Fate/Grand Order - Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia

Don't mind me, just the worst Fate anime coming through.

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The MC is a blank state self-insert, writing was trash, fights looked forced, animation looked cheap and character designs were some of the blandest in recent years. Can't believe there was so much hype surrounding this shitfest.

While being aware of its flaws, I kinda enjoyed it. There were moments that genuinely made me hype (like the Grand Assassin reveal), and that showed me I'm still a child at heart. Also, friend my ass, that convo between Gil and Clae was full of homolust. Happy for that fujo who made his/her dream come true. Keep working on your goals too, anons.

I really like watching shows alongside Yas Forums. T-that makes us friends, right? Til next time.

Animation looked good wym

Is this what critique amounts to now? Rattling off buzzwords like you're trying to meet a quota? Also can someone explain to me this new "forced animation" meme? I seem to have missed it

is this what a defense amounts to now dismissing everything you disagree with as buzzwords
>this new "forced animation" meme
that's not what he said he said fights looked forced don't know what he meant by that though but I didn't watch this trash

It's weird, I don't think I've ever before seen a show so steadily go from shit to absolute breath-holding levels of hype. Once Tiamat appeared I was on the edge of my seat at every episode.

I don't give a shit about MC or pink haired waifutrash though.

>watched up to like the part where they fought the furry
>Stopped because every so far were gil wanking or waifu pandering

Does it get any better?

>worst Fate anime
File Cases takes that spot.
FGO was mediocre but had its moments.

What the fuck were they thinking giving the Berserk 2016 guys work on this? Why the fuck is that studio still even up and running?

what about Last Encore

Not in a world where apocrypha exist.

Imagine being so dumb to follow the story you got brainlet filtered by Case Files. Well, that's gachaniggers for you.

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There was nothing wrong with it.
Sieg > Gudao, also a far better antagonist than MUH PRIMORDIAL MOMMY. How the hell is Apocrypha worse than the steaming pile of shit that was Babylonia?

Now animate London
I want Lalter

How do I rinse the shit aftertaste off after watching Babylonia?

Multi Billion dollar franchise

I love Fate but Babylon was just wtf Im not watching Solomon

apo and LE still exist. Also DEEN

Gudao > Sieg but almost everything is better than Sieg.
Sieg is a standalone MC of a novel and he failed utterly at being interesting, Gudao was made as a blank state and he fulfilled that purpose.
The difference between them is what does the audience expect from them. In Apocrypha Sieg is an attention sink and half of the interesting Servants gets shafted for him.
Grand Order lets many Servants have their spotlight and Gudao is but a cameraman.

>Sieg > Gudao
The worst joke I've read in the whole day. Gudao had history. Sieg has people sucking his dick the moment he was born. Literally every hero. Fuck that shit.

I'm not providing a defense. I'm criticizing OP's failure to bring up a proper point of contention. If you call the fights forced or the animation cheap looking, bring up an instance of it. If you mention character designs, at least point out one or two you disliked. Writing was trash? Tell me how. That's why I described what he wrote as aimlessly throwing around buzzwords. What on Earth do you expect me to rebut?

It felt like a bastard child between haremshit and capeshit with all the waifubait servants falling for Gudaos dick and the atmosphere of forced epicness when shit hit the fan and they had to figure out how to take down Tiamat.

A month of recaps, PSP Tiamat.

>Gudao had history
a history of doing nothing
>has people sucking his dick the moment he was born
the first like 5 seconds of fgo shit has Mash calling Gudao the most human like human she's ever met
>. Literally every hero
no that's Gudao's thing

I did not enjoy a second of this shit. I wonder how much more they can milk this franchise before people (consoomers) get burnt out. At this point it's just purely masturbation material with no coherent plot.

Play fgo.

Like I think its actively retroactively worse then the first Fate route, EVEN factoring in the passage of time, which is outstanding.

> Gudao was made as a blank state and he fulfilled that purpose
the its shit on purpose argument your opinion is clearly of no value
>Grand Order lets many Servants have their spotlight
yeah sucking Gudao's dick

I didn't remember the MC's name at all, but Gilgamesh sucking his cock like every episode was really out of character. Why did they ruin him too he's like one of the most popular fate characters?

