, unless it's Tadano and Katai
>with prez
God, no pls
She would be the one who basically destroys the door to get Ase out of there

>Komi and Katai
No one would ever hear them

>love triangle kills the hype
oh no

let's add another with trapdano

Oh c'mon Shogi should have had a bigger reaction to Katai confessing during the play. We needed her point of view. Stop talking about the gyaru! Stop talking!

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Filler but cute chapter
Komi's friends are hella cute

Hiw progressive

the statistics are against her, at the peak of skill level are dominated almost entirely by men, very few women can reach the foothills let alone the peaks.

Nice to see Ayami unable to be a bastard for a change, or at least using her powers for good

A-san has had a more far reaching transformative effect on Komi than any other character.

well sure because if she had that level of open communication skill with tadano we wouldnt be in a romcom.

you are actually looking at same pages over and over again regardless the anime you pick, therefore


truly profound