What if Aqua is just using the good ‘ol Yas Forums technique of “pretending to be retarded”?

What if Aqua is just using the good ‘ol Yas Forums technique of “pretending to be retarded”?

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I know, right? Really makes you think, doesn't it.

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Sounds retarded.

That still makes her retarded.

Oh, yeah? Have you ever considered that Yas Forums stands for Yas Forumsqua? Did you? No, you did not. Maybe you should. I'll be nice and give you some time to ponder about this, okay?

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Don't care, just want her ass on my face.

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>Aqua has to pretend to be retarded to get Kazuma's attention
>meanwhile Megumin forges a genuine friendship and later romantic relationship with him just by being herself
Poor Aqua. She's so out of her depth that I even pity her sometimes!

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Juat three more days for BD release


>imagine being this insecure
midgets are literally the worst.

So when did you guys realize that Aqua was Best Girl all along?

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Episode 1.

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Episode 1

I know it wont happen because its too popular, but i would love some huge twist for the ending

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Just like you are?

I’ve always known, ever since I learned of airhead-ness, I’ve wanted to protect her

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Megumin has canonically slept with Kazuma. Meanwhile Aqua is still the one-dimensional smug retard who screams "KAZUMAAAAAAAA" whenever she steps on a tack that she was as soon as they arrived.

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Huh, that's a new way to spell Wiz, what language is this?

Nobody on Yas Forums has ever pretended to be retarded. At least, not without actually being retarded already.

>Megumin has canonically slept with Kazuma.
Who fucking cares? Aqua doesn't define herself in terms of Kazuma. Holy shit, fuck off already, dumb midget.

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Aqua belongs to Kazuma

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If anything at all, Konosuba belongs to Aqua. Yeah.

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Nobody on Yas Forums is pretending.

You retards do realize, that technically, boobs filled with slugs and frogs, are nothing but a padded chest, right?

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Wiz > darkness >aqua> shitgumin


But what about Yunyun?

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I forgot
Wiz > Darkness > Yunyun > Aqua > eris >∞ shitgumin

easily better than the midget in every single way, but still rather irrelevant in the big picture.

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What ABOUT YunYun

Yunyun's Yunyuns

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Iris will win the Kazumabowl and you are all in denial pretending otherwise.

He has already proven his "I'm not a lolicon" stance false with Megumin, the *ONLY* place left to go higher on that path is NBR incest

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Why again isn't this an olympic discipline already?

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The best what aqua has is her divine sole. So poste more aqua's divine soles.

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fucking season 3 when. they need to jump on an announcement now while its still fresh on peoples minds while the movie comes out in a few days

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no one in the history of Yas Forums has actually been pretending

They would have to be dumb not to. Iris is hella popular in Japan and there's A LOT of material left to adapt, Explosions can easily be shoved somewhere during volume 9, and it looks like the author is stalling the release of 17 with the Detour anthology.

>season 3 would be vol 6 (which is the worst) and 7 at best

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Of course she is why go back to work when she can drink and kazuma pays for it.

She may be a retard but i would still hatefuck her. When it comes to marriage her shortcomings become very obvious

Based. And her saggy titties in my mouth

>Iris is hella popular in Japan
I was trying to figure out what anyone would like about her, but it's becasue she's a little sister character isn't it? Fucking Japan.

does megumin live rent free in aquafags minds or what?

It's the only place she can afford.

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The only place Megumeme lives in is the worst girl house ™

Too much ass

Filthy Irishman

'pretending' still implies some kind of effort. more probably it's just her 'not giving a fuck' level being beyond mortal comprehension.

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>her 'not giving a fuck' level being beyond mortal comprehension.
absolutely based and badass

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Lalatinas Titanic tits
Aquas divine ass
Megumins magical pussy

With these I will be unstoppable!

>Megumins magical pussy
but she put all her points in explosion magic, you dumbfuck.

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I hope you are.

Shut up, walking ass. Magic is magic.

Her magical pussy is how she learned about explosion magic to begin with.

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Is that why she orgasms during explosion?

The explosion doesn't make her orgasm. Her orgasm makes the explosion.

>walking ass
Yes user, most asses are usually attached to legs, and are thus walking