One Punch Man Thread

New OPM chapter:

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>No Tastumaki battle
>No Fubuki and her new gang
>No Saitama/Flash adventures
This filler shit can't end fast enough.

Dump it senpai!

>chapter is literally webcomic content
>fIlLeR gUiSe BeLiEv mE!1

>suck it


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Really think It was a joke, user...

So Dark Shine isnt black?

It's nice that darkshine still wanted Garou to live. It's a nice inclusion.

It's shit no one cares about and time that could have been spent on the actually good plotlines.

What Sonic fanfiction is this?

The joke is he over-bronzed because everything in this world is over the top.

threads already up retard



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nice repeating digits.

Kill yourself


Checked, Based and Retardedpilled

Will we even see Saitama vs Garou in 2020?

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Like real bodybuilders he's just using fake tan.

that was a pretty good chapter, i dont know why but every time murata stop drawing filler everything becomes 10 times better
i just wish that isnt final form garou. he looks too gay

you asked for it. Service for the ladies too

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So Superalloy is basically blackface?

It wont be user. Garou will get an actual monster final form. Murata cant pass this up.

what killed the hype?

>his regression lead him back to being a foetus

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I liked the additions by the end, both Garou and Darkshine's attitudes towards the other. That said, and while it helps with his redemption later on, Garou's philosophy comes off as quite dumb here. What's this about not wanting to feel like a bully? In the webcomic he quite literally planned to be the ultimate bully, and push humanity through deep fear.

>just pretending to be retarded

>doesn't go past the panel border

Poor Darkshine, he's a good person

In OPM, one can train to become a true giganigga.

The additions were actually good this time.

"what killed they hype?" posters.

No but really, what killed the hype?

>Garou stopping once he realized he was scared
>DS telling him to get out since Tatsus gonna nuke the place
Real nice stuff here desu

no canon colors
one day you faggots will realize

Solo Leveling

Murata's "messy" doesn't look messy.

I'm gonna keep asking about what killed the hype until you give me the answer I'm already assuming.

Darkshine's trauma feels less forced in this version. I can understand why he retires after this. He wants to help people, but deep down he's no fighter.

How long until we reach Saitama vs Garou?

That works. If you keep asking, I can justify reporting it for spamming. Anyway the answer you're looking for is "nothing", the people the liked this series still like it.

>What's this about not wanting to feel like a bully?
Maybe ONE is leaning too hard into giving Garou redeemable qualities during the period when he's at his worst?

I'm scared that ONE will change garou's end goal.

Garous motivation never made much sense

Not really lol, as Saitama points out he is going easy on the heroes

How far is the web comic? I haven't read OPM in like 5 years.

>feels less forced
The fuck are talking about? In the webcomic Garou KO'd him, it's way more traumatazing.

Did anyone ever draw a version of this with DO-S since Murata wouldn't?

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No he doesn't, it cuts before the fight ends

Garou made sense though in the webcomic despite the contradiction in his beliefs. It's one thing for him to leave Darkshine alone after the musclehead has given up fighting. Webcomic is very vague on what happened as Darkshine blacks out.

Honestly it should have remained offscreen but they are adding this new dynamic that I don't know the endgoal of.

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tatsumaki edits por favor

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garou is gay

Garou is just getting hotter and hotter I swear.
How is Murata this based?

forced in what way. Its about the same as the webcomic went.

This doublespread really is very good. Murata's getting better at the rough art style he tried with pic related.

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no, he sees his final goal as becoming some all powerful enemy that will bring motivation to everyone else to fight him together.

He got good intentions but he's naive.

I wonder if Awakened Garou will look sketchy by the end.

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Anyone know who's the first silhouette?

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