I fucking hated this overrated garbage, this is the worst highly rated anime I've ever seen. Yas Forums only thinks it's good because there's little girls in it
I fucking hated this overrated garbage, this is the worst highly rated anime I've ever seen...
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>Yas Forums only thinks its good because there's little girls in it.
See with this trash.
It can be. The most overrated anime is Monogatari (and everything related to it)
never seen anyone here express positive feelings about this show
I love when he's drowning while playing the piano.
It's a beautiful anime with a gorgeous animation
but it's overrated alright
It was alright. Had its flaws here and there but nothing particularly egregious. People who want a music themed anime aren't exactly spoiled for choice, everything else is either idolshit, generic jpop or only has a thin veneer of music over whatever else it's trying to sell. Then again that's probably not what people are here for, they're probably just here for the cry porn.
>a/ only thinks it's good because there's little girls in it
You’re new here, aren’t you.
What's the matter OP? Are you permanently in the Friend A Zone?
Now you have. I absolutely loved it. It's rare for a anime make me feel anything. This one did. You might say, it reached me.
Top tier mother's day episode.
>Yas Forums only thinks it's good because there's little girls in it
Describes 90% of Yas Forums content.
The art style is good. The animation is horse shit. Please learn the difference.
>Yas Forums only thinks it's good
Except Yas Forums thinks this is garbage, lurk 2 years before posting.
I like music themed anime, but not shitty music like idolshit or jpop.
In that regard I don't have much to chose from.
But yeah, you're right that I like it for the cry porn, not that it was enough to make me actually cry though, if only it were that easy.
I loved it. One of my 10/10s. Although, I did watch it something like 5 years ago, when I was 14 I think, so that may have swayed my opinion greatly. I might be in for a rewatch soon.
The blonde bitch plan made no fucking sense and pushed the guy she liked away from her.
Have you tried actually watching it?
Retards with no taste.
Actual person with taste.
I love it, bro.
She knew she was only a transient guest
And did not want to ruin things between MC and the childhood friend
I enjoyed the show and the most gratifying moment was one that character went bye bye.
It was such a jubilant moment.
>Did not want to ruin things between MC and childhood friend
>Ruins everything for the chad
Yeah she was a stupid bitch.
It shows him about to get his dick wet with another girl and he nostalgically looks at a pic of her
>the whole lie was just her pretending to like MC's bff
That was fucking stupid, I literally thought the lie was they're going to perform at the stage again
I wouldn't have disliked it as much if the characters weren't fucking middle schoolers.
show was alright in the first half. boring in the second. tsubaki best girl. kousei doesn't deserve her
This show is simply exploiting empathy.
Take the dying girl theme away from it, or replace a girl with a boy and what it would be? Another mediocrity.
Exploiting "the character is cute and is dying" trope is a cheap, a very cheap way to attract the viewer by causing certain strong emotions to arise. And because it is cheap, the show itself becomes cheap by losing any sort of rewatchability(I don't know if this word even exist).
My bruda.
My God, what brilliance. I don't agree with some people, therefore they're retards with no taste. You must be a gentleman and a scholar. No need at all to form a cogent thought or offer your own counterargument. This is why I like Yas Forums. Civil discourse and rational debate.
Good point. Despite being coming off as flaky and even at times ditzy, Kaori was very mature for a 14-15 year old girl. Even more so considering she had been suffering from a terrible disease for literally half of her life.
I think their age was just about perfect. They were old enough to have complex feelings for each other. Yet young enough that there was no great need to push sexual relationships. I suspect even a horndog like Watari was still a virgin at the end of the series.
I liked Tsubaki a lot. However she largely friendzoned herself. If hypothetically, Kaori had made a full recovery, would Tsubaki have had the courage to tell Kōsei her true feelings?
Isn't that the point? Every good story wants the audience to emotionally connect with the characters. Otherwise it's boring. Millennia of human storytelling proves that. Lets run that hypothetical again. Kaori recovers, marries Kōsei, they have a bunch of musical prodigy babies. That generates an emotional response too.
>take a show with drama, remove the drama and it will lose part of its appeal
No shit.
>Yas Forums
A small minority. From what I understand apparently Reddit loves this show.
This starts interesting, but ends up just as tacky melodrama imploring for some empathy. The characters are poorly explored. Instead they are exploited, practically begging the viewers for some tears.
>replace a girl with a boy and what it would be? Another mediocrity.
I mean personally I wouldn't have felt different about it if Kaori and Arima were swapped. Arima got a bunch of focus himself with all the drama with his mother so it's not like it was solely about Kaori.
>Exploiting "the character is cute and is dying" trope is a cheap, a very cheap way to attract the viewer by causing certain strong emotions to arise.
Maybe the dying part was kinda cliche and overused but face it, for any person in any situation, having the character be more attractive will evoke a stronger reaction in people, good looks are just something people are drawn to as much as you want to believe otherwise.
Yas Forums has a pretty small population, so every minority will be small in absolute numbers.
maybe I would have enjoyed it if it wasn't excruciatingly obvious the blonde girl was gonna die from episode 2.
It's pretty good if you like over the top teen drama though. If you don't... well, I can see how it can be a major drag then.
Sounds like you watched it wrong. Oh well, sucks for you.
Have you tried watching things based on your own interests instead of relying solely on anonymous people on the internet?
He probably used mal reviews before coming to this shithole.
Yes, you've watched it recently because your friend oversell it and you feel you had to bitch on Yas Forums for the nth time because you're disappointed that it doesn't cater to your taste but not to your friend because you're a fucking coward
It's obvious from the OP.
This desu, so artificially melodramatic.
The drama and music hit me right in the FEELS. I had an unreal moment when I heard them playing the anime soundtrack at work.
Large amounts of buzzwords user. Just admit its garbage. Like, an actual person with braincells would see this as overrated garbage like Your Name.
The music was great. I use this as one of my ringtones now.
You mean like "overrated garbage"? If you didn't like it, fine. But You can't shame me into sharing your dislike. Haven't watched Your Name yet. But I always go into a new anime with an open mind.
shit taste
>It shows him about to get his dick wet with another girl and he nostalgically looks at a pic of her
then its pretty much pointless. If her goal was just be closer with kousei then just talking with him will be just fine
since kousei was pretty much putting up mental gymnastic because he has feelings with blonde while his chad best friend keeps pursuing her
I'm not sure why it's even rated highly it's fucking terrible, Didn't feel sad at all watching this.
Maybe the dying girl sad and music just pulls on the softest of hearts.
cope harder
I dropped it when the only thing that happens was
ad nauseam every single episode over and over
Not liking a show for valid reasons is perfectly okay, OP. But I get this unwavering feeling that you went into watching this "highly ranked" anime with a preset mindset that you will not enjoy it no matter what because it is "highly ranked" or popular or whatever. Therefore, shock and awe, you made yourself not enjoy it. Just like anons no. 1 through 838485828 before you.
Now this is trash.
Wow. That was a concise and lucid argument user. And it was given without resorting to childish insults. Are you sure you're on the right site?
I've seen way more people complain about this anime being overrated than people praising it.
lmao yeah
This would be good if the blonde girl and jap boy started making out all passionately. Like french tounge punch kissu, yeah that would be a better ending. For a good 5 minutes just kaori and kousei just licking eachothers faces. Yeah.
It was an observation, not an argument, and I see no childish insults in there. Explain yourself, dude.
hang yourself