In all of history, have we ever had a live-action anime/manga adaptation that wasn't bad?

In all of history, have we ever had a live-action anime/manga adaptation that wasn't bad?
What's the first to come to mind?

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Apparently some of the JP ones actually win awards. So maybe they are good. Isn't the Samurai X adaptation a good one?

edge of tomorrow

Yes, plenty of the Japanese ones are decent.

>Samurai X adaptation a good one?
Yes it is.

Saikik live adaptation was pretty kino for a shitty anime

That's because good directors like Scorsese or tarantino or paul thomas Anderson don't wanna make live-action version of immature trash like anime

JPN Death Note is good and the characters look natural there.

This. Cannot bruise the Cruise

It's all shit. Just look at a site like rotten tomatoes and sort it by live action. It's ALL trash.

The best is probably Detective Pikachu and that's kind of a far cry from being an adaptation.

Hentai Kamen
I'm serious

City hunter live action was good tho


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>detective pikachu
>best anything
it was fucking generic, shit-taste kun.

>only weeb filmmakers try to make live-action adaptation
>weebs are retarded
No wonder

Not saying it was good. I'm saying the vast majority of live action is of such terrible quality that Detective Pikachu is the best of the trashfire.

>nobody mentions Akagi
Yas Forums is dead

rotten tomatoes isn't really reliable for ratings...

I haven't watched it, but I heard Detroit Metal City live adaptation was pretty based


Ichi the killer
Female Prisoner #701
Those are the ones I can think off the top of my head

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The live action Fullmetal Alchemist was engaging enough to hold my attention. I'd like to see them complete the story.

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Solanin was okay I guess

Never saw the Speed Racer anime, but to this day I still really like the Speed Racer film, even if everybody else hated it

Blue Spring
Lady Snowblood
Fancy Dance

Stop watching Hollywood shit and then asking for recs.

Korean old boy. Koreans are really good at making movies. Japanese lack budgets and filmmaking techniques

Two that I'm aware of but haven't seen are
Erased with both a live action movie and TV show.
Kakegurui – Compulsive Gambler also with a live action move and TV series.
I've watch both anime. Liked Kakegurui a lot. Absolutely loved Erased.
Oldboy was fucking great. Sickest twist ending ever.

Hard to fuck up shitty source material to be honest

Only 3 that I can think of that aren’t complete trainwrecks. Detective Pikachu and Sonic are vidya movies.
>Speed Racer
>Edge of Tomorrow

Live. Rape. Repeat.


Detective Pikachu was worse than DB Evolution. Change my my mind.

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Massive surprise since the manga is pure garbage.

Guyver had two. The first was pretty cheesy and had Luke Skywalker turn into a giant roach.

Not anime or manga. It was a LN.
Manga was only an adaptation same as the movie.

Alita adaptation was'nt bad.

Crows Zero

Including an infamous scene with Jacky Chun dressed as Chun-Li from Street Fighter 2.

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>mfw stein's gate adaptation

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The Death Note live-action movie was okay.

It was shit and better than the source material.
Y'all niggers are acting like Dragon Ball was ever good.

Other than Blade of the Immortal I can't think of good live actions.

>Rotten Tomatoes

Stop using that site user. The certified critics are a joke that only care about the politics around a movie, the general score votes anything with pretty special effects highly, and the site owners themselves actively manipulate scores.

Great Teacher Onizuka live action stuff is fine.

DMC was okay I think.

There are lots of others but I don't remember their names. Most of them are fine just not action-y ones. But even then I liked the Kenshin one.

Tokyo Ghoul

For me it's Sailor Moon

Live action isn't 2d so they're awful by default.

Speed racer was decent.

The two Gintama movies.

kyo kara ore wa!! is very entertaining

Speed Racer and Alita are great though

Do zoomers really don't know about Old Boy?

*not know

How was that shitfest kino? The overacting was so bad that it was almost painful. Who the hell thought having Kuboyasu act like a possessed drunk was a good idea? And don't get me started on Teruhashi and all her ugly faces.

Pic related

Also the old Dragonball live action movie from China in the 80s or 90s was solid.

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Visually DP was nice.
Story was weak, but not "Goku in highschool Spider-Man movie" weak.

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Are you joking, I'll give you it was fucking hilarious but it wasn't competent by any means. Between the hilarious wigs/costumes and Trisha dying within seconds I can't imagine anyone taking it seriously. I would like more though if not only for those god awful child actors.

Speed Racer
Lone Wolf and Cub
Sailor Moon