This is a 13 year old child

This is a 13 year old child.
Why does Japan think this is an appropriate image to make and distribute?

Attached: 56DFD4E3-87CD-4778-9500-7A2EE8976C3F.jpg (1068x1732, 1.56M)

Woah she is really cute

If she can get pregnant then she's not a child.

Because they aren't a western country and don't have the same cultural viewpoints. What is considered tolerable or acceptable in society varies.

Cute face, budding breasts,nice thighs, just enough baby fat in the tummy.
Yes, I like her.

Why do you think you can decide for them what is and isn't distributable?

18 since the timeskip and still exactly the same.

She is far and away the best girl in the series. Too bad they made her into a hag with the timeskip they did.

LMAO wtf is up with her pencil neck?

Her anime sucked.

>Rein's anime
Don't think so

Attached: Shuka-sama.jpg (1894x2379, 2.87M)

I want to have sex with her.

what manga is this?

She’s a fucking mutant
Look at that fucking arm

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Where did the anime end?
The clan war ending seems like a reasonable stopping point.
Also why did they drop the detective storyline?

Better question is why 4channel allows cucks to make threads.

wtf I love japan now

Boku no Pico

Rein was more of a character than Shuka. Shuka was awful. Her entire personality was 'I want to fuck Kaname.'

The Elite of anime Producers are all lolicons

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Do I see chikubi?

Why wasn't the anime popular?

Kuroi pantsu are the best pantsu
This image is close to perfection.

She has nice thighs

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I think Rein should be the main girl.

She’s definitely the cutest

Yeah in the west we only sexualize real minors in ads, on television and in movies.

Weird that the manga doesn't show pantsu in the manga pages themselves, only in extra art

This is a 12 year old child.
Why does Japan think this is an appropriate image to make and distribute?

Attached: ikemoto is a kami.jpg (2262x1521, 791.93K)

why should japan care about your opinion you neo colonialist gaijin!

she isnt even sexy

Don’t post this tranny anymore. It’s disgusting that they do this to kids.

It comes from the same vein as gymnastics.

Attached: Flexible thots.jpg (1269x1692, 844.58K)

Unironically disgusting.

I’ve never seen a loli I didn’t like until you posted this picture.
Please tell me it’s actually a boy.

Any more underwear shots of Shuka and Rain?

God that design is the fucking worst.

Almost every chapter title page is lewd

10/10 BD cover artwork

Attached: ETPHRi2UMAYlNoj.png (618x791, 454.69K)

(Sorry for low quality, This is just sample images)

Attached: ETPHSqoU8AASZkk.png (295x789, 198.26K)


Red pantyhose look really cute

Why does a 13 year old child need such alluring thighs?

But which ones have pantsu

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Attached: Darwin's Game5.jpg (728x1137, 192K)

>Sui and Rein are older than Shuka now.

I can't wait to see how Rein look like in her 18. Maybe she has long hair now.

How old is this girl? Might pick up.

Go read the last chapter

Alright, guess I’ll post it this time.

Attached: 5EDC1B75-3354-4145-8091-9CE9A6582B3C.jpg (1800x1800, 742.09K)

Oh...didn't realize it's already out.

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Just convert to Islam and be tan to dark-skinned and go as young as you want the way Muhammad intended.

Older than Kaname too right?
Have lost track of the timeline.

Americans were marrying 7 year olds not too long ago.

Wang had great taste.
Can't wait to see buff Ouji, because there's no way he stayed a fatass in the 5 years of a post-Greed world.

Imagine having Rein as your wife.

Attached: w24.png (1113x1600, 629.36K)

Peak perfection design wise.