Reina is for ______!

Reina is for ______!

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What a dumb armor. What is it protecting?

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Wow expecting anime to get armor right on women

this is forbidden.

her body from the heat and humidity.

Call the cops

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elfs aren't supposed to be the rapists.

That's cute

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> What is it protecting?
Her modesty.

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women dont need armor. they already have pretty strong plot armors


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Why did Melona blow up? Why didn't she just stop lactating?

Welcome to actual mythology.

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>microscopic nipples

It's not the best armor but look how tactical braid rings cover her nipples, boiled leather covers her crotch and some plate protects her legs from feetfags. Modest and functional. Not every girl can afford herself a full plate suit.

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Imagine those thighs around your head, crushing it until you can't breath

does that armor make her weak to attacks from behind?

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She's weak from any direction

>t. the only idiot who took the question seriously

elves dont rape humans. stop trying to slander them, user.

I can continue if you want.
Nah, I actually can't without bringing up western fantasy or actual mythology, but no reason to off-topic

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Marriage and impregnating. Tomoe can come too.

I hope Unlimited bombing and WT dying gets HJ to adapt VQ correctly. I wanna see Reina get raped by the ape.

For forgetting, like the writers did before QB became absolute shit.

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>I wanna see Reina get raped by the ape.

Fucking based. But she probably gets rescued right before it happens.

Not her virginity, that's for sure

VQ is one of the things killing the franchise. You can't constantly treat your characters like shit and then expect the audience to care about them. There has to be a balance somewhere and VQ goes way over the line.

I was kind of hoping that Grimoire would do something to push forward past the VQ adaptions. Unlimited was trash design wise and the shota was just plain annoying.



>I wanna see Reina get raped by the ape.


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it gives me a huge hard on so it's ok with me.

I ended trying to watch this yesterday got through 9 episodes and it never turned me on if only leina diddnt remind me of claymore every time is saw her bangs.

>I don't care how shitty the writing gets as long as I can fap
People like you are the reason this franchise has failed. Shows can't get by solely on ecchi anymore. Of course, this is all falling on deaf ears (or blind eyes in the context of the board).

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Don’t worry user, I know where you’re coming from. Weirdly when I started watching QB it was just to have tits and ass in a fantasy setting without a high school or Isekai bullshit. Then somewhere along the line I actually ended up invested in the characters and what happened to them.

Japanese fans complained about the alterations and overall toning down. The mediocre animation also did not help.

Based japs want to see the ape rape too.

incels to masturbate to?

Yea. No one liked how weak it was compared to what actually happened to the girls in the books.

They know what we want they just need to deliver the goods.

Gorilla cum baths.

Hopefully. HobbyJapan is taking way too long with that Dark Knight episode of Bikini Warriors (Dec/Jan 2020/21). Hopefully we get something out of QB sooner rather than later.

It makes it easier to stab her yummy tummy

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why do vanillafags hate fun so much?

Big Gorilla Cock.

Wait which episode? I need it for research purposes.

Lilliana’s skeleton crew

Her wife Risty!

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I didn't. But I guess my post didn't give that impression oh well I suck at sarcasm like most people.

Dubiously consensual lewding

>mfw everything after season 2
Life is hard being an adventure and character development fag. Rebellion was so fucking bad with the loli episodes

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I wish I could get raped by Echidna.

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Anyone know if F.S has any videos floating around with him drawing or maybe some of his sketches? I always wanted to try and learn examining his work more

FS going to patreon was a godsend.

Because Muh purity or something. Seeing the girls destroyed could have been way better.

Who is FS?