
best girl v2

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but that's not eel

Why not, let's have another thread full of:
>what the FUCK is happening?
>who is that mole guy?
>who is Tolka?
>why did Tolka become Santa?
>who is Santa?
>what is Master doing?
>who are those kids?
>what is that hand?
>what is that finger?


yea she cute

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And finally, the secret ingredient:
>Agni's face

Now the Chainsawman fandom is compromised of 87% perfect dolls.

Makima is watching (You)

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>black version of Power
>way lower IQ
BASED Fujimoto

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Whatever happened to chainsawman? It may be my brain playing tricks on me, but I seem to recall that CSM used to be referred to as "chainsawman" much more in the past, with "chainsaw man" more common now. Am I just imagining this?

The real Tolka was the friends we made along the way.

why is kurose back? was he a doll too? who's this octopus guy? why did the brothers die if they're immortal? why is quanxi talking about a newscaster? how can i cope with knowing power will never be my sister gf?

Favorite pages?

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This is the page that defines the manga.

God I wish I had started reading csm back when this happened. That page was what put csm on my reading list, but I never actually got around to reading it until a month or so ago


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So bomb is okay because she went back to hell when she died? is that right?

So they might actually meet her down there?


Bomb devil =/= Reeze

Reze is a corpse in Maikma's storage unit who will come back to life if her pin is pulled.


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They will escape hell summoning the heaven devil.

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She's dead Jim. The best we can hope for is Shadman to return.

How the fuck are you supposed to pronounce Quanxi? It looks pretty simple but dumb chink names always sound completely different than what I expect.

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someone post chapter 64 scans


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disgusting commie whore

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White Power!

This chapter was literally impossible to understand. So is makima the real Santa? Then why did quanxi turn into a doll? And why does power have octopus powers? Master is best boy tho


get better bait faggot

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>being so upset you manually type out their post number


How would she go about doing that?
Like a good ol' regular vampire or would she fuck you up?

What did she actually say in that panel anyways?

>tfw a semen devil exists

Fucking speedreader, it's obvious that Pochita just wanted to watch Star Wars.

I will die for makima

She told her sluts to dispose of the rest or something like that

You're not going to tell me that a gun devil is more powerful than a hell devil

gun devil is more dps

Hell devil is conjurer class.

Maybe gun is more powerful than hell, but hell has a wider variety of powers.

hell might be too abstract to fear, plus decline in religion would lower the fear level of it

You also have to factor in that the strongest devils are all in Hell because they are too strong to kill.

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I can't believe Power Negro is dead!

Not all cultures believe in Hell (though who knows in this world where devils exist). Everyone who knows what a gun is would shit themselves at the sight of one pointed their direction. Fun fact: guns have killed more named characters in this series than devil powers have.

When do we get results for the popularity poll?

Maybe I misread that part, but I'm thinking that the "power level" of different devils isn't just based on their fear, but also how objectively powerful the thing is. Like how swords and bombs and chainsaws are all weapons, but not as much specifically, individually feared, but they're still powerful.


You forget that the author is Japanese. The Marijuana devil would be a top three most powerful devil just because of Japan's skewed views on drugs, for example.

Maybe gun devil IS a hell devil


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how many people are genuinely viscerally afraid of hell day to day? guns are a tangible threat that could intrude on your daily life at any moment. in addition, the setting had escalating gun violence and at least one high-profile terrorist shooting before the gun devil's appearance


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What kind of devil would be most powerful then?

divorce devil?

Public Speaking Devil