Chainsaw Man

Who the fuck are these kids?

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They're for fingering

sex dolls

Speedreading dumbass

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holy shit Makima is fucking sexy

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Anyone else lost interest after the bomb girl? Im almost near dropping this shit as undead unluck perfectly fills its void.

it will be revaled as the story goes.
It's just a mystery for later on

Well, each to their own, but personally I feel the exact opposite. The current arc is probably my favorite arc thus far.

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So who is the real Santa Claus?

Santa is the real Quanxi.

Wait, I mean Quanxi is the real Santa.

the friends we made along the way

They were the child sacrifices the old man requested. Turns out he was another puppet and santa was the womanlet with the constellation moles on her chick.

>inb4 denji finds out the truth about reze in hell
>has a fit and turns into a humanoid-esque Cerberus with each head having a chainsaw

I'm not a dumb waifufag, so no.

Let's not make speedreadposting an actual meme. Every thread whenever a chapter drops will be fucking chaos and it will become impossible to discuss what is actually going on. Though some of you motherfuckers are just stupid; see Aldo and Kurose chapter

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I doubt Makima actually killed the bomb demon heart, it's probably chilling somewhere and not in hell.

nah, the only part of this arc I didn't like better than the bomb arc was the chapters that were half just Quanxi fucking

Those are the four kids Santa asked the german goverment, one for sex and the other three for devil contracts.

For me it wasn't Reze's death since I'm not an autistic waifu fag.
It's the gimmick repetition; goofy scene > high stakes teased > contrived situation arises > MCs humorly oblivious > stakes raised more > shit hits the fan > MCs mostly useless for the most part > everyone starts dying > humor scene > stakes are now do or die > everyone does some cool shit > MCs join and do cool shit while getting assblasted themselves > Denji does something badass > most have died and he groes a tad bit while getting preached at yet again > goofy scene

Rise repeat.
It the same after infinity-chan's gore rape.
Not dropping it though, it's fun, good and FREE.

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Which chapter was that?

I just liked the lower scaled battles and campyness of the original group. These op niggers are taking it too far. I wish the author could drag out the early parts of the series more but it seems that he doesnt wanna make this series too long.


The Reze arc was the weakest by far desu. It felt unearned. Random waifu showing up for no reason with no lead-in and such.

>It felt unearned
Top brainlet trying to pretend he's smart.

I think you might be hair splitting just a teensy weensy bit.

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The fact that people responded in earnest to my obvious shitpost should give rise to more worry than my shitpost

I'm worried that we're already approaching the end of Chainsaw Man. How would Fuji top somebody like Quanxi who effortlessly cleared an entire building worth of enemies in less than a few seconds? If he goes past this arc, we'll be going in the direction of enemies blowing off the tips of mountains with their attacks.

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There is nothing you can say to change my mind on the fact that chapter 58 is the best chapter in all of CSM

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I theorize the "door" is a literal barrier(subconcious?) between Pochita's true nature and the physical world.
But since they are now in hell they're basically behind the barrier's domain OR the door has less of an effect since they're not in the material world anymore. Denji is closer to true Pochita thus more vulnerable to breaking the barrier. Meeting Reze in hell is practically guaranteed regardless.

Pochita is basically Cerberus and the Reaper with a chainsaw isntead of a scythe.

What part of "and such" suggested that I'm anything but a brainlet knowing full well I'm not smart?

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I hope Kobeni and co. meet Pochita in Hell while Denji deals with Master upstairs.


Maybe you are right, but I was honestly one of those extremely hyped fanboys from the beggining of CSM so the story's plateau might be subjective on my part.
But one thing's for sure.

I've grown tired of nailbiting situations where everything's fucked and I'm getting cliffhangered all the time. Could use some of the earlier flow.

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sounds like expectations might have something to do with it

pochita cute

Chapter 54. Page 16.

Nuanced take, but I seriously don't remember those panels in the OP if they actually are from 63.
Maybe I am the speedread-kun

Not him but the fact that you thought that Reze was "a random waifu who showed up for no reason with no lead-in" makes you seem pretty stupid.
She wanted that chainsaw hybrid dick.

All demons and hybrids do. Makima has said so multiple times. A hottie showing up to try and get chainsaw for herself was a logical next step, ESPECIALLY after Denji pulled 2 really really really important feats which gave him notoriety in. undeground circles. The waifufagging was for fanservice and a bit of character development, it could've been a mercenary devil for all that mattered.

>baiting this many (you)s while shilling for another promising manga

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Why is this author so good?

I'm reading FP and that scene where Doma talks to Agni about education is amazing.

I'm pretty sure Reze's not even permanently "dead".

Makima just has her corpse in a freezer somewhere so that nobody can pull her pin and resurrect her.

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I hadn't even realized there words beyond "shit" until your post. I think the speedreading has infected my reading of threads as well

If you insist.

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So I got my dad to read the first few pages of fire punch
All he said was the art is nice,he can see why people like it and that Japanese people are mental
He didn't want to read it on my phone but I feel like if I gave him a physical copy he'd read it

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user she was sent there by Russia to capture Denji. She never liked him for real.

The Reze arc attracted too many newfag speedreaders who completely forgot how hybrid resurrection rules work.

I-Is Makima watching this thread?

of course, now will you be a man and post who you believe is truly best girl or be a coward and just post Makima?

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Who is Santa now?
The woman? Is she another doll? Is it the child that was left over when 3 were sacrificed? Is he changing bodies/minds?

Im just confused.

Haha surely nothing bad will happen if I don't post Makima right? It's not like she can kill me on the spot or anyt

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santa isnt real

The predominant theory is that Santa was always under Master's control.

I know that when I was reading I had the stupid interpretation that Santa actually was Master's grandfather and whatever she had done had transferred Santa's consciousness into Tolka's body.

Could actually be true
My two theories are that Santa is either someone behind the scenes or does not have a body/changes hosts.

Master controlling him never seemes like a real option since her touch can turn people into dolls. So she is eihter Santa or she is a doll

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I miss Chaika

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>You need to touch someone to turn them into a doll
>>>>>>Bye bye, grandpa
>Yeah the possibility that the old man was Master’s doll doesn’t seem likely