AOTS just happened, were you here?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I’m pretty sure chihayafuru Still has one episode left.


Finale was weak but the series was strong. The ending being all sakiado ass pained me. Hondo should have had a line.

Yes, I enjoyed the show. Thank you for recommending it to me.

Loved it

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>Ei Aoki making a good show again.

Let's forget Aldnoah and ReCreators were a thing.

I wonder if the manga will ever reach this scene

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Doesn't the manga set after this whole incident?

I don't even understand what you're complaining about, Hondo got that little epilogue part and Nari ended it like the mc he is.

Manga is a direct sequel.

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Its not his fault he got stuck with a shitty script for those. Turns out all he needs is a good writer


I want to hug kaori chan

Kiki is a miracle of the universe.

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I can't believe it's over.

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8.5/10 it was okay.

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Glad he got well rewarded for his hard work.

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But, user, our official AOTS was already announced.

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Fuck off, moetranny.

>No Ayyy lmao Ending coming out of nowhere
I am dissapointed but also relieved

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>We still don't know who killed Narisago's daughter

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>this face
Look at what a good guy he is. Look at it. His demons and sadness defeated.

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So we still don't really know what happened to the inventor of the Mizunohame. Hayaseura claimed that he's never killed anyone before during the confrontation in EP12. Were the skeletons found in Momoki's backyard confirmed to actually be from the inventor?

It was the challenger user, no le epic plot twists this time.

It was the Challenger. And there isn't a moment in the show that actually presses any doubts on that.

It's the challenger.

>spoilers in OP pic
thanks bro

So did Fukuda die or not?
I mean the people who died in the 'wells' were the comatose ones right?
But the way Hondoumachi shook her head after checking his pulse kinda implied that he actually kicked the bucket.

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So who killed the scientist guy?

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>Hayaseura claimed that he's never killed anyone before during the confrontation in EP12
Maybe not directly but it's safe to assume that he had something to do with it. Who else would try to frame Matsuoka

He just didn't wake up. The pulse of a comatose person and awake person are different.

No, I wasn't, crossboarder.

>I'm a police officer
my hype was through the roof

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Well, that was an ok ending, disappointing? sure but still ok. Overall I enjoyed the series, the characters were enjoyable and plot interesting so i don't regret watching it. Definitely a good show.

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Brainlet here. Is this moment her “dream” or something?

>"It's also a joy to run out of tears"

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kill yourself shonenspic

It's an implication of her getting saved by Sakaido someday.


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>series finale out today
>better go to where they are discussing the finale and most likely will have spoilers out
The impetus is on you to watch it beforehand if it means so much to you. Not the other way around you silly faggot.

In mizunohame so you could say that

> No more tears

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One last Hondotummy

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To add on. Why did Kiki leave the containment chamber when John Walker opened it up? If at the end of the day she had full control over her faculties, couldn't she have just stayed put? Hayaseura can't do anything. Killing her would set her free. Death was an option for her, and her death would also break the world melting spell. She was just all calm and looking at the outside world when Momoki got to her.

What can be expected from the manga?
>generic killer of the week arc(s)
>finding more info about the Mizuhanome arc
>save the comatose people arc
>second encounter with Hayaseura who came back from the double well arc
>and finally save Kiki arc

I'm actually surprised how well this turned out despite the writer being batshit insane

He meant that eventually she'll move past his death and live on, and that within itself is a good thing. As in he's finally moved past the death of his family and go back to living his life.

How many chapters are out now? I thought it would just be one case and that's it.

I'm a moefag but wew what a shit chart.

nigger what kind of and brainlet you imagine me to be to not get what he was saying?

The writer also wrote some mystery novels, which are supposedly good, but I haven't read any because there's no fucking scans

>A good writer
Ironically one of the rarest things in story telling.

This was a very good way to get rid of him. I was wondering how he'd die but this is probably the most fitting way to do it.

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I didn't understand at the end, was Narisihago saying that he wanted to be uploaded to the computer. But only when he was ready to die? Or was it the less literal, I'll see you again in death, but I still have a job to do while I'm alive.

Maybe just wanted to get a breath of fresh air.

He could still find a way to come back.

Staying there wouldn't have helped given that he turned the machine off.

>go back to living his life.
In a cell, fighting to save a girl who's eternally dying before he reaches her. Happily ever after.

That's just how it feels like when diving.

From the encounter with Momoki, it's kinda obvious that she's hanging on to the hope that she might be able to be saved somehow.
Once she knew that wasn't an option, she was ready to an her herself.

>boring,safe,uneventful ending
Can someone who feels this way about it explain to me what else they'd like to see instead? It is precisely why so many shows shit the bed because they try to do something ''epic'' or grand that doesn't really fit with the show, what we have in here may not be conclusive but it was mostly satisfactory and wrapped up what was already great in a good way but not that tightly.

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It's a show about catching killers, the only happy ending is catching the big bad.

they wanted this to be the whole episode

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But if you have 7 serial killers, each only hitting 7 kills (I assume all victims were identified since Hondo said it all with confidence), that means it couldn't have been done by any of his targets.
It's crazy how that's just left in the dark, but I knew the ending wouldn't be able to cover everything. But it was a good way to at least resolve the current situation they were in. No curve balls were thrown as well, which I really liked.

