Meguro-san Is Used Goods

Thoughts on this shit? It appears the author is pushing the "it's okay if your gf isn't a virgin" message, but it's pretty hard to swallow when this girl is so fucking bland and stupid, her beta bf looks better in comparison. She has literally no redeeming qualities. I'm not sure if it's an intentional jab at used goods fags or an accidental red pill.

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>I'm not sure if it's an intentional jab at used goods fags or an accidental red pill
I think you're reading into it too much from your own cultural lens.
Even then I think generally it is not an unreasonable position for a mangaka to push against the stigma that specifically women who have more than one partner are viewed as inferior.
This type of puritan thinking is a carryover from a more traditional way of thinking which is does not lend itself to how relationships are formed in the today's world.

>hard to swallow when this girl is so fucking bland and stupid, her beta bf looks better in comparison. She has literally no redeeming qualities.
She doesnt need to be special in any way, you can criticize the general tropey writing of this work as much as you want but I think the attempt to portray the life of a very normal & not over the top person who has had more than one sexual relationship and make her the heroine is of the manga is in no way a negative thing.

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The author’s a slut who’s living out her fantasies of snagging a beta orbiter once she’s done riding the CC. Don’t read too much into it.

not everything has to be about pushing and influencing a cultural message you fucking faggot
it's just a story about a girl that isn't a virgin.

>t. roastie
Women should be virgins before marriage. Just because the average woman today is a whore doesnt mean that they should be.

I know this is bait, but here's a legit question. Between a virgin and an experienced girl, why the hell would anyone choose the virgin? You cant fuck them for the first few times full force because it hurts and they have no clue what to do apart from laying down and they get embarassed when you even SUGGEST the bitch to get on her knees and face the other way.
Oh, and before you reply to me, "tightness" isnt any better with virgins and you dont want the girl to be too tight anyways. That's not how it works.

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Because i'm a virgin of course and i don't want to be compared

All anime girls must be virgins.

First of all, you neglect the existence of virgin sluts.
Second of all, embarrassment is cute and hot.
Third of all, "Between a virgin and an experienced girl" is a flawed premise because all girls are different and there's a lot that goes into attractiveness beyond the factor of virginity.
And fourth of all and finally, fuck off with your 3DPD shit.

It's a realistic message and something most men actually looking for a long-term relationship will have to settle with unless they hooked up with somebody young which becomes increasingly less likely the older one gets. A virginal relationship implies no failed prior relationships, no prior relationships at all really. It doesn't make for a good story focus though. The message becomes the point and it feels hamfisted if it's the only thing the story is about. The reader is forced to consider it constantly and reflect on whether they agree with the scenario the author tries to portray and the moral they try to convey through it.

Making female characters that are not pure from the outset, but good people overall is a better way of doing it usually. The male love interest should also not have this point be his main focus regarding his concerns for the relationship. It shouldn't be about coming to grips with it, it's about realizing there are more important things to care about in love. Beastars is probably one of the best examples I've seen recently. Haru was a slut, but she's a good character. She works to better herself and care for Legosi despite her realizations about the problems they will face. Legosi ends up falling in love with her and doesn't care at all about her past looking only to the future. He has far more considerable worries, but realizes Haru is important to him for reasons unrelated to sexual desire or monopolization. He is more worried about if they will have a relationship in the future at all, their children's lives, and if they will be able to endure society rather than the fact she rode the cock carousel. If it doesn't matter, then it shouldn't matter to the male love interest.

That it doesn't matter doesn't mean it should also have had no effect on their character. No matter how you try to frame it, a woman with experience is different from a virgin. That Haru was a slut has noticeably changed her point of view on life.

>t. incel

>americans think like this
No wonder you all fucking die from corona so fast.

t. betacuck typing from his cuckshed

>barely says anything of worth
>kept having sex with random guys just because the guy who abandoned her told her to, even after he was gone
>only character trait is that she's used goods
>offers nothing to a relationship

she's like a walking used onahol,e this manga must be made by a woman or a cuck that gets off in this kind of thing.

