Hitoribocchi desu!

Her name literally means "lonely" why do her parents hate her so?

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I almost forgot about bocchi, thanks for reminding me.

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bocc is for ___


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post bocchi's

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Aru Aru Thighs!

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>there is little to no fan arts of hitori bocchi
>the VA of bocchi cant find new jobs

It the series cursed?

it cursed the fuck out of my dick

Threadly reminder

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I won't forget her

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Isn't it sad?

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She doesn't even have a Twitter

>Tfw she method acted so deep she couldn't get back to her original self

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she did a good job , its not fair bros

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The sad part is almost every other VA in the series got more roles, except for Bocchi's.

What went so wrong?

s2 when.

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I hear girls her age all love dicks, is it true?

After Gabdrop.

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Dont forget about me!

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And hinamatsuri.

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She had a twin sister but she died shortly after birth.

no user.

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I loved Nako's VA, so I'm glad she's gotten more roles since. But Chisaki deserves acting gigs too! This entire franchise deserves better recognition.

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Do you have any idea why Chisaki hasn't gotten more anime roles?

No one likes fatties

Takefatsu was fat but she still got roles

Maybe they want to turn Bocchi VA into a true Bocchi so they intentionally refuse to give her roles

Like hitting a homerun and never touching a bat again.

No, sorry, I'm afraid I have no idea. Based on the Wikipedia page, it seems she's had the largest number of roles acting for video games, and she had another role in 2019 besides Bocchi, but beyond that-- radio silence. Maybe she decided on another career path, or just couldn't do voice acting for awhile. I hope that's it's not as sad as her being completely unable to find another role, which would be ridiculous given the quality of her performance.

Bocchi will be great in baseball soon.

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I saw a few Japanese tweets suggesting that she's still involved in some mobage, though that doesn't really show what's she's up to now. It's even harder to know for sure since she doesn't even have a Twitter.

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Nako is so cool guys I wish she was my friend

That's very good to know, thanks user! It's really a big shame that there's no way to track her career considering her lack of social media, but on the other hand, I respect that she doesn't bother with it. All I can hope for is Bocchi season 2 will, by some miracle, happen and rejuvenate her career.

It's okay Bocchi, just go up to her desk and ask to be her friend. I'm sure you'll get along in no time!

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Is this a fucking game to you?

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Does anyone else feel like the last chapter was a bit lazy?

Also Aru.

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it was super lazy, bocchi didn't even do anything
kako solved the problem

I can only assume Katsuwo is gearing up to end it. Or he just didn't know how to deal with males in the story. Either way a big disappointment

user, it's time to move on.

I kinda hope it continues in high school

how do i find quiet places like this to eat lunch

I remember people predicting this even while the show as going on. Hope this changes eventually, girl is talented enough that she deserves more roles.

Predicting what?

the fuck are you on man!?

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I want to read the manga but I hate 4-koma!

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I don't think it was laziness. After 6 full volumes of CGDCT type content it's clear he wants to keep it that way. If he spent over half a volume covering her becoming friends with all the guys in the class it would feel pretty out of place.
There's already a big cast of girls in the series that more could be done with anyway.

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