I've watched off youtube already the only place you can find worse writing is actual fanfictions

Fucking Merlin sucks Gudao's dick in the last episode telling how he doesn't give a shit about humans but he is really special he made him understand humanity better.

>the its shit on purpose argument your opinion is clearly of no value
The narrative is different, you mongoloid.
One is a mobile game, second is a novel. MC of a mobile/video game has a different purpose to fill than MC of a novel.
Gudao has fulfilled his role while Sieg utterly failed at his and turned Apocrypha into shit which is a considerable achievement, after the very strong start with Mordred and Kairi.
Apocrypha is a trove of wasted potential and while Sieg is not the only thing bad about it, he is the biggest and most glaring problem of that instalment.

It's baffling how this faggot from Caldea barely did anything through 90% of the story other than being a camera on legs and CS buff machine, yet he gets so much praise for last hitting Tiamat with a dagger Gil gave him.

Attached: Guda in a nutshell.png (870x1236, 753.87K)

fuck nasu , fuck fgo, and fuck gachabrains who would defend this shit

>has a different purpose to fill than MC
yeah his purpose is to be a shitty self insert for retards like yourself you using the retarded it's bad on purpose argument you opinion is worthless

Did FGOfags really need an adaptation to realize they were reading trash?

Learn punctuation, Siegkek. Besides Sieg in a novel is a Gary Sue and in the anime, he is a self-insert. You can go fuck yourself, Apocrypha is bad and nothing ever will change that.

They were too busy burning through their check book to get rare JPEGs than pay attention to the "plot" in a gacha game.


had some of the best fights and animation are you blind ?

nothing you said was an actual argument retard I accept your concession

Siegkeks are the new zerofags.

I don't even like Sieg retard but he's still 100 times better than Gudao

>I-I don't even like Sieg.
>But I will seethe endlessly when you insult him!

Yeah, as I said, go fuck yourself. Every single of your posts was a low effort one, you can't type, never heard about punctuation and demand arguments when without providing any yourself. I prefer /tmg/fags raiding FGO threads, they are at least literate.

What went wrong?

>>But I will seethe endlessly when you insult him!
nice strawman you delusion retard honestly how is it possible to be this delusional
>never heard about punctuation
imagine whining about me not using punctuation for some short post on Yas Forums I am not writing a fucking essay you colossal retard

As an animeonly with a by-definition shit opinion, it was watchable but not really anything memorable.
Having background knowledge of the parade of characters introduced would have surely helped, but as it was, just ended up being character design show-and-sort-of-tell.
Apocrypha was, despite its many flaws, much more enjoyable.

is this the Olgafag that doesn't even understand how his favorite character's death works?

>seething: the post

It was still better than fucking Apocrypha
and I hate FGO



The plot and pacing were all over the place, and Guda was fucking unbearable, but it had Leonidas, Ishtar and Gil which saved it for me.

TomoSeki carried this show hard.

Meme Gudao>Ritsuka
Game Hakuno>Deadface Hakuno
VN Shirou>Anime Shirou for both Deen F/SN and both Ufotable routes
lol Sumanai Junior but I guess his FGO version is decent

I see /tmg/ is getting uppity again. Whens Tsukihime happening, again?

You can't just blame /tmg/ for everything, user. Beside /tmg/ shits on both Apoc/Sieg and FGO/Guda anyway so it's unlikely to be them.

>lol Sumanai Junior but I guess his FGO version is decent
It's kinda sad that Apoc messed up so hard that most of their FGO versions end up being better. Even evil cat manages to not be retarded in FGO.

>the /tmg/ boogeyman is behind my adaptation being shit
What is this coping mechanism called?
Why can't you just accept that FGO is at it's core: low quality garbage designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator?
Sieg is a far preferable MC to Gudao considering his merits aren't just "humaniest human who ever humaned. I just can't believe how average he is!"

What are his merits, then? Outside of stealing the power of half of the Servants and time from everyone.

Turas Realta/Agartha Gudao and Shimousa Gudako are pretty okay IMO

The various manga adaptations have been way better than the game itself that it isn't funny.