Let's have a talk about self-inserting, a.k.a. "literally me" type of anime protagonist.
Do you need to self insert in order to enjoy your anime/manga? What do you think about others who do it?
Personally i think is fucking retarded and people who can't watch anything without self-inserting themselfs into the generic anime protagonist are just pathetic, that being said, i know me and my opinion are just a minority in the overall Otaku community.
What do (you) think?
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i think self insert is an annoying buzzword and i'm sick of hearing pretentious douches throw it around thinking it's eye opening criticism. also, all of those shows are terrible
Fuck off self-insert are personality-less MC of harem comedy, so faggots can say: " muh he is a beta-cuck like me and get girls, muh dream take my money"
instead they are gamma with personality that arent afraid of say what they think total the opposite of normies who watch anime
There are times that I am in the mood for a dumb romcom or harem show. There are other times I am in the mood for a drama.
Hyouka was good, shame you never gave it a chance.
I've never self-inserted with any MC.
Occasionally I would self-identify with a side character though.
You can take these "self-insert" characters and make them "good" characters just by changing the narrative, you don't have to change anything about their character at all. It's all on how you present them as an author/director.
i did give hyouka a chance and dropped it
I'm more confused about Japans love affair with 15/16 year old boys. The infinite possibilities of human imagination and animation, and we get 10 million stories about teenagers, or stories about adults larping as the type of teenager 30 somethings wanted to be where they were kids.
Its actually unnerving how few adults are the MC of an anime, or work or are proper well rounded people who do things other than go to school.
Hopefully shifting demographics and diverse income takes the need to appease NEETs out of the industry.
literally me is just code for ~15 year old male protag
>He thinks Araragi or even Kazuma are literally me.
>you will never reboot a series just to self-insert yourself and make your waifu's love for you canon
But those all have different personalities?
Self-insert haremshit is the lowest IQ genre in anime. None of them would dare to introduce another man with superior looks and personality to flirt with the plethora of girls. Instead the female characters are magically left unloved and untouched by everyone but self-insert kun. It is a delusional fantasy for beta basement dwellers.
I love "intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor" MCs but absolutely loathe boring herbivore personalityless high-pitched voice manlet MCs
ngl this is pretty based
Highschool dxd is pretty good.
Cumbrain jokes... but still funny.
Hachiman isn't one though. He has friends, a cute girlfriend.
what's weird is that deku has to be one of the biggest self inserts yet he doesn't look like the typical ones made for it
the author just made a self insert for himself and all the other losers followed
true, there are a lot of folks who related to his misanthropic mannerisms only get BTFO'd by his character eventually growing up
"Self insert characters" are more so non intrusive and non intimidating main characters that do not interfere with the viewer's wish fulfillment fantasy. Basically, a lot of guys watch anime for their waifus and comfort and statistics have shown that men are vastly more comfortable when in the absence of other males, while in the presence of other male competition they become more tense. Men are much more likely to like things and spend money on your product when they are comfortable and feel their is waifu is "theirs". Most anime is designed to be welcoming and non confrontational, so these anime targeted at young guys follow this rule pretty well. Look at gacha games for an extreme example, all the main characters are obnoxious blank slates, because they are basically you. Anime that isn't trying to give a waifu wish fulfillment fantasy doesn't need to follow this rule, but instead you'll notice other trends.
It all comes down to advertising and your target audience.
>Do you need to self insert in order to enjoy your anime/manga?
>What do you think about others who do it?
I don't think kindly of them, I think they are empathically underdeveloped manchildren that are also massive egoists and both are undesirable traits.
Aside from Arararagi.
But yeah, perfect way to drop a show in 20 seconds. Not bothering with garbage anymore.
Anime is blatant wish fulfillment to begin with. The otaku are right, make the mc very relatable and non-imposing so I can have my waifu. Anyone saying they need fully fleshed male characters that steal the show are cucks.
i want to fuck oreki
I love Kazuma!
This is what you all think are self insert characters?
Hachiman even cringes at his volume 1 self and couldn't believe he was like that once.
this trend needs to die
So did a japanese dude and wrote a literal self insert doujin.
Because they desperately want to return to that time, before the soul crushing work grind their lives became. At least judging from the audience it attracts.
Seems like people want see more protagonists like pic related.
If it's a harem, yes. They're designed for wish fulfillment, so why not? Who actually likes getting cucked in their fantasy? The argument really comes down if you watch harems for the plot or the girls, and usually it's both, so you get mc's like Kazuma who are a weird hybrid.
So people want a protagonist that's like "O MY NICE GUY PERSONA" where people like the MC because he's nice. Girls like him because he picked up her eraser.
Is supposed to be a meme, you either say it an ironic way or in a derogatory way, is never used as anything else.
Dekuck self inserters are just sad, but have you seen Naruto self inserters? Those guys are pathetic to another level, have you seen how much they seethe when someone post any girls being paired with anyone who isn't Nardo?
