Isekai Ojisan

no update in weeks...

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Did the last chapeter got translated?


Is author kill

scanlations are

this is so good. why no one is picking it?

too busy translating shonen or romcom shit

Not going to be one for several more weeks either. Artist is busy working on volume 4.

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Why is elf angry?

Tell me Yas Forums, do you think this series is going to have a happy ending where the qt elf and ojiisan get together?

user literally dumped the motherload and you are unsatisfied? Manga is monthly not biweekly right?

Scanlations aren’t caught up to raw though. It would be nice if done group did a proper tank release too

There was a raw last month. There's no chapter this month though.
He gave another ring out. But to a dude this time.

maybe they got isekaied or trucked by a corona beer truck?

Yes, but he will also give her a heart attack every week.

Ojisan's true waifu is Sega-chan. He has no need for that elf slut.

>Manga is monthly not biweekly right
Right. And the author said no chapter this month because of volume work. Next raw release is scheduled for 4/24.

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Elf's real name is Sega
post your face

Maybe author caught the Japanese Flue or ChineCommunistPartyFlu.
According to the pop culture he reference in this manga, he must be 40 to 50 years old already. Ripe for infection.

Mabel is cute, CUTE!

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Next chapter soonTM

Is that a titan

Is that a clitoris?

if somebody can link me the thread tl i can try to typset n clean them?

I like how she's turning more feral

As someone in the scanlation scene, no one is picking this up because it's both time consuming and has low return rate. I could literally work on a "Villainess" series and a isekai series, with three half assed chapters done compared to one Isekai Ojisan chapter, and still get more views. This is just not worth it.

how do i get into scanlation?

here's my dubs ez

If this was regularly translated, it would pull in views easily. The only reason it doesn't get views is because of the terrible release schedule. Also, caring about views? Really?

>doing it for the views

If it's not building up to repressed memories of tragic elf death, I feel like ojisan may find a way to return to the other world at will and proceed to totally ignore it and the only change is that elf comes through and proceeds to get cucked by old video games daily.


Look up the roles, see which one interests you, try it out and see if you like it, look for a group doing series you like that are recruiting and join them.

>Dont want your effort to be rewarded
No wonder you all sperged when Holo wanted to turn legit.

So you're a patreon fag I take it.

Wait, could I just use the Yas Forums translations and upload it to mangadex? I think I'll do it


>low return rate

except if you're a patron faggot, you're full of shit.
i did TL's before and they never got out of Yas Forums despite the time spend on them and i don't fucking care because i did it for one user.
patreon based scantrads should get DMCA'd.

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damn you're fucking braindead. reminding me kireicake out here.

>because i did it for one user

>I need to stay home with my mom

>ywn fuck a qt elf

>translator so shit user snipes like 10 chapters in 2 days

>you all
Go back to ribbit and beg for donations or some shit over there.

Sniping is a retarded fucking meme anyhow.

me mother very sick, yes? gib mone

Whatever you want to call it, it was damn satisfying.

Can't argue with that.

it's too bad all those chapters got translated here but no one ever bothered to typeset and upload them. unfortunate.

then TL's should go faster or be replaced, that's the rules of the free market.

Agreed. But to call it sniping is absolutely retarded.
I'd say it's more like speedsubs and slowsubs

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Oh, is that why her name was never revealed?
Is that info the worst memory that Ojisan erased? Did it kill him in isekai and is the reason he is back?

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You could probably join even some groups not outright recruiting, people might still appreciate help. Assuming you already can do some useful stuff.

I also liked it when my stuff had lots of downloads, even if it was not a reason for picking what to work on. It's not really all taht strange.

I hate the fucking entitlement that is often connected with this in the minds of the people that say it.

Reminds me that she literally explained how to undress her, to the uncle.

the real entitlement is that some TL's believe they own a manga and get spastic when you TL a single chapter before them, and then suddently they instantly release 1 or 2 chapters at once in the same day.
you don't own the manga, only the author does so you should stop whinning.

B-but Mabel isn't a loli, she is old enough to work!

Scanlator autism is so deeply embedded that at this point it's better just to ignore it and treat it as one of those inevitabilities of life.

the real problem began when Patreon-based scanlations started, they treat it as a job and think they're some kind of almost-official editor and some shit.
i love it when someone puts a TL before them and they get mad in the comments.

Bullshit. It's normal when you invest significant time into some work and somebody trolls you about.

You have to realize that it's easy to do a "see everybody can do this overnight!" stunt once or few times. It's hard to keep putting in the effort regularly over several years.

I spend countless days working on anime over more than 10 years and I am slow before I have to have a job and I have to have some life too.
If people started to troll me to basically make it look like my work and all that lost time is worthless, it would probably just make me finally burn out completely.

The people negative about the slow scanlators are just selfcentered retards who have no empathy. Also faggots complaining about things they get for free, IMHO.

As annoying and bullshit as it is, I can understand the scanlators being so anal about it. Why? Because if you aren't, people steal your shit, take credit for it and utilize it for their own donation leech drive. You'd never expect people to actually be that petty and low but it's real.
>t. TL

>It's hard to keep putting in the effort regularly over several years.

like every non-NEET worker ?
or you know, you could go pro and get hired as a real translator if you want money.

>The people negative about the slow scanlators are just selfcentered retards who have no empathy.

i have nothing about slow scanlators, i know it takes a lot of time because i did it before, but i also acknowledge that the projects don't belong to me alone and someone can release before i do, that's the rules of the game, some people just want faster release and some TL's would be happy to oblige.
same problem with some TL's that keep a project to themselves and never update it until someone comes along and do it, then they whine about how it was "their" project, i hate it.

>same problem with some TL's that keep a project to themselves and never update it until someone comes along and do it, then they whine about how it was "their" project, i hate it.
Is that even a real problem or just a bogeyman?

>like every non-NEET worker ?
Dude, did you spot that in that exact post I say I have to have a day job too and basically spend nights on this? It would be so easy if I didn't have to earn the pay check.

happens all the time, remember all those teams that left MD a while ago ?
they always complained about it because they were making big bucks out of their project (telling people they needed money for their raws even though we all know digital raws are rather cheap or free), Jaimini's box was one of the biggest jew too.

then you shouldn't spend so much time on this if you don't enjoy it anymore, i thought about stopping too and i would have if it ate all my time.
or do 1 chapter every 2 weeks, i've tried this and it works well.