Will we ever get a chapter where one focuses more on heroine's past?
One punch man
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You fag want more filler?
new chapter in 5 hours
Exploring characters and developing the is filler now I guess
>exploring random filler character isn't filler
why not, everything after garou feels like filler anyway
>filler character
>not filler character
It is, in fact, tuesday in Japan already.
I would fill her with something if you catch my meaning
>be Murata
>promise to deliver the chapter on told day
>never deliver it that day
Chapter on.
Fucking Murata blu balling again.
I assume the next chapter will complete the base flip.
where's that user with the raw image dump
Most of the narration in this chapter is straight out the webcomic.
I'll translate it
>Garou: lmao u think ur hot shit
>Blackface: I trained when I was young boy
>Tatsumaki: bubble time
post yfw he returns to slam dunk orochi/psykos
Poor Little Dark Guy
Nice, I was worried they where just going to recon him to be a black guy.
What killed the hype?
you shitposting
das racist
ONE is blissfully unaware of such demands.
So as expected Tatsumaki can protect others with her shield but she couldn't do it earlier when fighting Psykos?
>garou let up on darkshine because he felt bad for him
I like this
>Garou actually stopped fighting Darkshine because he saw the guy was scared
Holy fuck Garou's officially best boy
One and Murata don't care of politically correct.
I'm assuming Tats is using her psychic power to find and bring out the heros before she destroys the place. This means she could track and find people without psychic powers. Wonder why she didn't do this to find the kid in the first place.
Psykos attacked her shield directly then used those weird lightning rod things. Clearly not something she can just quickly do whenever and wherever. Especially now that Tatsumaki is going all out and using her power to lay waste to a large area.
It's the little touches like this that are going to make his redemption arc more believable.
In the webcomic he just kinda turns evil immediately and then chills out just as fast.
She knows where everyone is due to the communication devices I think
I liked how Darkshine defeat was handled here instead of in the webcomic, he gives up instead of passing out.
You dum dum? Tatsumaki herself said she couldn't go all out because the kid is still underground when she could just raise a barrier on him.
So how will the English dub work?
>DS feels bad for Garou not getting shielded
She's familiar with the other heroes. The kid is a total stranger. Probably easier to pick up on someone psychically if you've met them. It's also possible the kid is harder to find because he's so weak and tiny compared to everyone else in that huge base. Just a guess.
better version
2ch edits?
In 2 weeks we get Tats lifting the MA base and Vol 22, great stuff.
Didn't they all have trackers CE gave them?
fuck off homo
In case you didn't read the webcomic the ugly kid is Blast. He has the same balding pattern like Saitama.
No, the next chapter will blueball us again
I'm not a homo, they could make Garou look like a hot girl
>the ugly kid is Blast
Please tell us which webcomic chapter this was revealed in, shitposter.
The baseflip literally already started this chapter
Flash lost it.
Great detail. Garou also doesn't touch Fubuki at all because she's scared.
That's some good visual storytelling
Why didn't they just retcon Darkshine to be black, the tanning excuse doesn't even work his skin is chocolate brown
eternal reminder
Flash lost his and Saitama doesn't have one yet they also have a little hole in the rubble of the base for themselves.
Murata fixing the bad writing once again.
Fucking amazing spread
Murata delivered
it won't, as always
>He's too dark to be tanned
Truly, the least realistic thing in this fictional story
I want Saitama to go villain
another reminder
>Garou became even sexier
How does Murata do it?