This is a weakling's mentality, comparable to having your wife's boyfriend loosen the jar of pickles before you open it and enjoy your snack
No sense of exploring and conquering uncharted territory for yourself, choosing to wait until someone makes a nice pretty road for you instead. Faggot.

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>Women should be virgins before marriage.
user, no matter how many tims you say it, it will never happen. Give up. Or do something about it if you can.

>he says as he posts virgin shit

Meguro isn't normal. She is a doormat with no personality who can't think for herself. There are sluts out there who'd make better girlfriends than her.

If you mean having a moister and tighter hole by better girlfriend, then sure. Then again spinning plates is all that’s worth doing these days.

reminder not to let people who whiteknight sluts into Yas Forums

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>why the hell would anyone choose the virgin?

you mean the one who isn't just letting random men fuck her because they asked?

Nips do not give a fuck unless it's some kind of samurai marriage.

Reminder to gatekeep faggots like this who are fighting an imaginary culture war

Maybe try not walking into this stigma in the first place? Is it really so hard to keep your legs shut?

>imaginary culture war
>we now have people on Yas Forums using virgin and incel as a insult unironically

nope he's right here

Do you think having sex somehow makes you prefer having a gf that got ran through by a few cocks compared to one that's never had sex before? Also what are you doing on Yas Forums if you think figures are virgin shit only?

The author is a coward and the only people who like this manga are simps and white knights. They tried to write something they felt was real, but it turned into cowardly strawman ideas and simple problems with easy solutions from a beta bitch. It's nothing special anymore, just a lost opportunity.

Reminder that SJWs who advocate reckless promiscuity and purityfags (whom even Japan laughs at, since they have a similar derisive term of their own) are both demented extremists, just on the opposite ends of the spectrum. Sane people are somewhere in the middle.

>think generally it is not an unreasonable position for a mangaka to push against the stigma that specifically women who have more than one partner are viewed as inferior.

what the fuck are you talking about, meguro fits every stereotype of a "woe is me" slut there is she's literally a whiteknights wet dream she's inferior in every way if anything she enforces the stigma.

Only about virginity BEFORE marriage. But trust me when I say they care about body count. Not even the most beta of Japanese cucks will put a ring on a Meguro tier slut.

Nice try, Satan.

>Muh middle ground
Typical cuck who thinks his girlfriend was telling the truth when she “only sucked two dicks in the past”. Probably thinks his children are his too, kek.

What's the term for purityfags and how often is it used? Also I disagree if you're calling anyone who prefers a girl who's been with less dudes an extremist, all other things being equal

The overall message is all over the place and, like with most manga, you probably shouldn't be using it for moral guidance, but Meguro-san a cute and that's what matters.

I'll admit I'm in the wrong. Everyone makes mistakes, especially when they're young. But I cannot relate to and understand someone who has received enough attention and romantic love in their life to not be a virgin. I do not understand it because I cannot. Maybe I would like to. So the idea of dating someone who isn't a virgin scares me. They will have an unbelievable emotional advantage over me. They will be able to drop me at any point over nothing and still get attention and love from other people. For me, they would be the only person who has ever liked me romantically. This means I will be extremely desperate to keep them around and convince them I'm a worthwhile partner. They will know this, and understand that I know they could find somebody else easily. They could use that to their advantage and make me do things for them under the threat of never being loved again. And I would believe them.

>literally "source: dude trust me"

source: went to Tokyo for a conference and had a nip coworker
There,better? What’s there to be so anal about anyway?

An "experienced" girl can just be a dead fish in bed anyway

You’re not in the wrong for not wanting used goods. Don’t let the gynocentric media fool you into thinking otherwise. You also reek of scarcity mindset. Develop some abundance. If you can’t find a virgin at home, go to Asia and snag a college girl. Don’t have high standards. If you get tricked into getting sloppy seconds, dump her and continue looking for a virgin. Play the odds and win the game. Also, build yourself up and get a decent job( read: not an English teacher) before doing this.

