2 more days till we cry - Bofuri Final Ep

We better get a S2 announcement or we unleash more corona.

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Is Bofuri good?

Stop making threads, let it die until the new episode comes out

These threads are full of untagged spoilers from the Web Novels ruining the experience for everyone

Hey, I'm not the OP. All I wanna know is whether or not the show is good.

Yes if you stupid fun

>Yes if you stupid fun
That sure is grammar.

It's not deep, but it's enjoyable. Cute girl gets OP in a game in cute ways is about the best way to summarize it.

>These threads are full of untagged spoilers from the Web Novels ruining the experience for everyone
The spoilers enhance the experience you faggot.

Your minority view is noted and ignored.

At least tag them so that if someone doesn't want to be spoiled they can make that decision for themselves

Studies have demonstrated on multiple occasions that no enjoyment from an event is lost from spoilers, only reduces motivation while heightening anticipation.

Stop being a bitch.

It is tagged, retard.

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You decision doesn't matter. If you don't want to hear about things before they happen, don't enter a thread on Yas Forums about an ongoing anime based on a prior product.

He's probably the same faggot in the threads who wanted our friendly SpoilerAnons to delete their spoiler posts.

Not enough for me to trust yet. Sword Alt was about the same thing, and I still thought it was too much like its source material to be good.

I really hope it's not necessary for me to state that I deliberately said Sword ALT. A-L-T.

>season 2
Serious doubts given the current climate.

the why are you here?

The OP side of it is played off comedically. I really don't feel like there's anything similar to SAO, besides the standard full-dive VR headset that's commonplace in these types of story now. There's basically no drama, for example. First episode gives you a pretty good standard of what the rest of the episodes are like. So try it and see if you like it or don't, I don't give a fuck.

I want more of this Sally.

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>or we unleash more corona
But user...

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Why are we still here?

Corona isn't killing us fast enough

So what does Mapuru pull out of her ass to survive being 4-on-1'd

>Tag an already spoiled sentence
The fuck?

Vore and Gore

It will never die, retard.
But Syrup will

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I can't believe that syrup's fucking dead, bros.

I can't believe Dread died for this

>that no enjoyment from an event is lost from spoilers
Yeah right, "studies". With BOFURI I'll concede that spoilers don't really matter. But for other shows, spoilers detract from the experience given with the initial occurrence of a surprising event.

I wanna see them fight together again

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2nd or 3rd season with tower climbing namek boss rush arc

I went into this show expecting your usual average trash that I would drop but then I found myself enjoying it all and eagerly waiting for each week's episode. Top comfy.

Post Mii

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Why Maple bulli Mii?

When will Frederica bully this dork with her unlimited MP?

I want to cast mana drain on Mii!

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>hurrrrr its the journey not the destination
Shut the fuck up, faggot. What if someone spoiled the journey for you, too? What if they just summarized the entire thing? You're just drawing an arbitrary line on how much information is okay to spoil. How about not spoiling anything you dimwit

Because you cannot stop yourself from opening a blacked out spoiler tag?

>moving the goalpost
I'm not complaining about spoiler tags idiot. I'm saying spoilers not mattering is horseshit cope by people who got spoiled too many times.

Or maybe other people have a much different perspective than you? Is this your first time encountering a different mindset?

Not that user, but stop being a faggot. Pressing ctrl+s is not that hard.

You're the one denying the opposite perspective you fucking retard. It's fine if spoilers don't matter to you, but you're claiming they don't actually matter to anyone, so fuck off.

And what gave you the impression I'm against people using spoiler tags?

Never said that.
> I'm saying spoilers not mattering is horseshit cope by people who got spoiled too many times.
You don't know the reasons people have for their positions.

I don't give a fuck you dumb shit. You're the one disregarding people's desire to not be spoiled with your "studies" bullshit. Just use spoiler tags and shut the fuck up.

I'm not the one bringing up studies, nor am I advocating for people to not use spoiler tags.

I'm just pointing out that you look like a moron assuming everyone thinks like you.

Stop replying. Its that same psycho that has been shitting up Bofuri threads for the last six weeks.

that's the problem with mangafags and Yas Forums in general, people feel self righteous in spoiling things for some reason

>on Yas Forums
>feel self righteous in spoiling things
>not for the LOLZ
Good lord, how far Yas Forums had fallen.

I just like fun.

nigga Made you Read :3

Help I can't stop falling in love with girls that go :3

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>he doesn't know

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They do it to "own the seccondaries" because it fuels their retarded superiority complex

that's good

It's fucking trash mate.

Just to suffer

Then can i spoil it if the twitter page or the game (bofuri line war) spoil it first

>the standard full-dive VR headset that's commonplace in these types of story now.
I thought standard procedure was for it to be magic transport, not virtual interface. There are other LN shows where the fantasy otherworld is VR?

Also, I said Sword ALT, as in the spinoff about cute girls with guns