>can't kill him
>just lock him in another well
I love how they easily outsmarted him. The guy with a god complex fucked over by some brilliant detectives.

So Narihisago is still in prison.

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yeah last two episodes were pretty bland compared to the incredibly amazing rest.

I miss Fukuda already...

Maybe he'll learn from this and seal away the forbidden talk no jutsu to lessen his sentence.

No reason why he shouldn't be

I could see him waking up in a plot twist for season 2. But yeah i doubt a S2 will ever happen

You misspelled AOTY

The reality doesn't change that Narihisago still convinced people to kill themselves. That crime just doesn't disappear.

>don't watch anime in ongoing
>spoilers in OP
>even when show is niche
Spoilers in OP is something you can expect in threads of popular anime. But not in niche.

>check the chinese scans since they're ahead of the english ones out of cuirosity
>see this
Kiki, what are you doing?

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Okay, how would you have changed the ending? Hard mode: no Fukuda lives

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At the start of the show, Kiki is in the machine.
At the end of the show, Kiki is in the machine.
There was a setup for something happening for her, but nothing has changed, she's still fucked.

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Some people just want to watch the world burn.

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But I think that's expected of any story or at least that's what literature in HS taught me, the climax happens and the resolution happens after it calms down a bit

>this is a weak finale
God damn do you watch nothing but masterpieces to think this was weak?

so the manga is the sequel?

Nah fuck off. Go cry about it somewhere else.

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How many chapters are there now? We might actually transition into a manga crowd if they're serious about continuing the story.

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at the start: kiki wants to kill herself
at the end: kiki is waiting until they're able to save her

basically mysteries in a nutshell. best way to end a mystery is to end it quickly after the mystery is unveiled, very few manage to maintain excitement after that

>don't watch anime
Still sounds like your problem.

How many chapters in is the manag? I can only see 2 that have been translated

Wow it's almost like you missed the entire point

bit of a safe ending but I guess it was hard to topo 10-12

It was too predictable for a show that builds itself around twists and mysteries.

How could they have a S2 without the Perforator? Those would be some pretty big shoes to fill.

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Why is her voice so perfect?

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Well she is certainly not dead.

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Hopefully they answer and close off the existing questions that weren't answered conclusively in the series before introducing too many new ones.

Don't forget he fucking merc'ed the challenger.

>a show that builds itself around twists
That's not the show I just watched.

Unironically best character. 7fags can fuck off


Nice 3.

The ending gave me really strong Matrix vibes

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Looks like the new rookie but he's not in a detective costume.

There are five chapters out in chinese so far, two in english. They're up in mangadex.

Oh fuck, I'm going to kill myself.

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They could have at least saved something for the finale, they basically solved all the mysteries last episode and now all that was left was tying up loose ends.

Or at least throw in something unpredictable, because not everything has to be by the numbers. JW got himself cornered like a child, Kiki was saved temporarily, hole guy died, narihisago lived, the only people who didn't wake up from a coma were random staff members. I almost feel like I didn't even need to watch the episode to know that.

>tell someone to kill themself
>a crime
What shithole do you live in?

Don’t reply to me 7fag

go fuck yourself

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haha imagine her tickling your prostate like that instead of pulling the trigger haha

What? That is not what the show builds itself around at all, the show is about human psyche. Are you one of those brainlets who complained about the john walker reveal being too predictable even though they literally wanted everyone to know about that?

Pretentious post

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She's so cute. She really needs her happy ending, bros.

>everyone hates her now
What went wrong?

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Are there raws up somewhere?

recreators was fine, i also like season 1 of AN0

Not going to happen.
>he's trapped in there for eternity because no well observer and Kura observer
>can't even off himself in there to wake up in John Walker form because he self repairs in well
He's in there forever, until the world ends.

a show that shouldn't have an epic or grand ending should not have had two episodes to detail what happens after they solve the mystery in the first place

Inami got splashed and died, and I don't feel sorry for her mum.

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IO really really don't like how they left Kiki there to be saved, nor how Fukuda and the Stacy whatshername are left in a coma (though maybe Fukuda actually is dead and I misunderstood what they mean with the still in coma line).

>tfw you have Coronavirus

What was Momoki's original plan then if he always knew Kiki = Kaeru? Just quietly investigate the Mizuhanome?

Name of the end credit song?

But why challenger challenged a child?
The guy loved to fight and be beaten, his victims all were some fight art champions before,
then it was Kiki thanks to dreams and suddenly a kid out of nowhere.

Good day sir.

What happens if he dies in there?

Literally all she had to do was not kill best boy, and she still fucked it up.


>needed more EPIC TWISTS
Shit taste. I'm glad you're not writing anime.

This happened.

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I think it was in ep 1 too, no name yet

So she didn't wake up either? Not that I blame her really

I doubt it was the challenger. The challenger locked people up in his basement. It seems like a copycat killer or something.