I had this conversation a couple of times but there's a split between those who don't like them, I'm not talking about rape scenes, I'm talking of "vanilla" sex scenes in general
>Why does people dislike it?
>Why does it trigger people?
It's a normal thing to do, but people are fine with murder and other weird shit, this is not a troll topic, I actually want to know why it bothers people so much
Sex scenes in non-hentai
The majority of people who read manga and watch anime are weird socially stunted weirdos who grew up absorbing damaging Japanese entertainment mores which are opposite of real life experiences
Does it actually trigger anybody? I have yet to meet someone that isn't an Yas Forumsutist that finds fault in them.
I think it mostly bothers shipperfags when it causes their crack ships to sink.
This was the best sex scene ever.
Only amerikkans think like that because they are raised in a society where nipples are censored while violence isn't.
so explain the lack of/censored pubes in anime/hentai?
That's a valid point and I think similarly
I posted several times in groups or asked weebs, a lot were bothered, even if they had a SO.
Person of culture, actually Eden has great sex scenes, they feel very personal/normal
Cultural upbringing?
But why do you care, Yas Forumsnon? I, for one, would like to see /lit/ from bokuben get fucked into another realm as a finale, but dreams are just that, dreams.
Still salty of the sudden timeskip and her death, at least Bommerforce taking the lead and BTFO that loser at the end was fun to see
I disagree with the part that the entertainment is damaging. Anons were fucked up before they began watching anime.
Sex is dirty and disgusting so obviously normal people hate it
The mores in anime aren’t really the opposite of real life, they are just more inline with japanese mores than they are with western mores.
Even a normal person exposed to it during their development absorbs the negative traits and lowers them to the 'fucked up' anons
Correct, and vidya creates serial killers. Just like how pornography creates sexual deviants.
Just curious, I find it curious how is so taboo to some people.
>salty about her death
Me too, senpai, I was so pissed off, in the end he goes with the Bolivian blonde was it?
I call bs, dude. A majority of Nips read manga and don’t behave like the typical user.
Such thinking is what everyone and their grandma has tried to use to ban things from rock to videogames. No, your entertainment is not some magical thing that corrupts you, sure it might have some influence in your worldview but it is so minimal that it doesn't matter (specially when weighted against family and irl social interactions).
Anons don’t like to take responsibility for their behaviors.
people think a lot of things man, why don't you tell us what you have found out so far since you have asked several groups already
Back in the day I think Dee Snyder or Rob Halford said that they shouldn't prosecute metal if they created violence, the kids should be correctly educated instead of attacking "rock"
Get ready, because these ban-happy groups are gonna sperg out once VR becomes good.
literally a product of the occupation by america after ww2
Video games reinforce bad mental states just like porn fucks people up. Most normal people don't go down that rabbit hole which is what I'm saying.
Nips aren't westerners but explain otaku culture then? It's the same thing. It fucks people up because it destroys your idea of how things are. Japan has a lot of things wrong with it that stems from their culture and that bleeds into the west from their entertainment exports and creates western otakus.
Who's talking about banning things? If you're ignoring the evidence that being exposed to niche culture doesn't make you weird you haven't been outside. The fucked up tumblrs and weirdo internet havens of delusional people are proof of what I'm saying and I can't help you,
Sure, in general people dislike sex because apparently "ruins" the pacing of the plot, the characters are not interesting when they actually have these sex scenes, they feel them as awkward/cringy, even if they are correctly developed
>i.e. The Eden sex scenes, Guts and Casca sex scene, SKR sex scenes
Because it's weird, they don't put themselves in their places, which made me think
>Do they actually dislike it because they're averse to it? Or try to play safe and say it's disgusted to not be judged as a pervert?
When confronted with things like
>But you have a gf/bf/married! Don't you have sex?
In general the people who are asked are not willing to answer.
>The people who actually have sex/have normal sex drives/are not ashamed of it
Actually reply that they are not bothered by it, whether they are single or not, they're comfortable with it. It's interesting to see that something so "silly" to some, bothers them.
Which negative traits? The anti-revenge lectures? The “if you kill him you’ll be just like him” moralfaggotry? I think anime is in some ways more moralfaggy than western crap.
If you watch those particular animes, but there's more than them and you know it
>Video games reinforce bad mental states just like porn fucks people up.
[citation needed]
>rabbit hole
Oh. You’re one of those.
Eden:It's an Endless world
>Japan has a lot of things wrong with it that stems from their culture and that bleeds into the west from their entertainment exports and creates western otakus.
Such as? Even sports create shitty fans.
>those particular animes
That’s basically every shonen.
I dropped Eden when she got killed for no good reason.
Eden: It's an Endless World! - chapter 50 user.
I am just jealous because i'll never be a situation like this, so I hate to see it
That helps my argument that I made in Replace everything weeb in that sentence and apply it to european soccor hooligans
No, it actually ends your argument. Sports are probably the most neutral form of entertainment because they inherently carry no messages. If even sports have annoying fans, that just means that the fans themselves are to blame, not the entertainment medium itself.
cheers fellas
I don't like sex scenes when they're done in a tasteless manner or are innecessary.
It's like having your best friend describe you in detail his last sex encounter. Cool, whatever, but I didn't need to know that.
I only am ok with it when it’s tasteless. When they try to portray it as romantic or whatever it just feels cringy.
I agree with this completely. 3d shit is a great example. There are sex scenes everywhere and they just come off as a form of exhibitionism and fanservicey catering. In anime it's much the same; almost always not needed and obtrusive. Stuff like Guts and Casca is fine (albeit even that could have been less detailed)but anything more than that I find distasteful. I don't want to see that shit, now get it out of my face.
Only retards bitch.
Stop bumping your thread.
Kek, he's not OP. And I agree
Fuck you, don't remind me of what happens after ;_;
>Why does people dislike it?
>Why does it trigger people?
Could be because it feels out of place in the story but most likely because a lot of weebs are socially awkward virgins.
Actually this. I think it's kinda similar to the weird obsession kpop fans have their idols being "pure."
I get that. That's why so much ecchi shit is just plain cringey lol
You saved me a read.
It doesn't bother most people.
>It's like having your best friend describe you in detail his last sex encounter.
Not at all. Manga is fiction unlike your friend
Literally nothing wrong with a sex scene so long as it's not too long or explicit and doesn't have cringe hentai-tier dialogue.
Because "think about the plot" and "get sexually excited" are two different modes and sometimes you don't want to switch into the second.
There's nothing wrong with it. The only people bothered by it are purityfags and prudes who are in serious need of deprogramming.
this is actually 100% accurate
what makes any one act catering as compared to other tropes, cliches, etc that are replicated across multiple media yet escape this level of scrutiny?
at some point I think we have to admit that western (and in particular, american) audiences treat sex as something entirely separate from the normal human experience, and that's fucking insane.
Yes, when you fap/have sex, you operate in a significantly different mode than the rest of your life. If you ever did that, you know about it firsthand.
>that western (and in particular, american) audiences treat sex as something entirely separate from the normal human experience
Then why is sex so much more common in western (and even american) entertainment?
Eden was such a boring manga.
future diary
I mean leaving aside kneejerk reactions to the content, a sex scene works if the sex is working for the scene rather than vice-versa. This is usually not the case, and I don't just mean it in the sense of trying to titillate.
What's wrong with rape?
Sex ilicits such a strong reaction that people cannot weigh whether something is okay or not in the moment.
What about people who think sex scenes in dramas, sitcoms and movies are okay but dislikes sex scenes in anime?