5 toubun

The party never ends

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for breeding

I'm in love with Yotsuba

greatest romcom of all time

We know Jamal

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Why is Yotsuba so ugly compared to her sisters?

We know piece of shit

This but Ichika

This but Itsuki

I want to feel up all their tits

Why do they all look so fat? Except Nino because she's a 10/10 once in a lifetime beauty.

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They are 150 cm user
Ask Negi why he didn't make them 160-165

This but Yotsuba

This but Nino

They're 159 cm.

I hate Nino!

I love Nino!

Nino is the ugliest quint


I want to smell Yotsuba's body

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Fuck you
They should be 165

I shipjumped every 5 chapters.
Am I gigachad?

Nino has a better pussy than Yotsuba.
Yotsuba doesn't shave and doesn't know how to wash properly.

Salty 4fag spoted!

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Nope. A true gigachad skips reading entirely and just goes straight to shitposting.

>Ichika end
Manga ends up with the message that it is alright to lie and to backstab your way so long as can accomplish your goal.
>Nino end
Manga ends up with the message that it is alright to be a selfish piece of shit and run over those you pretend to cherish above anything else, if it is to accomplish your goals.
>Miku end
Manga ends up with the message that one should always reflect on and improve themselves for the sake of their loved ones.
>Yotsuba end
Manga ends up with the message that it is alright to be a selfish cunt that ruins everything they touch so long as you atone your past by causing suffering to yourself and to others.
>Itsuki end
Manga ends up with the message that it is alright to sit on your fat ass and do nothing but gain weight since your dream job is a lost cause anyways.

>Manga ends up with the message that it is alright to lie and to backstab your way so long as can accomplish your goal.
This is based

Ichika end is the most realistic one!

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This is one of Mikuj's old pastas lmao.

>No kino kiss double spread
>No hug or hand-holding
>No fluff at all for the main couple
>Not even "I love you"
>No dreams or career for the main couple
>No kiss since the festival
>Bell kiss just hand waved away
>No mention of the missing rings
>No using the ring from the study notes instead
>11 dresses left unexplained
>Bracelet retconed out of existence
>Lolinakano revealed off-screen
>The photo was never seen again
>The truth about Rena never came out
>Nino cried after finally being rejected 5 years later
>Miku got more skin contact with the groom than the bride
>Fuu never showed grandpa he could tell the quints apart
>Yots wasn't the first one to stop wearing her accessory
>No time alone during their honeymoon
>No quints branching apart
>No flashforward to taking their kids to the swings
>No flashback to Fuu giving her the white ribbon
>Pseudo harem end

Bravo, Negi.

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What killed the hype?

Manga was finished

> yotsuba is /sp/
> is a disgusting fattie

Fumino won unlike the other deserving quints. This series is trash.

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Tried to fix the giant hands a bit but Miku loses some of her assets.

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It's over, let it go already.

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stfu toubun tard

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Micute a best
Nini a shit

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Shouldn't Itsuki be fat as fuck in the flash forward?

Remember to thank Yotsubest for saving the manga

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Based Oji-san and Jam-san!

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Shit was surprisingly way too weak from what supposed to be unconventional winner. Negi should've gone with Ichika for full blown anti-meta end.

Give it time.

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I love Yotsuba!

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Good for you. I love Itsuki!

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>That big Nino

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Why was it so good

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Don't kid yourself, 4tard. If its so good why are threads dying?

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It wasn't, your perception is biased because your quint won.

Manga ended two and a half months ago and it still gets threads almost every day
Thank you Yotsuba

In the story that image comes from, she's gotten that big because she's pregnant with quints of her own.


Now that the dust is settled is it safe to say that this is the romcom with least amount of romance of all time?

Because best girl won. All the seething from the loser made it even better.