I secretly love Francesca from strike witches but don't tell anybody

I secretly love Francesca from strike witches but don't tell anybody

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what, because she's like 13?

she is also cute

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She's 12 at the start of the series.

There's nothing shameful about liking a cute girl, though.

Strike Witches is great, it's so much more than "Dude, you can see their panties"

I publicly love Francesca from strike witches and do tell everybody

sometimes you can see their tiddies

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I want to take the pepperoni kitty to my local pizza place and fuck her in the ass.

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Someone remind me why she is using browning and not some italian lmg

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Delicious pasta lolis.

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Does she have any good doujins?

I was partial to Minna, Francesca is cute and all but I prefer women, not children

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They match the armament for the plane her Striker unit's based on, don't they?

dude, she's like 13. That pédo.

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if you love her so much than post her butt

Trude > mina = sakamoto > ashley

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That's her butt

the first time I watched this, I accidentally downloaded the uncensored lewd edit version.

I thought the bath scene was canon

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I hope Idol Witches isn't garbage.

I-it's not?


I remember there being a full nude version out there, with slits and everything edited in.

Makes it less erotic, if you ask me.

So what exactly happened to the humanoid Neuroi plot point? Seems like the anime just kind of forgot about it. I hope it comes back for Season 3.

Turns out Neuroi wanna be cute girls too.

the lewd edit is only the 7th episode right?

I meant I thought it was the real thing

it wasn't erotic, like you said, but it had such a big view impact on me, I was young when I first saw this

didn't even know how to search the right torrent properly back then

13 in the second season.
12 in the first.
Also, cute butt!

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Yeah, I think I watched that one, but I thought it was a just a decensor. Nothing that would change the scene too much.
Which release is that anyway?

Was there? I only remember there was a edited scene that shows Miyafuji's cunny.

I have the ep 7, somewhere.

My top 3 were Erica, Lucchini and Shirley. Goddamn they were good threads.

For me it's Erica, Eila and Sanya.

I think the edit was a fairly recent thing, so assuming you're not an actual shota cranking it to airplanes, you probably just saw the BD version.

Beautiful brown buds.

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Not him but I'm pretty sure I watched it in 2012. There's a version on Nyaa called the "Extra Uncensored Version" which is edited from a DVD rip.

you wouldn't cum into a 12 year old butt, right?

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>[StrikeS] Strike Witches 07 [DVD][UNCEN][4C3FBB96].mkv
This is the one I have.

Yeah, and 2012 was only like three years ago. Recent.

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No, but I would cum on her butt.


never fapped to it honestly

God I love Perrine so much , she's in my top 4

Yes Id

Why are witches so cute?

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I can't believe it's really coming back.

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swap the > and = and I'll agree.

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They dont make anime like this anymore.

Reminder that Francesca will grow up to look like her Mom

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Because they're designed to be to facilitate the sale of products.

she's such a tsun it's annoying, Miyafuji is better

No, more's the pity.

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cute fang

I dont remember that?
S1, S2 and movie, is there more witches?

There are OVAs

Why is Miyafuji such a horndog?

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>those erect nipples
does she rike it?

Operation Victory Arrow

Then you'd get a wife who can cook you some kickass canoli. I'd be glad.

She prefers to be the one groping, but her body is honest.

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Nice, torrent time.
Reminds me about downloading Brave Witches as well.

What is Yas Forums's release of choice? I downloaded [anime4life.] but it doesn't have the OVA's and they don't say whether Episode 7 is censored and where they got the subs from. Please help me out, been almost 10 years since I watched.

>Brave Witches

It's got Eilanya

It's not bad. The MC in Brave Witches is better but the overall cast is better in Strike Witches.

>He didn't watch the Brave Witches OVA

She understands the perks of her position.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Strike Witches - 501-butai Hasshin Shimasu! - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_04.06_[2019.06.07_06.29.42].jpg (1280x720, 503.5K)

Cant be worse than DtB season 2, or Last Exile silver wing.
i just expect cute girls and nipples and planes.

BW is way too tame compared to SW. They basically kowtowed to political correctness and neutered the lewdness.

>cute girls

Yeah, about that...

Any good?

There are at least nipples in the BW OVA though.

Just putting this out there.

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If you must have titties, they're in the OVA and probably the BD versions

As long as they replaced it with more plane action it's ok... they did right?

Fuck, Strike Witches was way more of a gem than what it actually is.

I miss it.

its not like the nipples make SW, right?

I like it, but I like Brave Witches anyway