How does she survive the environmental changes she causes? Is Mugino really the only level 5 that be harmed by their own power?
What was *it*?
By not being Rikka, the biggest slut of them all
I do love this scene from the last episode.
Accelerator will win the Toumabowl
More hamazura?
Mikoto gets harmed using Rampage dress, and her peak magnetism via which she can propel herself but can't control it as much(vs. Frenda fight had her use it iirc)
Manga spoilers when?
In a few days I guess.
did anyone catch the stream earlier? if so, what was the announcement?
Why didn't Accel throw things at Touma in Sisters arc? If he did, Touma couldn't avoid or negate it.
Guy was disoriented aftter getting punched for the first time in his life. So the retard decided it do a fist fight, and when he does grow a brain and try that plasma attack, Mikoto and the clones interfere.
to do a fist fight*
Who is this?
Because that would make sense. The author is kinda lazy in that he doesnt make touma smart, he just makes toumas enemies conveniently retarded.
accelerators modus operandi is to reflect attacks back at people.
90% of Touma fights are complete bullshit that requires the enemy to go full retard. Fight with slut sisters in Biohacker almost gave me a stroke.
Yeah, that fight was kinda wack really. I felt it could be better.
Pretty sure he spent the first half of the fight throwing shit at Touma until he got his nose crunched and started panicking.
>throw things
>Touma couldn't avoid it
Villains lose 80% of their intellectual capacity fighting Touma or Hamazura.
All his 1vs1 fights are crap. That one was especially crap since it was 1vs3 armed assassins and he still won through sheer plot armour.
Touma just make his enemies retarded by talk no jutsu plain and simple
Psychological warfare is OP.
Touma would've avoided getting hit due to his precognition anyway.
Maidono's raw frustration as he damn near danced through the city block she was throwing at him cracked me up.
His precognition is kinda too much for me to take seriously at times.
Because magically charging someone armed with a minigun and somehow making it to punching range has anything to do with that.
And even if Touma isn't aware of an incoming attack, Othinus can make Touma's body move to evade it.
He fought a god for a couple billion years and turned into a dragon and the precog is what's getting you?
to evade/block it*
How come Accelerator wasn’t instantly knocked the fuck out when he took a full haymaker completely unguarded to the face? I mean Touma knocked out Stiyl with one punch and he’s bigger and has atleast taken some knocks before
because plot
Fairy kicks are retarded.
To be fair, Touma was freshly electrocuted. Even so, Accelerator actually bothering to blast Touma instead of letting him break his arm when he charged him was raw luck on Accel's part.
he just been KO'd by misaka and running around before the fight
Well, most of his Othinus fight is offscreen, and he has only turned into a dragon once so far.
It's canon because Kamachi, god himself wrote it.
Mikoto should fondle them and leave her traumatised.
Why is she on her tip toes?
Based Smugsaki.
About to give the best footjob ever.
>looks at last thread
You guys get way too excited over decade old arguments.
Shes very small and she's insecure about it
Hey, I get excited over old arguments, you get excited over gargling semen. No judgement here
Gargling semen is a better experience than having bipolar disorder.
Repetitive behavior is a part of autism, after all. They can't help themselves.
There is not a single fun Touma fight besides Touma vs Thor. Literally every other fight is a sad excuse for strategy and MC intuition
The only '''fun''' Thor fight is the one that took place in the restaurant.
MC wins every fight with plot armor.
Nah that was a lot of fun and good.
If every single moment was on-screen it would be incredibly slow and drag. I don't know what issue some of you have with off-screen is but it's there for a reason otherwise it'd just fall into many JUMP series trappings. I'm glad he uses off-screen.
Dude's never been hit. He thought he was playing around with a shitty Level 0 who had nothing and wasn't able to do much in the first place. He's been reflecting since he was a kid and that's hsi main beef so getting punched for the first time ever fucked him up and scared him.
> call it psycho warfare to make it sound like something more than sheer bullshit
Nice try.
Incan understand your perspective but sometimes he offscreens crucial fights and developments.
BASED! These levels of smugness shouldn't be possible.
Yeah because precog has limits and toumas body isnt infinitely fast, so its BS that he lolnopes so much shit.
I agree that some things shouldn't and its a bit weird if he never plans to return to it. But something like a fight? it kinda makes sense.
Misaki a pile of shit
>Breaking your opponent "illusions" to make them lose confidence during battle.
TouMAN wins because his opponents dont have a trained mental state to let them deal with IB bullshittery.