
>her design is supposed to include painted red nails
Gross, now I hate her even more

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Looks fine


What's wrong with nail polish? I don't get it... it means she cares about her image and doesn't eat her nails.
A feminine trait.

No, you have to eat ALL the nails, Nagatoro.

Are you from the 19th century or something

I want Nagatoro to fart on me.

Only poor women, those with lack of time to care about their image, ugly, sick and psychologicaly disbalanced (who eat their nails) don't use nail polish.

I work in human resources and we are encouraged to look at the employees hands.

t. 34 years old, single, has 6 cats

yeah sure go be a "cool wine aunt" elsewhere

Yet another reason Senpai needs to cuck her with best girl prez.

Are you from Saudi Arabia? Women are encouraged to paint their nails since they are twenty where I'm from as people from human resources check them out to find if you have mental problems like anxiety.
Exactly as user said.

Before that you are allowed to have cheap looking hands because you are studying. But young girls paint them for special ocasions like weddings, etc...

I want her to squeeze my balls till I cry with those hands

t. brainlet with no counterargument

I miss old 774. And I mean pre-Nagatoro 774

hey thats really interesting can you tell some more things you look at? in men and women both. i imagine hair, shoes, hands cleanliness type stuff? what about skin? posture etc

fucking based

If you have acne, if you're skinny-fat, if you're regular-fat, if you have a neckbeard, or if you look like you post on Yas Forums, then your resume goes in the trash.

If Senpai manned up and asked her on a date, not suggesting or implying, but directly asking her out, she'd likely accept. Maybe not immediately, depending on the situation. I can see them kiss if she feels in control, during some kind of festival with fireworks or some other such generic setting. But could Senpai skip all of those steps and get into her panties with her consent? Let's say that he gets the balls to suddenly do very daring shit. What kind of situation would they need to get in for that to happen? I can't imagine her agreeing. She may let her guard down for a little teasing and maybe slight molestation, but otherwise she's really shy about it when it comes to it. What do you guys think? Aside from rape, of course.

Are you still seething because your shitty femdom comic is no longer being released? Fetishcucks btfo

The hot kouhai being tanned and with red nails kind of ups the NTR angle for some reason, but it's now become mainstream 'wholesome' sub-Takagi-san manga for Twitterfags anyway

Gosh, she's so damn ugly. Imagine fapping to this shit.

Would any girl actually be attracted to this guy?

Define "hot".

g8 b8 m8 eye r8 8/8

Would any sane guy actually be attracted to this girl?

Friendly reminder that speedreaders and seething fetishcucks are inferior human beings

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She makes my penis hard while also making me want to grovel

Yikes. I really dislike long nails and nail polish, but her design is really hot other than those

>Would any sane guy actually be NOT attracted to this girl?

Attached: cara 12.png (676x569, 280.51K)

She cute

Attached: simple as.png (579x536, 25.45K)

I thought she was a young girl, not a 30 yr. old crackwhore roastie. Her nails look way too big for her tiny fingers too, it clashes awkwardly with her design. I like this artist, but what the fuck.

>Literally Satan
What is the fucking appeal? I just want a nice girl like Mogi from initial D, Annette from houses, or Senko-San.
Do people like being harassed that fucking much?

This is absolutely toxic. Nail polish is ugly and unnatural and makes a woman look like she's trying too hard (usually because she is)

Have you actually read it? She's really not that bad

I had to stop after 2 chapters because I'm not a self-hating, cunny-worshipping loser.

Well if you haven't read more than 2 chapters shut the fuck up, the bullying has been massively toned down as the series has gone on

You've swallowed the cuckpill if you got much farther, my guy.
Enjoy being abused by women and never having a satisfying relationship.

Holy fuck you're retarded.

You fucking retarded, just shut the fuck up. You just said youre literally ignorant about how the manga has been going on

>shut the fuck up
SUB humans really do all think alike, huh?

>act like a retard
>why are people calling me retarded wtf!!?!

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Look how frustrated she is

Attached: nagatoro frustration.jpg (720x3050, 745.81K)

When is she going to gain control of his ejaculations?

What I hate the most about her design is the meat fang.

Yes, real fangs are always superior to flesh fangs

Remember that time Nagatoro wore her cutest clothes to the zoo so Paisen would cream her insides but instead he gave her a pencil and some paper?

She probably has a dildo named Senpai and uses it all day after school just to work out the frustration

Nagatoro is for cuddling.

Best girl coming through.

Attached: yoshi.png (143x222, 28.9K)


most people on Yas Forums might as well be in regards to women

In both genders?
Main things to look at are posture (shoulders being high and back not touching the chair means the person gets nervous easily), hands must always be on sight of the interviewer and still (unless he/she is talking and uses one of the hands to express better), hair must look clean and brushed (don't matter the style but classy is prefered), nails should look flashy or at least not bitten (if the woman paints them, which is better, they shouldn't be too long... same with men, guitar and uncomfortable for work and may cause silly accidents), etc...

i want to get into this, what's the name of the manga again

yoshi is literally retarded i'm surprised she hasn't been put down yet by the government

Light colors are quite nice and match ladies all ages. The problem is the dark red old women use, which looks ugly.

In fact, nail polish protect female workers from having accidents by breaking their nails; this might sound silly but it can cause bleeding and painful swollen parts by the sides.
Men in my factory are starting to use transparent polish to protect their hands too and the results are impressive.

You can see it even in black and white. I really like her nails, they look nice and you can see she takes care of them

Attached: cutethinking.jpg (700x831, 78.94K)

I link painted nails with feminity and self-esteem so it's fine. The problem is red not being an everyday color, as it's too dark.

Pink or salmon colors are better.

Hard disagree. Different colors suited for different girls.

she's perfect no matter what and I really like her hands

Attached: totallygross.jpg (441x696, 65.45K)

Even senpai likes her hands

Attached: 3.png (960x1378, 928.18K)

Remember to wash your hands user.

I want her fangs to nibble on my foreskin

Nagatoro has darker skin than her friends, so she has to choose darker colors to match.

I think user is thinking about white caucasian girls, who rock light colors better.

>I work in human resources and we are encouraged to look at the employees hands.
Is this real? I have been biting my fingernails/skin since i was about 3 years old and have a big scar on my finger from when i cut my self with a shard of glass. I don't want to lose a job opportunity just because my hands look like those of a drug addict.

>her design is supposed to include painted red nails
Based, now I love her even more

i think it will always be my favourite chapter

yeah, fighting against corona-chan with nagatoro

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