Hidden gems

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Other urls found in this thread:


Zoom-zoom detected. This is baby's first edgy anime.


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Blue Submarine No 6

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*Pisses herself*

Worst series ever.

They never explain who Elfen is or what he lied about.


Because....was it cancelled?

>implying Part 2 and Kishin are bad

Fire Punch

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Elfen Lied is, without hyperbole, the single worst anime I have ever watched. Just remembering that I completed it makes me unreasonably angry.

Nice reddit meme.

>All before the year 2000
was it autism?

yeah Afro Samurai is my favorite 90s anime

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Totally user, Metropolis is my favourite 90s

*Autistic heavy metal*

Elfien Lied is neither hidden nor a gem. It's not as terrible as some make it out to be, but it's definitely teenage edge core.

>Hey guys, Metal Jesus here.

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Ignoring several of the more unknown titles which were made after 2000, you should be able to recognize 3-gatsu no lion and Saki. Then there are several more where the artstyle as presented is a dead giveaway they are after 2000, e.g. Kamichu and Kyou no Asuka Show.

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I don't watch anything that isn't shounen, faggot. My favorite animes are Demon Slayer, MHA, Dr. Stone and Bleach.

Are these mostly mediocre random shows?

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Belladonna of sadness

A true hidden gem

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Nothing more cringe then the fact that they all have their japanese titles

Not hidden

Honestly I know it's currently airing but it's so so fucking good.

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Its exclusively style over substance garbage that people only pretend to like and Mellowlink

>Galaxy Angel
Faggots aren't allowed on this site.


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Galaxy angel is the exception

only tenjo tenghe and getbackers. Everything is boomer tier trash

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You have to be at least 18 to browse this site.

And that's why you're supposed to read the manga.

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Yeah the manga while severely flawed is very touching and has some great concepts and great scenes.

t. nappy fetishist

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t. britbong

SukaSuka is the only true hidden gem Yas Forums has ever gotten right.

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Maybe the original series yes, the 2019 version was no where near as good.


Why? It was trash and so was everything that studio animated.

Secretly the best Gonzo show

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It's not hidden, it's right on her hand.

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Google found nothing about an anime called Garon. What is its full name?

you didn't watch any of them

You need to go back.

Garon the Guardian


>hidden gems

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Some of those are porn right?

>Jyu oh Sei
I'm now honestly interested in all the other animes because that's one of my all time favorite animes that no one seems to have heard of!