Is Ichigo truly the best protagonist out of the big three?
Is Ichigo truly the best protagonist out of the big three?
Rather the blandest
Nah, he's probably the most blandest out of them
Why do people complain about Ichigo not having a goal when Yusuke Urameshi doesn't have one either?
How is Naruto more interesting than Ichigo?
Early on? Absolutely. But then his depth and personality got shafted in favor of 'muh mamoru'.
Yes. Luffy is a retard beyond compare and Naruto is just too inconsistent
>most blandest
Naruto has character, even if he is simple
Naruto as retarded as he was, had an actual dream and objectives. The whole being of Ichigo can be surmised in the words "gotta protect muh nakama"
>series war thread
Die Yas Forumsermin
>gotta protect muh nakama
Thats an objective, retard.
Huh? of course people complain, yu yu hakusho characters are bland as hell
I've always been a huge Naruto fan and used to watch early one piece and recently started watching bleach.
I'm on the SS arc, ep 46 of Bleach anime so idk how he changes.
I like Ichigo's personality, voice, and design more than the others, it's generally more mature. He's designed to be somewhat muscular and not a manlet like most other MCs. He comes off as a 18-22 year old rather than a 15 year old.
He's definitely the most retarded though like holy shit. Sometimes i'm telling him through the tv to just shut up, show some respect, or just calm the hell down. His arrogance is ridiculous too. He'll be talking down to his opponent while getting his ass beat which makes it embarrassing when he gets knocked on his ass 5 seconds later.
>so idk how he changes.
he doesn't, he just gets powerups
>He'll be talking down to his opponent while getting his ass beat which makes it embarrassing when he gets knocked on his ass 5 seconds later.
Give examples
No he is a retard like rest of protagonists of shonenshit garbage,retard go neck yourself back to r3ddit with your shit for manchildren and onions boys simps and cucks.
But thats a brainlet objetive made for the most blandest and stupid characthers made for shonenshit nigger.
calm down discord tranny
That objective is default for every battle shonen mc.
Like, literally every fight.
One thing I can think of was when he was holding byakuga's cloak while bleeding out still talking shit. He's lucky Rukia saved him there.
Sounds like something a shounen mc would say.
narutos objective of being Hokage was literally to protect muh nakama.
>b-b-but he said it was to be acknowledged.
yeah in the beginning it was but he was acknowledged after the pain fight. after that there was no real reason for naruto to be Hokage.
Fuck off bleachfag,go spam in other place your shit.
Most boring one, sure.
Only because i dont like shonenshit made for manchildren and nostalgiafags. I become a tranny right. Fuck off nigger. Your shit belongs in the trash.
Seething moenigger
Right,i am angry because bleach is shonenshit made for little kids and teenageers. No for grown ass men. Thats because i no delusional for garbage made to appeal to capeshitters and nostalgiafags that live in the past. Too because i stop giving a shit about bleach when a turn 15,i now have 28. I dont care about bleach and all the bullshit it has like a shonen. Better to read other stuff like Legend of the Galactic heroes and more stuff for the 70,80 and 90s. I hate shonenshit and all the garbage that ruins modern anime.
I dont like moeshit either.
Wow, discord tranny AND an ESL.
>Too because i stop giving a shit about bleach when a turn 15
>he says as he spergs in a bleach thread
Luffy is too autistic and Naruto turned into a cuck so yes
THEN STOP SPAMMING YOUR SHIT SERIES IN THE CATALOG,YOU FUCKING NIGGER.You have your dream make true,your shit series is returning. Talk about other stuff that is not shonenshit.
No is not.
While I agree, I think Ichigo has better chemistry with the cast. Naruto has one type of interaction with people and thats yelling.
Ichigo is a different person with Orihime, rukia, the captains, old people, Chad, etc.
Fuck off.
absolutely RAGING
Yes, but they're all shit. Naruto and Luffy are retards and children. Boruto's dad however is just a burnout.
Then go bite a bullet you stupid niggerfaggot simp.
yes, pre-Arrancar arc. he was badass in Soul Society and will fuck your shit up. come the Arrancar arc and he turns into a pussy with weak resolve.
Yes. Luffy is a joke and Naruto is a retard.
Yes. Easily. But that's not saying much.
No u
Yeah,you are chug s oy boy shonenshit coonsomer.
>pussy with weak resolve
That also happens to Naruto and Luffy
No u.
Considering the whole Hollow thing and how he did lose control, he had a good reason to.
Ichigo atleast is hot
How does Yas Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.
he used to be
He has the least personality which make him less annoying in general. It's still shonenshit.
WHy is the editor a three eye'd bear
Did the editor kill ONE?
Someone let a huntard off his leash again.
You're actually retarded. go read one piece
This guy is still going?
Yeah. I love protagonists who instead of seeking that life, have the events come to them and they deal with it through a fairly mature outlook which I felt Ichigo had + his kind demeanor and easy going personality rather than looking for attention was a nice change of pace. So Ichigo was the best for me.
Nah. Going to make a Bleach thread after this one dies.
>Trying to argue about moe like that's not one of the few redeeming traits that Tite makes cute girls.
How old are you?
Are you a homo?