You shitpost in Yas Forums style, you get shitposted back.

this man is right, the traditional churchgoing housewife-material virgin that will stay loyal and is still single because she's saving for marriage; she does exist, but you have to sift through a lot of women to find them.

As if she'd pick an user with that text dump of insecurities. Virgins also have standards.

I don't want to fuck a lot though. I'd like to date people and then develop a relationship from there. Pick 1 person and then decide I want to spend my life with them.

I know that nip coworker, he told me that he lied to you.

Nice whore buzzword.
Typical church going virginal girls are hard to get. They often have strict parents and are invested in their cultural backgrounds, or they’re sluts who do “anal only” to save their virginity. My approach is more logical for atheists who otherwise have their life in order.

>bland and stupid

These are nadeshiko qualities, a quiet woman that doesn't question her man. She would be ideal except for having taken cock.

>tumblrpost is fpwp


The only shitposters are people who come to a board which abhors whoredom and then cries about 'purityfags'. You are the outsider and will always be the outsider, there will never be enough damaged normalfag weirdos who care about anime to ever make this place into one where sluts are anything more than part of a corruption fetish.

>the cutest and the most gorgeous girls in the town are VIRGINS who orbit the beta faggot MC
I really hate forced virginity in japanese media.

Your boyfriend told me he fucked you in the ass too, bro.
I too held this view once. It’s commendable but not entirely feasible. If you strike gold the first time around, then good for you. But often time, you’re going to get chicks who lie about being virgins or trickle truth you. Very likely especially in Asian countries because virginity still has value there. Don’t get too attached and have abundance until you can confirm for sure.

why does that matter unless you want a slut?

Fuck off back to *eddit with this bullshit.

But have you actually considered trying to go for someone who is on the same level of being unloved as you are? You probably think they're too gross to bother with.

Because incels assume that a virgin will forever stay their personal sex slave while a slut will realize that the incel is trash and will move on

What the hell user. This thread is bait shit; no well formed thots allowed.

>it's either virgin or a slut
Are you retarded?

I find it somewhat surreal that the whole purity vs used goods debate is widespread enough in Japan for a manga to be written about it. Doesn't the fact that this manga is written enough proof that there are people in Japan who care about purity?

This user is kind of right. Expecting purity only makes sense if you're going for an arranged marriage type of thing. Falling in love with a pure girl and marrying her is hardly feasible in today's world

>will forever stay their personal sex slave

funny you should say that when meguro did just that so much so that she kept following his commands after he left

You are an irrelevant tourist minority here. Of course you can still continue to shitpost, but that will only result in bloated threads. There are all types of schizos on Yas Forums after all, so it's nothing exceptional.

I’m on the “le 3DPD bad train” too but you have to help when you see a bro in need. He’s the type to be corralled into a cuckshed if left be.

>Doesn't the fact that this manga is written enough proof that there are people in Japan who care about purity?
Are they the fabled herbivore men?

>boy this manga would be much better if the girl had fucked a few men before she met the MC

how does this help a manga?

Used goods is used, buddy. But yes, not a slut.

It's going to be revealed that she was raped and never actually had sex willingly.

the most amount of trying to get dates i've done is tinder. I never match with girls who I am attracted to. I am not attracted to fat girls. I would very much like to date someone who can understand my problems. If we share problems, we can work through them together. But I am not attracted to fat girls. I suppose most girls who have those issues are probably fat. I'm willing to interact and put up with anything basically. I don't need someone to entertain me, I just need one person who will talk to me and not think I'm a terrible person. My goal is not a supermodel. I'm probably just not attractive enough or smart enough for any girl who is within my strike range to care about me? I dunno.

Pretty sure she is a virgin. I remember a thread where they talked about the ending and the whole "slut" thing was made up by people who were bullying her and she was just too apathetic to refute or deny their claims, which lead to the rumours spiraling out of control.

