What, exactly, was Killing Bites?

What, exactly, was Killing Bites?

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zero depth, just animal fight
cute bunny

The one with the sharpest fangs won, I think.

the friends we made along the way

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Animal husbandry

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>Zero depth
Read the manga

I still won't forgive the loss of best girl. Dog is a shit. Let her best friend die because she is an autistic shit.

a show that has a scene that i fapped to once. never watched it

>Honey badger is battle crazy and would nuke the world for her father, zero character development
>Bunny is a fucking joke and despite being a comedic relief, managed to become champion by sheer luck
>MC is a limp dick faggot who gets used like a pawn
>Final Boss Pangolin is too fucking OP and autistic
>Season ends in a shitty way
>New implied continuation has another main female character with zero depth

Lion is based and a Chad though


The one with the biggest cock wins!

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>Read the manga
Zero depth

So you just skipped Pure’s, Nomoto’s, and Youko’s development? You’re acting like you just watched S1


Is the manga still ongoing? And are the tits worth it?

This got an adaptation? The manga was pretty bland

>Zero depth
In your grey matter layer if you are pleb filtered by the anime equivalent of Tarantino exploitation flicks.
The Ikari Gendou bonding with Ratel flashback alone was the best adoption story anime have ever done.

It's in the last tournament arc right now.

Are you talking about the ryona belly punch scene?

pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5b58e1c104f6a this

Attached: thus killing bites.webm (640x360, 2.5M)

I hope she gets a good showing before they kill her off and add her to the slowly growing tumor in Pure's head.

Like raping Cheetah?

Character development and depth aren't the same thing.


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catgirl roach is for rape

I really want her to rape Cheetah, but she'd have to beat Lion for that to happen.

Cheetah will probably beat Lion this time, her jobbing once again would become tiresome. She'll job after that.

He DID only watch S1!


Check out new character Sahara's.

s2 never

It's one of those animes where you literally have to turn your brain off. Not even joking, just try and find sense in anything that's happening and your enjoyment goes downhill.

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Kiba no surudoi hou ga KATSU!

The more tulpas the merrier.

im worried for goat

Honey badger is WORST GIRL


Fighting and fucking

Even the crowd in the anime was cheering them on.

Last thread we had an user who wanted to commission some pics of bunny and elephant.
Any news on that?

Shame it didnt stay that way

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I don't think Hitomi will outright kill her.

Is there anyone who can beat brute rabbit?

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My brute dick

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Killing Bites - 04 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_15.30_[2018.02.14_01.54.10].jpg (1920x1080, 259.11K)

No while Pure insist into still breathing


Will Murata show us all of the 1v1 fights or just off-panel most of them?

Here is photographic evidence.

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came for the fat honey badger ass and thighs
stayed for the fat honey badger ass and thighs

Why does everyone reading the manga hate hitomi?

Brute Cock

She betrayed Nomoto on her father's orders even though he actually wanted her to go against them, and she would probably do it again

don't worry, the new heroine may have no depth but she has enough baggage to slow down an airport

Character development implies depth bro

Incels are mad that she has her own life and agenda that doesn't revolve around sucking the MC's dick.

Killing bites would have been 100x better if it went full kemono
Prove me wrong

here is your proof

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>Goat and Badger square off
>Haiji says something, Hitomi recognizes her
>Hitomi shouts "DAISUKI YO!!"
>Haiji freezes in shock, falls over backwards, is out cold
>Hitomi goes "Huh?"
>Is awarded win. Says "HUH?" again

Instead it revolves around sucking Shidou's dick
Though the way Nomoto obsesses over her is pretty pathetic

If Wolf DID teach her to fight, maybe not.

You haven't seen "SLASH"?

Attached: The truth about killing bites.jpg (1366x768, 69.44K)

Really? I like her even more now

Snake penises.

She is a difficult beast. For me she constantly fluctuates between the statuses of the best and the worst girl mostly because how she treats Nomoto