New Higurashi no Naku Koro ni anime in July and it actually looks awesome. Where were you, when AOTD was announced?
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
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my boy tomitake looks like he aged 10-20 years
>Monogatari faces.
I feel suddenly very tired.
It's a dream come true. I thought Last Period was the final time we'd see the gang animated, boy was I wrong.
The new design is based on the PS3 sprites, newfag-chan.
It looks like something you'd see on Casey & Friends.
do it.
>implying original Higurashi also wasn't cute in the beginning of the story
The problen here is watanabe´s samefaces, not the design.
that was a good show
God dammit when will Manga-gamer release ep8, they better do it before this airs
wasn't tomitake a fatty in the vn?
>Deen nostalgiafagging
Unironically the worst posting on Yas Forums right now
Both have soul, no need to be so hard on the DEEN version.
>Where were you, when AOTD was announced?
reading erikantrice manifesto
I doubt we're gonna get the crazy faces again but we'll still see the demon eyes n shit right?
Deen is better
I don't like the contrast between the light and dark in the new version. While I wouldn't call Higurashis atmosphere sinister in the lighter portions it at least felt somewhat washed out and draped in oranges while this one feels too bright. Besides that I prefer the character designs of the old one despite the fact that there's nothing really wrong with the new. Except K1 who looks awful.
Literally fucking soulless trash.
I dunno, I like the darker orange scheme during the sunset and how it also shows on the characters too.
But Kanon is the most boring character in Umineko.
We really need to make one of those 'so you want to get into Higurashi' images for all these Deen secondaries.
Where's the guide to Higurashi Kira?
In the trash can, where it belongs
But kanon is erika so is the most funny one
Isn't that just a twisted mental gymnastic theory made by a /jp/ user?
nope the real solution of umineko.
exaple in ep5 erika was the detective rigth?
so why erika:
>hate so much natsuhi and jessica
>know that the epigraph wasnt been published in any newspaper even if she discover it 5 minutes ago
>know epigraph solution even if Lambda said that was impossible discover it
>always the last one to enter in the crime scene
>didnt inspect the bodies even if they have the same type of fake-death in 10 little indians
>the only one in all the game who speak to kanon, every other person ignored kanon in the 5th game
>seal everything except kinzo's study window
>didnt check if someone was in hideyoshi closed room.
>nanjo and kumasawa , people payed by natsuhi for confirm everything she said ,start to confirm everything erika read on the natsuhi's diary.
for explaine this or erika is dumb or erika is the smartest detective ever
This guy is a legitimate mentally ill schizo who single handedly ruined Umineko generals. Do not reply to him.
sorry smartest culprit ever not detective
> mentally ill schizo
stop using reddit-tumbrl terms and go back in your shithole called discord
>still no Umineko adaptation by ufotable
How can anyone defend DEEN after they had butchered Umineko?
Could Umineko shitters please fuck off
Will they bring it back?
Is it even as iconic in japan?
Because umineko is a trash VN and no one cares about it
I'd rather see a new Eiko Shimamiya song, to be honest.
But these are normal words that everyone uses
>starting fandom wars
I suggest you to move to
He's just trying to copy others so that you agree with him. Even on /jp/, he keep patchworking popular alt theories to his own retarded shit, thinking people will care about him more. Looking at his approvation-seeking posts is enough to see that he's mentally ill.
>and it actually looks awesome
??? It looks like shit
It doesn't look that bad asides from fem-K1.
>for you redditors
those words are in most if not in every dictionary
>implying this faggot owns a dictionary
That's what you deserve for posting in generals
They weren't total shit before he started spamming. And since Umineko and Higurashi generals are merged, you can't discuss Higurashi either.
this words are sued by redditrs,tumbrl and other shit to insult Yas Forums user instead of argue.
like have sex,cope ecc,,, when these mental slaves hear some logic their slave brain desperate try to deny it with insult .
Goats not humans
It's all tiresome. Generals were mistake
user... Tomitake is like 40.
No, man. There's a difference.
have sex,cope etc. are more less synonyms for saying "fuck off"
calling someone a mentally ill schizo is telling him to fuck off + pointing out he's acting like mentally ill schizo
You've been called like that because you act like one
Seek help
>because you act like one
why? because i dont accept what other say and i use my own logic?
this is called be human goat, i advice you to read umineko
Attention from others feeds his schizo fantasies. Stop replying to him, he's probably already crying behind his screen anyways.
Stop with your terrible posts already. You were proven wrong on multiple occasions.
Tomitake in this image looks nothing like DEEN Tomitake or Matsuri/Kizuna Tomitake, he's obviously based on the original sprite.
>have sex,cope etc. are more less synonyms for saying "fuck off"
based Yas Forums owning Yas Forums
Does it make Higurashi less good?
They butchered the hell out of Higurashi as well. It only attracted retarded edgy secondaries that still plague the fanbase.
Maybe Tomitake's, but Rena's design is based on the PS3 sprite
Sound Novel sprite-DEEN design
>darker hair color, orange-brown
>bigger hair
>The sides Rena's hair are spreading out a bit
VN sprite-New anime design
>lighter hair color, orange only
>Hair is not as puffy
>The sides of her hair are hanging down
Is there a voice patch for chapter 8 of the VN or will I have to either wait or read it unpached?