BNA- Brand New Animal

Say hi to michirus future husband

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>Silver Star
We're definitely going to space with this one, right?

My money is the animal genes are from aliens and Ginrou is just an alien that comes down occasionally. They will eventually go to space and shoot something to mess with everyone's genes


Pic unrelated? Because that's not Flip

In a trigger show? what makes you think that?

Who voices Boris Cliff? Is there a full cast list anywhere ?

So MC is a reverse furry?

I can't fucking wait to go to space

Will this be 2-cour?

Is that just male Diana?

Attached: Precious Diana.webm (1920x1080, 180.23K)

looks like a GTA antagonist

Sounds like Koyasu.

Could be a play on word with English. Or also:
"Silva" in Latin means wood, forest.
"Silvester"-"Sylvester" is the Latin adjective for wild. Closer to the animal world.

kys het

ack is that you?

I bet on latin: "silva" + "astra", cause trigger.

Ancestral alien dna bestial root. Humans mix and take pieces of that dna sequence = beastmen.

There is no ack you shizo

typical triggernigger behavior
don't forget to neck yourself

No doubt it's Koyasu. This is the second time where I've immediately recognized his voice in a show that wasn't JoJo, the first being Cinderella Boy.


Attached: Sylvester.png (400x322, 73.17K)

Seethe het. Yuri will happen

Fuck off

No. Go fuck off you hetfaggot and leave this show alone

Trigget would never do a het relationship


Is that Andrew's blonde cousin?

i want to marry michiru and have cute babies with her


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What do you call a face like this?

If anyone needs the 1080p torrent with subs

PM me if you have any questions ;)


Ancestor or descendent?

Well, looks like I'm not gonna be getting the rest of the RexKai encodes, so I'll gladly take you up on the kind offer. Thanks, user.

Sent you a pm

can someone please upload it to mega or another one click hoster? don't have a seedbox anymore and torrenting is to risky with draconian copyright laws where I live

He's a cat. None of the major characters have been revealed to be a cat and they gotta have a cat in this show.

Takehito Koyasu. He's been in so much shit lately, (even fucking fire emblem) but always welcome

I prefer the term "Getting Yay'd" Because Andrew makes the same exact face too also because of Akko that's what Akko does she yay's your lonely rich kids there's a secret 3rd rich kid who gets it's it too

He looks like a LWA character. . . wait it's made by the same studio. Okay, proceed.

So Sylvasta really is a puddy tat?

More like Brand New Flop

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why there is already 6 episodes out? when we getting the rest of it?

I honestly hate how soft they made Diana during and after that ep. I understand "blah blah blah muh character development" but it felt more like regression. I already hated her when she was just a regular bitchy mary sue but at least then she wasn't just another "make cute uguu faces at Akko" character.

Jackie showed up in episode 1.

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Ep7 at May

until may 20th

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Beach episode please

user, next month is April, not May.

Hope we still have Corona by then

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Michiru is so endlessly adorable, I want to spend a day at fair with her,

Candy apples are shit tier.

I know. Enjoy the wait bro

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Diana was a mistake. Cant belive Tattun succumbed to the yuriniggers and expanded her role while minimizing Andrew's

I want to see her furry belly

Aren't Tanuki pests?

Kray Foresight and Andrew Hanbridge had a baby and you know it's true

Attached: kray-foresight-174706.jpg (350x490, 24.26K)

>tfw you will never go to the festival with Michiru.
Fucking hell.

Attached: [U3-Web] Brand New Animal - EP01 [NFLX WEB-DL 1080p AVC AAC SRT].mkv_snapshot_09.10_[2020.03.23_11.28.36].jpg (1920x3084, 2.44M)

Tanuki don't exist. They are literal sentient magical raccoons. Raccoms are pests though

You dumb.

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Finished episode 3, do they eventually explain why the humans hate the beastmen, and why the beastmen don't live like humans if they can transform anyway?

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I wonder how Michi would react if she met a raccoon person who hated raccoons and insisted he was a tanuki instead.

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The guy in the first ep said that they were breeding too much and an abomination. So I guessed it was a general gross out reaction