Because used goods have experienced a failed relationship. They are more wise and don't make decisions based on their vagina tingling.

she's just stupid doll the confirms everything Yas Forums hates about sluts and proves Yas Forums right in every way

You should probably try being a less terrible person, just a little bit.

So at the end of the day all that shit about understanding and sharing takes a backseat to how the other person looks. That's exactly what's derided about "tinder culture"

>Because used goods have experienced a failed relationship
not in a manga it won't all it will do is create shallow drama in which we will be reminded periodically that fucked rguys before the MC like the manga in the OP.

>he doesn't know
Man you must be behind as hell.

Quite possibly. And they happen to make up a substantial portion of Japanese society too.

Being a virgin is acceptable if you haven't met someone you're seriously committed to. Many people make mistakes and think they will end up marrying someone and then it doesn't work out. Sometimes, you don't know someone until you know them. Many people have been destroyed in the nastiest breakups to long-term relationships.

This isn't about the friendship. Looks matter a lot in romantic relationships.

>This type of puritan thinking is a carryover from a more traditional way of thinking which is does not lend itself to how relationships are formed in the today's world.
Who is looking at this through their own cultural lens now?

How? I'm good at my job. I try to be nice. The last infraction I think I had is my friend took me to someone else's house while I was super drunk and I said some inappropriate things as expected. But that was months ago.

Have you even read the manga?

Is that from experience or you just heard that? I see UglyxUgly couples being happy with each other all the time. So do 'looks' speak for themselves, or is it really about your own mental construct about what 'looks' mean?

No, japanese society is incredibly traditional and conservative at the core. You're either a whore or a virgin.

if i could help it, I'd turn it off. But I've tried to get into romantic relationships with people who I am not attracted to before and it doesn't work. I'm sure you're a nice person, and if you're going through the same thing is me, then I think it's valuable that we're talking. And I would do that all day with a fat girl, but when the conversations over, I cannot date them.

Why would you wanna date someone if you aren't sexually attracted to them?

Missed the latest chapter. Slut.

>if i could help it, I'd turn it off.
You could help it for sure but you have to want to help it first

user, I wasn't the one who brought up mutual understanding and sharing each other as people

Man, these fat girls will look good if they aren't fat. I don't understand why they can't exercise

Which is precisely why the whore author is writing a manga against that. She’s sad that not even the Japanese betas are willing to settle for sloppy hundredths.

>latest chapter
This shit was comfirmed back in Volume 1. Try reading slower.

They sure were, but then the black ships happened and some time after that the nukes happened.

the funny part is that the mangaka thinks that those chapters are suppose to make her some kind of tragic heroine

>mutual understanding and sharing each other
That is great and all but sexual attraction is also very important(but insufficient on its own) factor for a romantic relationship to work out.

so should I just train myself to get off to fat girls? like intentionally masturbating to stretch marks and cellulite?

>They are more wise and don't make decisions based on their vagina tingling.
Sorry to break it you, buddy but used goods are precisely the ones who make decisions based on vagina tingles. Because she’s been used and alpha widowed by every Brad and Rodney out there.

It really didn't change their attitude towards virginity. There will always be open-minded subcultures but we are talking about mainstream here. a virgin girl has more value than a used good in japan.

But it seems like you're snuggling a false equivalency behind the back here, where sexual attraction (something active on the part of the subject) is automatically correlated with 'looks' (i.e. the tinder picture). Again, how come UglyxUgly couples can do perfectly well? If you have no proper answer to this question your point fails.

are you suggesting I just tell random fat girls to start working out?

Yeah, but you refuse to pretend unattractive people are attractive out of weirdly understood politeness, which is a big no-no.

You have to say it's all about personality, and ugly people just happen to have ugly personalities, or maybe they just don't "click" with you.

Female mangaka either write incredibly wholesome and excellent romance or slut wish fulfillment. No in betweens.

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Or Dorohedoro

Who are you to call them ugly? Maybe they find each other attractive. You should perhaps drop the subjectivity a little bit and try to empathize with others before giving emotional advice.