Like I said before, people want that guy because he's not a threat. It's not about his character being good, they just want him out of the picture. Now, if I were watching something like Golden Boy, where the plot is supposed to be entertaining, then I want an actual mc with personality and a spine that tries to actually fuck the women, because it's entertaining. Modem harems are more about viewer worship and wish fulfillment rather then telling an entertaining story, so the mc's need to be quiet and take a back seat.
Would've been nice if they picked Gudako instead.
I largely prefer male MC's, but Ritsuka is really fucking bland.
I personally like a combination of both. Take kazuma or the guy from senko san, they're not complete blank slates; they're interesting enough and have some character which makes them entertaining, but they're also not that abrasive or too intrusive as characters, so I feel there's room for me to thoroughly enjoy the female characters without being too delusional.
>Modem harems are more about viewer worship and wish fulfillment rather then telling an entertaining story, so the mc's need to be quiet and take a back seat.
what are the odds that this trend will pendulum swing back towards the Chad MC's of yesteryear that added to the narrative?
We need more MCs like this.
>self insert as araragi
Yeah i am totally a child molester
lol are all those pics really in the show, even the one with Blossom making the flushed aroused face? If so, I'll finally be convince that this is not real life and we really are living in a simulation.
Unironically based
>Do you need to self insert in order to enjoy your anime/manga?
Yes and No. It's not necessary for me to think "wow, that is literally me".
BUT I need to be able to understand the character and his motivations.
If I constantly think "WHY ARE YOU DOING X" or "WHY DON'T YOU JUST DO Y", it makes me angry and I don't like the show.
I also think "self-inserting" is a buzzword at this point, I definitely don't identify with Kazuma in Konosuba, he has a totally different personality from me, I'm really more like Yun-Yun. But I can still "self-insert" into Kazuma and try to see things from his perspective.
No really, literally me.
The character should be relatable, as in you should be able to understand his motivations and his reasoning, but thats about it.
Usually animes with really excentric or a typical characters, which are inherently different in demeanor, goals, actions they take etc. from your average joe and another, when they are designed in a believable way, create the best anime. If they are used to drive a good story further its on a good way to a masterpiece.
So no, self insert is lazy writing and prevents the writer from actually flashing out the character as otherwise people cant self insert anymore if he has too many defined traits which could oppose the readers nature.
Unfortunately, all forms of media are becoming more and more of Skinner boxes, so it's unlikely(or maybe that's an illusion and they've always been Skinner boxes but simply gave the masses what they wanted, and what they wanted was different back then?). Nevertheless, you're no longer the target audience, so either learn to love modern harems or just watch oldies.
>Jake Goldman
Every fucking time
Wait, Naruto was supposed to be the self-insert character in Naruto?
When I was a kid, I thought Sasuke is the "literally me" character. Intelligent, nihilistic, and with no sense of humor
That guy has a very punchable normie face.
Why is everyone at some point going through an edgy phase in their life?
Also same over here. That was until Sasuke became a self loathing prick whos only purpose was to get Naruto out of the village.
It baffles me how people defend Rito as if he was a real character, you can change him with any other MC and nothing would change since his only trait is being a nice guy.
Doing that shit with Issei is harder tho, but not because he is a good character but because the entire setting is there to suck his dick.
The one and only true self insert.
I only self insert as fat ugly bastards
That boring af Irregular series is most guilty of this trope
I prefer MC's like Arthur Morgan
Billy is literally me
>Do you need to self insert in order to enjoy your anime/manga?
fuck no I’m not a total autist who can’t empathize with someone who’s not a nihilistic neet
I can’t even watch oregairu because the mc is to much like me when I was a 15 year old had just discovered Nietzche and atheism so I didn’t socialize with anybody leading me to barely be able hold a conversation
most of these mc’s are super fucking chuni like the people here and the authors are too busy writing gf’s for their self inserts to notice
Not him, I couldn’t get through it either but if you like high quality animation you should watch a compilation of some of the crowd shots. The characters fade in and out of the crowds really well
>tfw you can't view spoiler images because you don't have a Yas Forums gold account
>self inserting as the MC instead of a side chick that wants him and end up rejected
It's like you don't even know me.
The only characters that I self insert into are those FPS protagonists that don't talk but other characters pretend that they do
when i first watched it i too thought "wow he is just like me, seeing society and social interactions for the fake shit they truely are". Nowadays I cringe at myself for thinking that, because my adorance for 8man was based on me having the same issues as him, craving the societal contacts and interactions he wont get, coping by telling himself constantly otherwise trying to convince himself by focusing purely on the negative aspects to rationalize its better without them, when in the end we crave these things because we need them.
I hope you got past your edgy phase user.
I just hate the current state of male characters, I don't even care about this alpha/beta bullshit but their absolute lack of humanity is disgusting
i want self insert in his butt